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• Filinnials is a term used to denote the Filipino millennial.

• Also known as generation Y or gen Y (are the
• Filinnials’ generation is commonly characterized by an demographic cohort following generation X
increased use and familiarity with communications, media, and
and preceding generation Z.)
digital technologies.
• There are no exact dates for when this cohort starts and
end , although demographers and researchers normally
use the late 1970s to early 1980s as birth years and the
mid- 1990s to early 2000s as ending birth years.

• Millennial are generally the children of baby boomers and

older Gen Xers .
1. MILLENNIALS and FILINNIALS - the center for generational kinetics mention five generation
that presently make up our society and specifies birth years for each generation as follow (‘an intro
to generations ,”p ).



• BABY BOOMERS 1946 – 1964

• GENERATION X 1965 – 1976




1. Traditionalist or Silent generation - Traditionalists are known as the "silent generation" because children of this era were expected to
be seen and not heard. They're those who were born between 1927 and 1946, and they average in age from 75 to 80 years old in 2018.

2. Baby Boomers - are groups of people who were born between 1946 and 1966 and are now currently aged between 41 and 60.
3. Generation X - The generation born after that of the baby boomers (roughly from the early 1960s to late 1970s), typically perceived to be
disaffected and directionless , and is currently between 41-56 years old.

4. Generation Y (millennial) - Millennial, also known as generation Y or gen Y, are the demographic cohort
following generation X and preceding generation Z. Researchers and popular media use the early 1980s as starting birth years and
the mid-1990s to early 2000s as ending birth years, with the generation typically being defined as people born from 1981 to 1996.

5. Gen z, igen, or Centennials; Born 1996 and later - Generation Z (aka gen Z, igen, or centennials), refers to the generation that
was born between 1997-2012, following millennial . This generation has been raised on the internet and social media, with some of the oldest
finishing college by 2020 and entering the workforce.

1. SPECIAL - Have always been treated as special and important. This generation of children has been the most wanted. Every milestone was marked with
celebrations and praise. They may carry a sense of entitlement about them and have an expectation of frequent positive feedback. Ifs been instilled in them that they
are vital to the nation and to their parents' sense of purpose. They feel they are here to solve world problems that older generations have failed to solve. They may
claim they want privacy, but they crave attention.

2. SHELTERED - Highly protected as children. Grew up in a time of increasing safety measures (car seats, baby on board signs. School lockdowns). They were
rarely left unsupervised. They were sheltered from having to take care of their own conflicts as parents advocated on their behalf, and "spared" them from unpleasant

3. CONFIDENT - They are motivated, goal-oriented, and confident in themselves and the future. They expect college to help launch them to greatness. They may
brag about their generation's power and potential. They have high levels of optimism and they feel connected to their parents.

4. TEAM-ORIENTED - They are group oriented rather than being individualists. They may sacrifice their own identity to be part of the team. They prefer egalitarian
leadership, not hierarchies. They are forming a tight-knit generation. While they are group-oriented within their own cohort, they may "politely" exclude other
generations. They do not want to stand out among their peers, they want to be seen as part of the group.

5.ACHIEVING- Grade points are rising with this generation and crime is railing. The focus on getting good grades, hard work, involvement in extracurricular
activities, etc. Is resulting in higher achievement levels.
6. PRESSURED - Tightly scheduled as children and used to having every hour of their day filled with structured activity. This generation may have lost a sense of pure
spontaneous play. They may struggle with handling free time and time management in general..

7. CONVENTIONAL - Respectful to the point of not questioning authority. They are civic-minded and believe the government knows what's best and will take care of them.
They fear being considered non-conformist.


• In 2013, a pew research poll found that 84% of generation Y favored legalizing the use of marijuana.

• In 2014, the same research center issued a report revealing that millennial in adulthood are detached from institutions and networked with friends .

• Some authors describe millennial approach to social change “as pragmatic idealism” with a deep desire to make the world a better place, combined with an understanding that doing so
requires building new institutions while working inside and outside existing institutions.

• Millennials are also labeled as the “boomerang generation’ or ‘peter pan generation,’ because of their perceived tendency for delaying some rites of passage into adulthood for longer
periods than most generations before them and for living with their parents for longer periods than previous generations.

• Gen Y members are very upbeat and more open to change than older generations .

• It is said that whereas Boomers are hardworking , idealistic , and committed to harmony Gen Xers are entrepreneurial ,flexible, and self-reliant , and comfortable with technology , on the
other hand Millennials are tech-savvy , appreciative of diversity , and skilled in multitasking ( Vershoor , n .d) .

