National Leprosy Control Program

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Hansen's disease
Mycobacterium leprae
to provide quality leprosy services free of cost to all sections of the

to interrupt transmission of the infection.

to treat all new patients to achieve their cure.

What are the symptoms of leprosy?
main symptoms:

• Muscle weakness
• Numbness in the hands, arms, feet, and legs
• Skin lesions
How does leprosy spread?

• spreads through contact with the mucosal secretions of a person

with the infection
• Usually occurs when a person with leprosy sneezes or coughs
National Leprosy Control Program
Leprosy-free Philippines by the year 2022

To ensure the provision of comprehensive, integrated quality leprosy services at all levels of

• To further reduce the disease burden and sustain provision of high-quality leprosy services
for all affected communities ensuring that the principle of equity and social justice are followed
To decrease by 50% the identified hyper endemic cities and municipalities
• Earl diagnoses and treatment
• Integration of leprosy services
• Referral system
• Case detection and diagnosis
• Advocate and IEC focusing on stigm
discrimination and reduction
• Prevention of Deformity, self-care,
• Recording and reporting
• Monitoring, supervision and evaluati
 Strengthen local government ownership, coordination and partnership

• Ensuring political commitment and adequate resources for leprosy programs at all
• Contributing to UHC with a special focus on children, women and underserved
populations including migrants and displaced people.
• Promoting partnerships with state and non-state actors and promote inter-sectoral
collaboration and partnerships at the international, national and sub-national level  
• Facilitating and conducting basic and operational research in all aspects of leprosy
and maximize the evidence base to inform policies, strategies and activities.
• Strengthening surveillance and health information systems for program monitoring
and evaluation (including geographical information systems)
 Stop leprosy and its complications

 Strengthening patient education and community awareness on leprosy.

 Promoting early case detection through active case-finding (e.g. campaigns) in areas
of higher endemicity and contact management.
 Ensuring prompt start and adherence to treatment, including working towards
improved treatment regimens
 Improving and management of disabilities.
  Strengthening surveillance for antimicrobial resistance including laboratory network.
 Promoting innovative approaches for training, referrals and sustaining expertise in
leprosy such e-Health (LEARNS)
 Promoting interventions for the prevention of infection and disease.
Stop discrimination and promote inclusion

Promoting societal inclusion through addressing all forms of discrimination and stigma
Empowering persons affected by leprosy and strengthen their capacity to participate actively
in leprosy services. -CLAP
Involving communities in actions for improvement of leprosy services.
Promoting coalition-building among persons affected by leprosy and encourage the
integration of these coalitions and or their members with other CBOs.
 Promoting access to social and financial support services, e.g. to facilitate income
generation, for persons affected by leprosy and their families.
Supporting community-based rehabilitation for people with leprosy related disabilities

World Leprosy Day (Every last Sunday of January)

Leprosy Control Week (Every 4th week of February)
National Skin Disease Detection and Prevention
Week (Every 2nd week  of November)
is a bacterial infection spread through
inhaling tiny droplets from the coughs or sneezes
of an infected person. It mainly affects the lungs,
but it can affect any part of the body, including the
tummy (abdomen), glands, bones and nervous
Symptoms of TB

Typical symptoms of TB include:

a persistent cough that lasts more than 3 weeks and usually brings up phlegm,

which may be bloody
weight loss
night sweats
high temperature
tiredness and fatigue
loss of appetite
swellings in the neck
I. Vision
TB -free Philippines
II. Mission
To reduce TB burden (TB incidence and TB mortality)
To achieve catastrophic cost of TB-affected households
To responsively deliver TB service
III. Program Components

Health Promotion
Financing and Policy
Human Resource
Information System
Service Delivery
IV. Target Population / Client
Presumptive TB and TB affected households

V. Area of Coverage

VI. Partner Institutions

Department of Health: Food and Drug Administration, Bureau of Quarantine
Other Government: DepEd, DSWD, DILG (BJMP), DOJ (BuCor), PIA, DOLE
Non Government Organizations: PhilCAT, PBSP
International Organizations: WHO, USAID, GFATM, ICRC, HIVOS-KNCV
VII. Strategies, Action Points and Timeline
2017-2022 Philippine Strategic TB Elimination Plan
Activate communities and patient groups to promptly access quality TB services
Collaborate with other government agencies to reduce out-of-pocket expenses and expand
social protection programs
Harmonize local and national efforts mobilize adequate and competent human resources
Innovate TB information generation and utilization for decision making
Enforce standards on TB care and prevention and use of quality products
Value clients and patients through integrated patient-centered TB services
Engage national, regional and local government units/ agencies on multi-sectoral
implementation of TB elimination plan
X. Calendar of Activities
March 24 - World TB Day Commemoration
August - Lung Month Celebration
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