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(Bob Benson)
How did you enjoy your
illness/operation/lack of
Expected response: “Too bad.”
Questions behind it:
• Do you appreciate your family
wife/husband more?
• Do you love your children more?
• Do you cherish your friends more
than ever?
If your answers to those
hidden questions are “Yes,
more than ever in my life”,
Then, that’s how you enjoyed
your problems.
The Apostle Paul found joy in
adversity in today’s text:
Philippians 1:12-26. These
are how he “GLORIFIED IN
1. PROBLEMS (v. 12-14)
The Roman government
thought that they had clipped
Paul’s witnessing wings by
locking him up. Yet Paul gloried
in the situation.
***We must also deal mistreatment
into ministry. Let us make others
see how we deal with our problems.
2. PREACHING (v. 15-18)
Today’s Gospel preaching can be seen
on TV or in the internet, heard on
radio and coutless CDs 24 hours a day.
But not all preaching is sincere. Others
have hidden motives.
However, we must rejoice like Paul that
“Christ is being preached. “
Let us not compete on them, whether it
was a sincere or hidden intention as
long as what they preached is right
according to the scriptures, we must
3. POWER (v. 19)
Paul knew that there are two
tremendous forces were working
toward his freedom: the prayer of
the saints and the power of Christ’s
***These are also the ways
“prisoners” of today who are
locked up with attitudes, actions,
addictions or problems. Let us help
deliver others through prayer and
service through the Spirit’s power.
4. PERSPECTIVE (v 20-26)
From Paul’s vantage point, he saw
three freeing couplets of the Gospel:
Expectation and hope
Now and always
Life and death
That if put into practice, can
free anyone from bad situation.
V.21 “For to me to live is Christ
and to die is gain.”
Two words jump out at Paul in
v.22-26” BETTER and
NEEDFUL. Being in Heaven with
Christ would be far better Paul
says. But he knows that staying
on earth is more needful.
To be blessed in Heaven is a
glorious thought; but to be a
blessing on earth is glorious too.
Which ever will be, both must
be joyful for. Now, are you
ready to go or to stay?
God bless us all!

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