Security or Privacy: What Is More Important To A Consumer??

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What is more important to a consumer??

Gourav Banerjee
Is there a difference?
Security Privacy
• An average consumer is not clear on the difference between
security and privacy
• Let’s say Joe has an antivirus in his laptop. The antivirus ensures
Joe’s security but it has access to all his data thus violating his

• Now Joe decides to use private browsing this will ensure his
privacy but sadly not his security on the web

• To counter this Joe starts using VPN while browsing the internet.
This provides him both privacy and security to some extent

Customers who understand the difference tend to choose security

over privacy. The simple thought process being ‘Security’ will
save them from criminals. ‘Privacy’ is less important to them.
They CLAIM privacy is wanted by those who have something to
Can we trade ‘Security’ for ‘Privacy’?
• The idea that security can be ensured without the Right to Privacy is flawed. This
idea has taken root because of the news of cyber attacks we hear every day.
Customers are trying to overcome this FEAR by trading privacy for security.

• But history has taught us that certain states made security so important that
privacy didn’t exist at all. We should not repeat history.

Solution Fragmentation
A possible strategy to ensure data security and privacy:
Instead of servers, data is fragmented and stored in
various devices like PCs, mobiles. Using the unused
space in our devices. [Must have a great
compression algorithm]
As data is stored in fragments,
The fragmented data is no one can know the owner
encrypted using details of the data until they
blockchain technology. possess the key pair. Ensuring
Ensuring the security of the privacy of the owner.
data Finally, the user can use the Decryption
public, private key to get his
data back

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