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 A business is successful to the extent that it provides a product or
service that contributes to happiness in all of its forms.
 There's no such thing as business ethics; there's just ethics. And ethics
makes no concessions for the real or imagined necessities of making a
 An ethical dilemma (ethical paradox or moral dilemma) is a problem in
the decision – making process between two possible options, neither of
which is absolutely acceptable from an ethical perspective. Although we
face many ethical and moral problems in our lives, most of them come
with relatively straightforward solution.On the other hand, ethical
dilemmas are extremely complicated challenges that cannot be easily
Young Entrepreneurs.
A young entrepreneur is a young adult who assumes risks to start and
operate a business or who finds new way to do business better.
The super competitive business world brings many challenges to entrepreneur.
Starting up a new business is always challenging no matter how old you are. But
being a young businessman face a unique set of challenges in the business world
just like lack of confidence, dealing with self doubt, one of the hardest and most
stressful problems faced by entrepreneurs is decision making and etc.
A Young entrepreneur wants to start a business carefully. An Entrepreneur needs
to know the delivering situation while business decision making. An employee has
been lack of knowledge about his business. But, the entrepreneur wants to give
proper training to them. So, an entrepreneur's are activities not an easy task.

The Right Time to Invest in a Start-Up

Some people start thinking about starting a business when
they are in college but don’t make up their minds. They
ultimately find themselves being recruited by big companies .
There’s one thing to remember: There will never be a time
when everything—money, time, investment—lines up
perfectly for you to start a business, but you can still make it
happen. If you do go to work for somebody else, start
planning your business without quitting your day job.
Acquire the best skills, save money and learn from other
professionals. Make connections. Float your business idea
when appropriate and gauge interest.
Choosing the Right Business Partners
 In business, you will need to make tough decisions, and your partners must
understand and value those decisions. At the same time, business tensions must
not cause rifts in relationships.
Learning from Others
 People who start businesses are often inspired by other successful business owners.
The dilemma? Whether to trace their footsteps or walk your own untrodden way.
What if their methods do not work for you? What if your customers do not respond
the way theirs did? Well, here’s a solution.
 Set your own short-term goals.
 While working toward them, list the problems that your role model might have
faced and determine whether you can handle those problems in the same way your
business hero did.
 Do not follow everyone’s advice blindly. Listening or learning too much from
others will harm you since your uniqueness approach be lost. Moreover, you might
lose the ability to make quick and sound decisions.

When you’re considering job candidates, it’s
important that nepotism doesn’t drive hiring
practices. Not only is it unethical to hire a less
qualified candidate purely because of their
relationship to you, you also do your company a
disservice by not hiring the best person for the job.
Make the success of your company your primary goal
and nepotism will never be able to get a foothold.
 Issue in Funding
When a enterpreneur starts a business he/she must be having enormous
creative ideas due to lack of sufficient fund,they are not able to make you’re
their more successful.
 Competition
It seems logical that performance is maximized when a business produces a
creative marketing strategy and achieves marketing strategy implementation
effectiveness. However, cultural tensions and resource competition may make it
difficult, or impossible, to achieve both.
“Accidental” Copyright Infringement
Many new business owners are consciously unaware
when they’re infringing on the copyrights of other
creatives, especially when it comes to using images and
“everyone knows it” content. Unfortunately, ignorance
of the law here can be a costly mistake. If you find
yourself wanting to use something that you didn’t
create yourself, it’s important to get permission from
the right owner.
Overworking Your Staff
Small businesses sometimes ask too much of their
employees without noticing. For example, if you hire
someone for marketing, don’t just push them into a
different department because you need support there; it’s
not what they signed up for.

Maintaining Control Over Employee Behavior

In today’s environment, it’s a must that you have
guidelines in place as to what constitutes workplace
harassment, discrimination, and bullying.
Social rejection
Starting your own business makes it hard to maintain social
 You don't have co-workers to chat with, and your friends and family
may not understand the unconventional route you've taken. Plus, with
how busy you'll be working, it may be hard to get out and meet new
people or maintain relationships Co-working spaces are a great place to
network and keep up with your work at the same time.
Hiring Employees for the first Time
 So your business has grown and it is time to delegate tasks. But finding
employees can be a difficult task for a young first-time entrepreneur.
 You're looking for someone with a good attitude and skills and abilities
that match the tasks at hand.

1. Brainstorm Problems
As with any challenge, the first step is to realise there is a problem, that
something then wrong, and then figure out why. Brainstorm what might
have happened to cause your problem and develop answers to solve the
2.  Critique
As uncomfortable as it might sound, a good step for dealing with problems
is to critique both yourself and your team/employees. This will help to
prevent repeated mistakes, provide insight on how to improve problem
areas, and help you be better equipped in the future if similar things
3. Experience
Learn from past mistakes and failures. Take those stories and experiences
and use them to improve yourself and prepare yourself for future problems.
4.New Strtegies
 You need to be able to replace old strategies with
new ones. You probably know to get rid of a strategy
that has pretty much failed from the start.
5.Stay Competitive
 You need to stay competitive to keep customers

 In a business setting mangers are put to test when they face the challenge of resolving an ethical dilemma.
Often certain situations do not fall in the ambit of procedures or the official code of conduct and this is when
the managers feel the heat.
 The problem with ethical decision making is that a decision in itself cannot be taken in a vacuum; one single
decision affects lots of other decisions and the key is to strike a balance to ensure a win-win situation is
arrived upon.
 Though there are no golden rules to resolve ethical issues but managers can take a number of initiatives to
resolve ethical issues. A brief description is given below.
Know the Principles
 In ethical decision making there are three basic principles that can be used for resolution of problem. These
three principles are that of intuitionism, moral idealism and utilitarianism.
 The principle of intuition works on the assumption that the HR person or the manager is competent enough
to understand the seriousness of the situation and act accordingly, such that the final decision does not bring
any harm to any person involved directly or indirectly.
 The principle of moral idealism on the other hand states that there is a clear distinction between good and
bad, between what is acceptable and what is not and that the same is true for all situations. It therefore asks
to abide by the rule of law without any exception.
 Utilitarianism concerns itself with the results or the implications. There is no clear distinction between what
is good and what is bad; the focus is on the situation and the outcome. What may be acceptable in a certain
situation can be unacceptable at some other place. It underlines that if the net result of the decision is an
increase in the happiness of the organization, the decision is the right one
Debate Moral Choices
Before taking a decision, moral decisions need to be thought upon and not just accepted
blindly. It is a good idea to make hypothetical situations, develop case studies and then engage
others in brainstorming upon the same. This throws some light into the unknown aspects and
widens the horizon of understanding and rational decision making.
Balance Sheet Approach
In balance sheet approach, the manager writes down the pros and cons of the decision. This
helps arrive at a clear picture of things and by organizing things in a better way.
Engage People Up and Down the Hierarchy
One good practice is to announce ones stand on various ethical issues loudly such that a clear
message to every member of the organization and to those who are at the greater risk of falling
prey to unethical practices. This will prevent the employees from resorting to unethical means.
Integrating Ethical Decision Making into Strategic Management
Morality and ethical make up for a perennial debate and ethical perfection is almost
impossible. A better way to deal with this is to integrate ethical decision making into 
strategic management of the organization. The way the HR manager gains an alternate
perspective rather than the traditional employee oriented or stakeholder oriented view.

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