• Concerning negative traits and workplace attributes , Boomers are hard working attributes , Boomers are said are to be self-centered with sense of entitlement, workaholics, self-motivated,
don’t appreciate feedback while Millennial lack basic literacy fundamentals ,very short attention spans not loyal to organization ,demand immediate feedback and recognition , integrate
technology into the workplace , except to have many employers and multiple careers and work dress is what ever feels comfortable (Verschoor, n. d.)
One study concerning generational analysis reveals relatively high The widespread use of social networking to pose challenges
percentages of Millennials who consider some behaviors in workplace to a. Feeling about their jobs - 40 percent
be ethical ,including ( Vershoor,n . d.)
b. Bad joke told by the boss -26 percent
a. Using networking to find out about the company’s competitors – 37
c. Work on a project – 26 percent
d. Picture of coworkers drinking -20 percent
b. “ Friending” a client or customers on a social network - 36 percent
e. Annoying habit of a coworkers -20 percent
c. Uploading personal photos on a company network -26 percent
f. Information about the company’s competitors-19 percent
d. Keeping copies of confidential documents – 22 percent
g. Opinion about a coworker’s politics -16 percent
e. Working less to compensate for cuts in benefits or pay -18 percent

f. Buying personal items using a company credit card -15 percent

g. Blogging or tweeting negatively in company -14 percent

h. Taking a copy of a software home for personal use – 13 percent

• Interestingly though, the same study shows that millennial workers were more likely to report unethical behavior in work place.

• Types of misconduct observed include personal business on company time, lying to employees ,abusive behavior , company recourse abuse, discrimination, stealing or theft, falsifying
expense reports, goods/services fail to meet specifications, falsifying time sheets or hours worked , and offering improper payments/ bribes to public officials .Millennial are the groups
most likely to report by using the hotline option ( Vershoor, n. d. )

• Millennial expect close relationships and frequent feedback from supervisors .

• Generation Y members can also be characterized by an inclination to a flat corporate culture , an emphasis on work-life balance and social consciousness .


• Millennial are habitually painted as the entitled , selfie - snapping generations . They said to be a class of self- centered and self- absorbed 20-somethings .Some however, defend them
by explaining that millennial just have more time to be themselves.

• Millennials ‘individualism is qualified as the self-focused time in life. It does not necessarily mean that they are selfish ; it rather means that they have fewer social rules and obligations ,
and more freedom to be self - directed .They have typically have highly individualistic traits , such as being independent and relying on oneself.

• Millennials individualism nonetheless also reflects in their moral outlook . One study reveals that their generation views morality as personal and subjective , based on feeling and non
transferable to others ( Fitzgerald,n .d )

• Overall, millennial are said to be more individualistic and materialistically motivated. Compared to their other generations there seems a “decline in (Millennials)” moral values that is
based on their culture of rampant narcissism. Other point veritable epidemic of misplaced overconfidence that has turned millennial into the ;self-esteem generation (“Millennials, n.d “) .

• In describing Millennial ethics ,it is however essentials to note that new technologies generate new moral problems, and the Millennial are to a greater degree than and prior generation n
defined by the technology in which they are embedded. The ethical question that face them may be qualitatively different than those encountered by earlier generations.

• Millennial are generally the children of Baby Boomers (and older Gen Xers ). There is now a common observation that Millennials are often in conflict with Baby Boomers.
For one thing , Millennials are seen by Baby Boomers as somewhere greedy, self- absorbed, and wasteful.

• One of the supposed causes of the alleged conflict is the difference in mentality. The Boomer life principle goes like this: attain a goo education , get a well-paying full time job ,
find a stable partner , purchase house and a car , and preferably have a child or children . To Baby Boomers as somewhat shows a lack of moral fiber.

• As previously explained, Millennial are perceived to have tendency for delaying some rites of passage into adulthood and for living up to Baby Boomers (especially their
respective parents ) ideals . Millennials are seen as denying the lifestyle of their parents .

There are some generalizations about Baby Boomers and the Millennials that are more grounded in fact. The following are some of the major differences between Baby Boomers and
Millennials (“Difference Between Baby Boomers and Millennials ,n. d”)

1. Millennials are more progressive on social media issues – according to Pew Research, Baby Boomers oppose gay marriage by a thin margin, where as solid majority (68
percent ) of millennials support this form of marriage . An equal number support the legalization of marijuana .

