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Endocrine Disorders

• Identify the role of the hypothalamus in
endocrine function.
• Describe the divisions of the pituitary gland
and identify hormones secreted by each
• Discuss the difference between releasing
hormones, inhibiting hormones and
stimulating hormones.
• Describe the process of negative feedback.
• Identify the function of the following hormones:
– Glucagon
– Aldosterone
– Oxytocin
– Somatotropin
– Vasopressin
– Calcitonin
– Prolactin
– Melatonin
– Parathormone
– Insulin
Four Classifications of Hormones
• Steroid
• Protein (peptide)
• Amine
• Fatty acid derivatives
Endocrine Dysfunction
Assessment Diagnostic Evaluation
– ↓energy level/fatigue • Common categories
– Intolerance to heat or cold – Blood tests
– Changes in sexual function – Urine tests
– Development of 2° sex – Stimulation and suppression
characteristics tests
– Changes in mood and ability
to concentrate Describe the procedure for 24
– Changes in memory and sleep hour urine specimen
patterns collection.
– Exophthalmos
– Hypotension or hypertension
Pituitary Dysfunction
• Undersecretion or oversecretion
• Hypofunction: Hypopituitarism
– What will occur when there is a complete absence
of pituitary function?
• Anterior pituitary hyperfunction
– most commonly involves ACTH or GH
• Posterior pituitary hypofunction
– Most commonly deficient secretion of ADH
Pituitary Tumors
• Usually benign
• Three types:
– Eosinophilic (result in gigantism)
– Basophilic (cause Cushing’s Syndrome)
– Chromophobic (destroy pituitary)
• Diagnosed through careful assessment, visual
acuity and field testing, CT and MRI
• Medical management
• Surgical management
Diabetes Insipidus
• Posterior pituitary disorder
• ADH deficiency
• Key features: polydipsia and polyuria
• Can occur 2° to head trauma, brain tumor,
ablation of pituitary gland, CNS infections,
failure of kidney tubules to respond to ADH,
and systemic tumors
• Diagnosed by fluid deprivation test and trial of
desmopressin (DDAVP)
Diabetes Insipidus
Review Case Study

What are the goals of therapy for DI?

What is included in pharmacotherapy?

What is the role of the nurse in management?

Syndrome of Inappropriate ADH
• Excess secretion of ADH even with subnormal
serum osmolality
• Can not excrete a dilute urine
• Retain fluids and develop dilutional hyponatremia
• Usually nonendocrine cause
• Typical interventions: treat underlying cause and
restrict fluids
• May use diuretics (furosemide) is severe ↓ Na
Nursing Managment

