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Comprehensive Project Report

A Study on Effect of Occupational Stress on Employee Motivation towards Working Pattern at

Submitted to
Institute Code: 766

Institute Name

Under the Guidance of

Prof. Jalpa Zalavadia

In partial Fulfillment of the Requirement of the award of the degree of

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Offered By
Gujarat Technological University

Prepared by:
Pathak Shruti - 187660592054
Surani Purvi – 187660592072

MBA (Semester-IV)
Month & Year
April 2020


CH-1 Bank Overview

CH-2 Diagnosis Phase, Objective of Study

CH-3 Review Of Literature

CH-4 Research Methodology

CH-5 Hypothesis

CH-6 Findings

CH-7 Design and Analysis Phase

Bank Overview

• The bank was founded in December 1993

• UTI Bank began its operations in 1993, after the Government
of India allowed new private banks to be established.
•The first branch was inaugurated on 2 April 1994
in Ahmedabad by Dr. Manmohan Singh, the then finance
minister of India.
Name of the Bank AXIS BANK
Traded as BSE: 532215
Founded 1993; 27 Years ago
Industry Banking, Financial Services
Headquarters Mumbai, Maharashtra , India
No. of locations 4800+ Branches (December 2019)
Area Covered Worldwide
Total Number of employees 1,30,000(2020)
Capital Ratio 9.35% (December 2019)
Departmental Overview

• Human Resource Department

• Marketing Department
• Service Department
• Finance Department
SWOT Analysis

 Strength :-
1. Axis Bank has a good image among urban population
2. A huge portfolio of product and services offered by the Bank
3. Excellent online services offered by Axis Bank like net banking, mobile apps etc
4. Good advertising and brand exercise has helped the brand grow
 Weakness:-
1.  Lesser no. of branches compared to its competitors
2.  Axis Bank has limited market share owing to immense competition in the banking Segment.
1.  Expansion in rural areas can help Axis Bank grow
2.  Going to foreign markets and exploring the new economies
3.  Axis Bank can tap the online growth in the Indian banking sector by promoting their apps
1. New banking licenses issued by the Reserve Bank Of India
2. Foreign banks entering in India can reduce presence of Axis Bank
3. Competitor banks increasing their activities in India.

3.1 Meaning of stress management

3.2 Characteristics of stress management

3.3 Objectives of stress management

3.4 Advantages of stress management

3.5 Disadvantages of stress management

3.5 Ways of managing organizational stress



Problem Statement
Problem Statement is the first and foremost step
for the any research project. “A clearly defined
problem itself solves the half problem”

Here the Problem statement is

Objective of Study

• To analyze the organizational and work related factors (Crucial HRD elements)
leading to stress among the Executives in the bank sectors.
• To study the causes of stress among employees.
•  To know the level of stress on employees.
•  To study the effect of stress on the health of employees.
• To study effectiveness of stress management programs organized by the bank
• To assess the impact of stress on executives’ efficiency and productivity in
AXIS bank and to suggest successful implementation of coping mechanism
among the bank’s executives.
Review Of Literature
Mrs. Caral lopes, ms. Dhara kachalia, (2016) they have conducted a study in private and public banks.
They have shown that the technological growth has revolutionized the way banking sector works and the
competition is globalised now way days because of the economic condition. The level of stress faced by the
employees in banking sector is also growing rapidly. The study found that there is a significant relationship
between type of the banks, age, gender and education, job, role, interpersonal relationship and impact of
occupational stress. So the banking sector employee should adopt new coping strategies for maintaining good
physical and mental condition to improve productivity.

Finding: the main objective of this study is to identify the stress inducer (SI). So the researcher can study stress
management and employee performance. Caral lopes et al. (2016)

Priyanka das1, alok kumar srivastav (2015) they have identified that banks must manage people at work to
improve physical work environment, if the organizations enhance the psychological well-being and health of the
employees, the organizational revenue will increase and there will be employee retention as well. Because of “A
healthy employee is a productive employee”. They concluded that the level of stress among the select public sector
banks are found to be limited and if the necessary action taken by the management that will help to relieve the
stress of the employees and also help to impact more productive employees that will help the banks to achieve
greater heights.