2. Millennials are hesitant to identify themselves with a political party – in the U.S , half of millennials say they are independents compared to 27 percent confessed to be
Democrats and 17 percent as Republicans. Some 70 percent approved of the President Obama when he was weakened to about so percent.

c. Millennials are less wealthy – millennials generation is the first in U.S history to come into adulthood in worse economic shape than their parents.

d. Millennials are reluctant to get married- more interestingly , when millennials get married, they are more likely to marry someone of a different race . Back in the 1960s, “less
than 3 percent of marriages were between people of different races ethnicities. So half of millennials say intermarriage is a good thing for society , compared with a third of
boomers”(Differences Between Boomers and Millennials ,” n. d).

e. More millennials live at home than their parents (Baby Boomers) did at the same age – in the U.S , more that a fifth (22percent) of households presently have two or more
adult generations living under the same roof , a level not seen since the end of World War II.
6. SECULARISM AND HUMANISM – is basically a non-theistic belie system or a worldview which does not acknowledge supernatural or divine views of reality. As
such, it includes atheism , agnosticism, naturalism, materialism, scientism .Darwinism , and other ideologies that reject all spiritual explanations of the world.

• Millennials are less openly religious than the older generation . About one in four Millennials are unaffiliated with any religion, which is much more than the older
generations when they were the ages of Millennials ( Millennials, n . d ). Especially in dealing with morality ,Millennials are more likely to advocate secularism
and humanism.

• Humanism - is a system of though which gives emphasis to the value of human beings and favors man’s though over faith or religious doctrine. Originally ,the term refers
to Renaissance cultural and intellectual and movement featuring the rediscovery of the arts and philosophies of ancient Greeks and Romans. The word ”humanist” is derived
from the olden Italian term umanista which pertains to a teacher or scholar of classical Greek and Latin Literature.

• Though humanism does not necessarily imply non- theism ,before 1800, it began to refer to beliefs centered on humanity without attention to any concepts of the supernatural.
Especially nowadays , humanism has become essentially synonymous with secularism. It proposes , among others, that the universe is a natural phenomenon without
supernatural aspects , that this earthly life is the only life we have , and in the absence of an afterlife and any pre-determined purpose to the universe , we can act to give
meaning to our respective lives by seeking happiness in this life and helping others to do the same.

• As an ethical perspective , humanism refers to a belief in human – based morality . Rejecting and supernatural authority, it submits that we can liv ethical and fulfilling lives by
placing human well-being interest, and happiness at the center of our moral decision making.
Denying supernatural and religious views as a basis of morality and decision –making , secular humanism affirms some notes of a human nature- human
experience ,human needs , and human reason –as ethical foundations.

6.1 HUMAN EXPERIENCE AS MORAL BASIS- Secular humanism explains that morals, rules are derived from human experience .For instance ,it claims that we do
not have to be religious to realize that to live in peace and happiness , we must not assault each other. Through experience , its adherents explain , we understand that through we
may want to be assaulted.
• From experiential knowledge , a rule like allegedly emerged : “Let no one do these things that we can live in peace and realize the human good we need.” Secular humanists
ever that there is very reason people have come up with these rules without having to be told by GOD that these are legitimate moral laws.

6.2 HUMAN NEED AND REASON- Secular humanism admit that Ethics is conventional ,but it has a natural basis . For them, its natural basis its not the so- called natural
law, nor some law written in man’s heart or in Scriptures. The natural basis of ethics, they assert , is none less than human need and human reason.
• To prove this view, they point to things which we hate: we hate to bleed, to be wounded , to be killed, and to be stolen from . It is claimed that we make our laws, using our
reason, by considering these things.
• Thus, it is submitted that natural basis of morality are the universal human needs to source our families and teach our children to fulfill their potentials.
• Allegedly, the reason we have reasonable moral rules is that we have these needs. Hence , it is claimed that we do not need rules from God- all we need is to be human , to
have the needs we have , and to have some human intelligence or reason.

6.3 AN ANALYSIS OF SUCULARISM AND HUMANISM - By removing God in the picture secularism and humanism , in effect , affirm that the rules of morality were just
fabricated by human beings using human nature as the basis of this fabrication . As their proponents inevitably admit , morality is conventional having human need, experience ,
and reason as natural foundations.
• However , advocating this view amounts to proposing that objective right and wrong does not exist at all. Subscribing to secularism and humanism , it is impossible to really
condemn maltreatment ,cruelty , or corruption as morally wrong.
• Some courses of actions, say rape, may not be practically beneficial , an so in the course of human history it has been prohibited. But notice that on secular humanism
perspective, there is nothing really wrong about it.





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