Human Acts

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EDU 108


Let’s talk about…

1. Classification of Human Acts

2. Determination of Morality
3. Norms of Morality
Let's observe the difference
between the two:
Human Acts Acts of Man
1. The act is deliberate. 1. The act is indeliberate.

2. The act is free. 2. The act is not done freely.

3. The act is voluntary. 3. The act is involuntary.

Human Acts or Acts of Human? 1. Looking
2. Seeing
3. Dreaming
4. Daydreaming
5. Hearing
6. Listening
7. Walking
8. Sleepwalking
human acts /ˈhjuː.mən ækts /
are actions that proceed from insight into the
nature and purpose of one’s doing and from
consent of free will.
Internal Acts

Performed mentally i.e. reasoning

and reflecting

What are the

External Acts
classification of Performed Bodily i.e.
talking and writing
human acts?
They are also considered as Mixed Acts
commanded acts Simultaneous act of will &
All external acts are coming
from internal acts
Elicited Acts
Internal Acts External Acts Mixed Acts

Wish Consent Use

Think of the impossible Enumerate actions Actualize chosen action

Ex. I long to be a cum laude. Ex. I will take a scholarship exam. Ex. I will maintain my high rating.
I will be a working student.

Intention Election Fruition

Put purpose and will towards the Choose among enumerated Enjoy the thing willed or done.
possible. actions. Ex. I am a cum laude.
Ex. I am going to be a cum laude Ex. I will take a scholarship exam.
morality /məˈræl.ə.t̬ i/
refers to the sense of rightness or wrongness of an act.
Human Acts
are neutral in themselves but they acquire morality when we speak
of: object of the act, circumstance, intention..
Determinants of
Object of the Act

- Good which the will deliberately directs itself

- “An object of the act is good when it is in
conformity with reason or when it fulfills or
fits the demand of reason. Otherwise, the
object of the act is evil.
Determinants of
Intention/End in View

- Motive of the agent - factor which the agent

acts; either be morally good or evil.
- Purposive for which a human agent performs the
- “Good intention doesn’t make an intrinsically
disordered act right
- The end does not justify the means.
Determinants of

- Refers to the events, occasions or conditions

make the act concrete
- Modify acts either by increasing or
diminishing of the moral goodness or evilness
of an act/responsibility of the agent
- Lighten or aggravate the weight of moral
accountability of the performer
- “The circumstance do not change the specific
nature of the human act.”
Conscience Law
Norms of Morality
The subjective/proximate norm
of morality.
It is an ordinance of reason
directed towards the common
It is proximate because it is good and promulgated by the
what directly confronts an one who has the care of the
action as good or bad. community or in authority.
It is the “inner or little voice of God in man” crying out man’s moral obligations
and telling him what to do and what to avoid in the moral order.

It proceeds from a properly constituted authority either of man or nature.
The human being who acts is the
human being who lives.

Lee Strasberg

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