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Những cảm xúc

Emotions can be in two kinds:

1. Positive Tích cực

2. Negative Tiêu cực
Regret - verb

to feel sorry to something sad, wrong or mistake
that someone made

Ex: I hit my little brother, he started to cry. I regret hitting him.

Regret is “______________”.

a. I’m happy!
b. Wow!
c. I’m sorry.
Regret is “______________”.

a. I feel bad about it.

b. I go to school.
c. She happily eats the cake.
When do you regret something?

Joy - noun
Vui sướng - danh từ


to feel great happiness

Ex: I have a gift on my birthday, I feel the joy.
Joy - noun
Vui sướng - danh từ

Joy is “______________”.
a. Mom gave me a new toy!
b. I’m studying.
c. She’s not feeling well.
Joy - noun

Joy is “______________”.
a. Max is reading.
b. My grades are good!
c. We walk together.
Joyful - adjective

Who can make you feel joyful?

Sad - adjective

not happy
Sad - adjective

Sad is “______________”.
a. I have a toothache.
b. They are playing.
c. We are riding our bikes.
Do you feel sad when it rains? Why?

love - verb and noun

to like something very much
Love is “______________”.
a. My family takes care of me.
b. My grandparents loves to be with me.
c. I like my friends very much.
How do you show your love to your family?

Fear - noun
Sợ hãi - danh từ

Fear Nỗi sợ
to feel scared or afraid
Ex: I have a fear of big angry dog
Fear - noun

Fear is “______________”.
a. I apologize.
b. I don’t like the dark.
c. I am not okay.
Fear - noun

Fear is “______________”.
a. I’m alone.
b. Ice cream!
c. Ghosts are scary.
What are you afraid of?

Anger - noun and verb

to make someone angry
Anger - noun and verb

Anger is “______________”.
a. I’m great!
b. I’m scared.
c. I hate you!
Anger - noun and verb

Anger is “______________”.
a. She shouted at me!
b. I don’t like mosters.
c. Thanks for the new shoes!
Anger - noun and verb

What do you do that make mom angry?

Nervous Lo lắng
to feel worried and makes your heart beat faster
Nervous - adjective

Nervous is “______________”.
a. I don’t want to see you again!
b. The game is about to start.
c. My back hurts!
Nervous - adjective
Thần kinh - tính từ

Nervous is “______________”.
a. I don’t want to see you again!
b. The house is haunted.
c. Stop! It’s creepy.
Nervous - adjective
Thần kinh - tính từ

What can make you nervous?

Excited - Adjective
Kích thích - Tính từ

to make someone angryfeeling very happy and enthusiastic
Excitement - noun
Sự phấn khích - danh từ

Excitement is “______________”.
a. Today is a holiday!
b. My dog died.
c. I wish I have eaten lunch.
Excitement - noun
Sự phấn khích - danh từ

Excitement is “______________”.
a. Today is a holiday!
b. They are taking the test.
c. We are going to the zoo!
Excitement - noun
Sự phấn khích - danh từ

What place are you excited to visit?

Surprised - Adjective
Ngạc nhiên - Tính từ

Suprised Ngạc nhiên

feeling surprise because something has happened that
you did not expect
Surprised - Adjective
Ngạc nhiên - Tính từ

Surprised is “______________”.
a. I’m worried.
b. You startled me.
c. The game’s about to start. I’m nervous!
Surprised - Adjective
Ngạc nhiên - Tính từ

Surprised is “______________”.
a. Calm down.
b. Hooray!
c. No. It’s a horror movie.
When was the last time you were

Topic: Our Emotions

Vocabularies: Question Guide:

1. Regret 1. What is emotion?

2. Joy 2. What are the two types of emotion?
3. Love 3. Describe and explain the different emotions
4. Sad that people have.
5. Fear 4. How do you show your emotions?
6. Anger 5. What’s the best emotion for you? Why?
7. Nervous
8. Excited
9. Surprised

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