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Alternatives For Pain

Kimberlee Gann
Tai Chi

Ancient form of meditation but it can also be used as pain relief.

Used for pain, mental health and arthritis

Created in China to promote health and prevent disease

Beneficial neuromuscular effects (Urits, Schwartz, Orhurhu, Maganty,

Reilly, Patel, Wie, Kaye, Mancuso, Kaye, & Viswanath).
 Goal is increase Qi (pronounced Chi), the
essence of life
 Mostly used for chronic pain management
 Study of 130 participants with low back
pain (Urits, Schwartz, Orhurhu, Maganty,
Reilly, Patel, Wie, Kaye, Mancuso, Kaye,
& Viswanath).

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Injury and illness stem from structural
Osteopaths manipulate muscle and joints

Increases blood flow, relieve muscle tension,

Osteopathic & improve range of motion
Doctor may send patient home with self
massage or stretches to do at home
May suggest prescription pain medicine or
surgery as needed(Fowler, 2020).
• Daniel Palmer adjusted spine of his friend
the janitor
• Next, his friend claimed that he could hear
• Palmer opened the Palmer School of
Chiropractic (UNM, 2016).
• Aims to bring body back to homeostasis This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC
Benefits of Chiropractor Care

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