Finding: found that productivity of the work force is decisive factor for the success of the organization. Priyanka
dasl et al. (2015)
Research Methodology

Particular Data Analysis

Population 50 Staff Members

Research Instrument Questionnaire

Area of research Rajkot

Sampling Technique Simple Random Sampling

Sample Size 50

Primary as well as secondary data for study.

Sources of Data

Tools used for Analysis Charts and Graphs

Descriptive research
Techniques used for analysis Graphical research
Tabular research

Question: : There is no relationship between employee motivation and work stress.

H0: there is no relationship between employee motivation and work stress.
H1: there is strong relationship between employee motivation and work stress.

Step-2: Apply chi-square goodness of fit.

Step-3: α :0.05

Step-4: Make the decision rule

Degree of freedom= (c-1)*(r-1)
= (2-1)*(5-1)
= 1*4
So, table value is = 9.4877
Step-5: Analyze the data:
Where: Fo= Observed frequencies
Fe=Expected frequencies
Fo Fe (Fo-Fe) (Fo-Fe) (Fo-Fe)
19 10 9 81 8.1
8 10 -2 4 0.4
12 10 2 4 0.4
11 10 1 1 0.1
0 10 -10 100 10

Step-6: Decision
Chi square cal: 19 and table value at 5% level of significance with
degree of freedom (c-1)*(r-1)=(2-1)*(5-1)=4 is 9.4877.
Reject H0 because 19 is greater than 9.488(for alpha =0.05)
Thus, we reject the null hypothesis that there is no relationship between employee motivation and work stress.
So, Cal value > Tab value
We reject our H0
We accept our H1
Therefore, there is strong relationship between employee motivation and work stress.
1. Do you enjoy what you do at your job?

Satisfaction Frequency Percentage

Yes 25 50

No 25 50




50% of the employees are not satisfied with their 30

job but only 50% of the employees are satisfied
with it. This is what bank needs to focus. 20


Yes No
2 . Is stress positively influence your job performance? 50


Option Frequency Percentage 40

Never 6 12 30

Rarely 6 12 25

Sometimes 8 16 15

Often 22 44 10

Always 8 16 0
Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always


• Only 24% the employees believes that they are not positively influence with their job.
• From the total employees 16%-sometimes, 44%-often, 16%- always feel that are valued at work
• So, we can say that stress is not positively influence job performance of majority of employees.
3. Do you plan your each day, and work out as plan?


Option Frequency Percentage 45

Never 6 12 35

Rarely 9 18
Sometimes 11 22 20

Often 16 32
Always 8 16 5

Never Rarely Sometimes Often Always

• Only 16% of employees plan their day to day activities.
• 30% employees are not interested or they are not aware about how to plan their work so they feel stress for their
4. There is no relationship between employee motivation and work stress.

  Frequency Percentage 35

Strongly 19 38
Disagree 8 16
Neutral 12 24

Agree 11 22 5

Strongly Agree 0 0 0
Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree


There are more than 50% employees believe that employee motivation and work stress is
strongly affect the Organizational stress.
5 . When you are asked to do something unplanned do you respond angrily?



Hours Frequency Percentage


Yes 26 52

No 11 22
Can’t Say 13 26

Yes No Can't Say

• This table shows the angry schedule when employees are asked to do something unplanned.
• From the data collected it can be analyzed that 52% say YES, 22% say NO and 26% employees CAN’T SAY
respectively about their anger when they asked to do something unplanned.
6. Do you have enough time to perform your work without any disturbance?



Options Frequency Percentage
Yes 23 46
No 27 54


Yes No


As above chart we can analyze that employees feel disturbance which doing their work. So bank have to take
corrective steps against their activity.
7. Do you feel stressed because banking job in monotonous?

