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RESEARCH Basic Principles

ETHICS of Ethical Practice

-the standards that govern the conduct of a person.
1. Obtained informed consent from
Informed consent must be given to the research
participants before they will be subjected for the
research. In the case of minors, parents or guardian
must be fully aware of the said activity. For native
speakers, informed consent may be translated in their
2. There should be no pressure on individuals to
Incentives to take part should generally not be
provided. If an incentive is used it needs to be
only a token, and not enough to encourage
someone to participate who would really prefer
not to take part
3 . Respect individual autonomy
Autonomy means the freedom to decide what to
do. Even when someone has signed a Consent
Form, they must be made aware that they are free
to withdraw from the study at any time, without
giving a reason. They must also be able to request
that the data they have given be removed from the
4. Avoid causing harm
The duty of the researcher is not to cause harm.
The researcher must make sure that the principle
of voluntary participation is observed in situations
where there is interaction with subjects.
5. Maintain anonymity and confidentiality
Making data ‘anonymous’ removing the
contributor’s name. However you will often need
to take more than this basic step to protect
participant’s identity. Other information can help
to identify people, for example: job title, age,
gender, length of service, membership in clubs
and strongly expressed opinions. The more
pieces of information that are presented together,
the easier it is to identify someone.
6.Take particular care in research with vulnerable
Think about vulnerability in its widest sense. Care
is clearly needed in research with young children,
and with people with disability, or minors.
However, others may be vulnerable in certain
contexts, for example: students, employees,
dependents, or people with particular traits that
could be subject to prejudice.
Plagiarism-is copying of another person’s ideas,
text or other creative work, and presenting it as one’s
own especially without permission (English Dictionary)
It is the most widely recognized and one of the most
serious violations of the contract between the reader and
the writer (Roig, 2002)
It can happen accidentally, for example, if you are
careless in your note – taking (University of Leicester

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