What are nursing interventions

associated with SIADH?
Thyroid Dysfunction
• Cretinism
• Hypothyroidism
• Hyperthyroidism
• Labs
– Serum TSH (0.4 – 6.15 μU/mL)
– Serum Free T4 (0.9 – 1.7 ng/dL)
– Serum T3 (T3 70 – 220 ng/dL)
– Serum T4 (4.5 – 11.5 μg/dL)
– T3 Resin uptake test (25%-35%)
– Thyroid antibodies
– Serum thyroglobin
• Radioactive iodine uptake test
• Fine-needle bx
• Thyroid scan, radioscan, or scintiscan
Hypothyroid Management
• Hormone replacement
• Adjust insulin or anti-diabetic agents as needed
• Use sedatives/hypnotic cautiously
• Supportive therapy
• Assisting with ADLs
• Monitor VS + cognition
• Promote comfort
• Enhance coping
Hyperthyroid Management
• Treatment depends upon underlying cause
– Pharmacotherapy
– Surgery
• Encourage adequate nutrition and fluid
• Enhance coping and Improve self-esteem
• Maintain normal body temperature
• Monitor and manage complications
Preoperative Preparation Postoperative Care
• Diet high in CHO + Protein • Assess dressing for drainage
• High caloric intake • Note complaints of pressure
• Supplemental vitamins or fullness at incision site
• Avoid stimulants • Tracheostomy tray at
• Teaching to include
• Manage pain
demonstration of how to
support neck • Semi-Fowler’s with head
• IV fluids → cold liquids, ice→
high calorie diet
• Keep items within reach
Thyroidectomy: Potential
• Hemorrhage
• Hematoma formation
• Edema of glottis
• Injury to recurrent laryngeal nerve
• Injury to or removal of parathyroid glands
– Tetany
Parathyroid Glands
• Embedded in posterior aspect of thyroid gland
• Secrete parathromone
– Output regulated by ionized serum calcium levels
– Regulates calcium and phosphorus metabolism
– Actions are enhanced by vitamin D
• Increased serum calcium levels can be life
• Manifestations:
– Apathy, fatigue, muscle weakness, nausea, vomiting, constipation,
HTN, cardiac dysrhythmias
• Dx: ↑ serum calcium and ↑ PTH concentrations
• Management:
– Surgical removal if symptoms
– Monitor and wait if no sx
– Avoid dehydration
– Measures to prevent complications of immobility
Acute Hypercalcemic Crisis
• Extreme serum calcium elevation
• > 15 mg/dL → neurologic, cardiovascular, and
renal symptoms that can be life threatening
• Treatment:
– Rehydration
– Diuretics
– Phosphate treatment
• Emergency treatment to lower calcium
• Manifestations: Tetany
– Latent: numbness, tingling, cramps in extremities, stiff hands and feet
– Overt: bronchospasm, laryngeal spasm, carpopedal spasm, dysphagia,
seizures, photophobia, cardiac dysrhythmias
• Dx: Positive Chvostek’s and Trousseau’s sign
• In acute hypoparathyroidism IV parathormone
• Limit environmental stimuli
• Trach, mechanical ventilation and bronchodilators
• Chronic: diet high in calcium and low in phosphorus
• Oral Ca gluconate, aluminum carbonate, vitamin D
Adrenal Gland Dysfunction:
• Tumor of the adrenal gland
• Usually benign
• Peak incidence between 40 and 50
• Symptoms triad: headache, diaphoresis and
• Hypertension and cardiac disturbances common
• Acute, unpredictible onset with gradual resolution of
Adrenal Insufficiency
• Adrenal cortex function
is inadequate to meet
the needs for cortical
• Primary: Addison’s
• Secondary
• What is the most
common cause of Acute
Adrenal Insufficiency?
Adrenal Crisis
Adrenal Crisis
Medical Management Nursing Management
• Immediate • Assess fluid balance
– Reverse shock • Monitor VS closely
– Restore blood circulation • Good skin assessment
• Antibiotics if infection • Limit activity
• Identify cause • Provide quiet, non-stressful
• Supplement glucocorticoids environment
during stressful procedures
or significant illness
Cushing’s Syndrome
• Excessive
adrenocortical activity
• Most often due to
corticosteroid use
• Overnight
suppression test
• Indicators: ↑ Na+ ↑
glucose ↓ K+
Cushing’s Syndrome
Medical Management Nursing Managment
• Pituitary tumor • Prevent injury
– Surgical removal • Increased protein, calcium
– radiation and vitamin D in diet
• Adrenalectomy • Medical asepsis
• Adrenal enzyme inhibitors • Monitor blood glucose
– Metyrapone, glutethimide,
• Moderate activity with rest
• attempt to reduce or taper
corticosteroid dose
• Provide restful environment
Primary Aldosteronism
• Profound ↓ K+ and H+ • Symptoms:
ions, ↑pH and HCO3 – Muscle weakness
• Near normal or ↑ Na – Cramping
• Universal sign: HTN – Fatigue
– Nonacid urine
• Dx:
– Polyuria
– Measurement of aldosterone
excretion rate after salt – ↑ serum osmolality
loading – Polydypsia
– Renin-aldosterone
stimulation test and bilateral
– Arterial HTN
adrenal venous sampling
Primary Aldosteroninsm
Medical Management Nursing Management
• Surgical removal • Frequently monitor VS
• Spironalactone for • Explain all procedures and
persisitent HTN treatment
• Monitor for fluctuations in • Maintain comfort
adrenal hormones • Provide rest periods
– Corticosteroids, fluids, agents
to maintain BP and prevent
• Maintain normal serum

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