Work Allotment

Option Frequency Percentage 50

Yes 26 52 40

No 15 30 30

Can’t Say 9 18

Yes No Can't Say

This table shows the feeling of employees whatever their banking job is monotonous. From the data collected it
can be analyzed that 52% say YES, 30% say NO & 18% can’t say respectively about their feeling towards job.
8. . If, yes then, what is the best stress relief method that you have seen working in the bank?


Option Frequency Percentage 35

Entertainment 7 14 30

Social Support 8 16

Participate & 19 38 10

Interactive session 5

All of above 16 32 Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4

Here we can say that most employees (38%) believe that participate in decision making process & interactive
session with their employees & top management can burnout on employees stress.

So, our advice is to the bank that they have to continue this type of session so employees get relief from work
9. What type of difficulty do you feel in your job?

Option Frequency Percentage 40

Group Behavior 12 24 35

Lack of behavior office 10 20
politics & paper work 20

Continuous & Chaotic Job 8 16

Shortage of help at work 20 40 0

Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4

Above table shows that most of employees didn’t get help from their co-workers. So we can say that bank focus on
the employee work & arrange induction programmed quarterly of six monthly.
10. How do you feel working with this bank? Are you satisfied with your job?

Option Frequency Percentage

Awful 13 26
Not Very good 23 46
Okay 4 8
Really Good 7 14
Fantastic 3 6

According to our research employees are less happy

at their working experience.

More than 60% employees are not happy.


After analyzing the data and interpretation certain findings are here,

•From the above data analysis we can say that Male employees are more than female
•Employees are having high level of education.
•Due to over work load it is observed that employees have to work overtime to complete work.
•It is found that the work place situated in a very crowed place there was lot of disturbance.
•As per the analysis done most of the employees feel bored with their job because banking job
is monotonous.
•Because of improper pay package most of the employees are indirectly under stress.
•Employees lost temper while being at work.
•The employees couldn’t cope up with the time & plan everyday to work on that plan because
of heavy workload.
•As per my analysis banking job is very stressful.
•Employees are not helpful enough so employees getting stress at bank.
Suggestions and Recommendations Job stress has an impact on employee job satisfaction at Axis Bank. The results show that;
heavy workload in the bank has led to reduced employee satisfaction; also, role conflict in bank has reduced employee satisfaction.
Counseling can be promoted which help a person feel relief from emotional distress which develops more self-
assurance, having a greater ability to make dictions and experience an increased comfort in relationship with others.

1. The bank should take the initiative to identify the stress affected employees in the banks at frequent interval.
2. Stress management program should be organized that focuses on different categories of employee’s at all hierarchical
3. Job oriented training programs should be introduced which improve employee’s skill and their confidence to work
4. Open channel of communication should be encouraged by banks to deal with work related stress.
5. Proper counseling should be provided on work related and personnel problems and support from a team of welfare health
and counseling staff.
6. Banks should provide attractive system of reward and recognition of good work.
7. It is advisable to all the bank employees to avoid unnecessary concern and competition about the colleagues’ attitude.

•Organization can work on Employee involvement activities.

•HR team can aggressively apply plans and actions related to Employee
job satisfaction.
•Employees must give more opportunity to grow and flourish.
•Continuous surveys can be conducted to identify employee’s skill and
•Open door management policy can be adopted.
•Awards and incentives should be provided to motivate the employees.
•Advance training should be given to convert their hard work in the
smart work.

Each & every beginning has an end in the same ways. Each & every introduction has a conclusion. ‘AXIS
BANK’ is well. The excitement of taking BANKING TRAINING was a unique experience for us.

Conclusions can be summarized as follows:

1. The study concludes that the respondents were overburden with the work load in their workplaces.
2. The study reveals that the respondents of both private and public sector banks claims that they are
suffering from physical problems due to working hours and seating culture of banking industry.
3. Physical problems and health problems are increasing day by day.
4. Behavioral problems like mood swings and reduction in motivation are seen in most of the cases.
5. The research also highlights that the respondents of private sector banks are more stressful as compare
to Public sector banks employees.
6. It is also seen from the study that banking sector is not playing an active role in Stress Management
programmes for the employees in both private sector as well as public sector banks.
Thank you…!

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