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Definisi bencana
 Any occurance that causes damage, economic
disruption, loss of human life and deterioration
in health and health services on a scale
sufficient to warrant an extraordinary response
from outside the affected area or community
 Affecting the lives and property damages
 Population density
 Toxic and hazardous material
 Catastrophic possibilities from nuclear,
explosive, biological, and chemical
 Terrorist bombing
1. The normal function of a community is
2. Disaster exceed the coping mechanisms of a
3. Inability to return to normal functioning
without external assistance
 Emergency department becomes overwhelmed
 must have protocol direct mobilization of
personnel and equipment outside of
department and permit rapid assessment,
stabilization, and triage to definitive care of
 Emergency dept cannot offer minimal care
without external assistance
 External disaster
 Internal disaster
 Appropriate facilities and experties
 Delayed or improper notification
 Poor delineation of command structure
 Overloaded or broken communications
 Improper or incomplete identification
 Lack of supplies
 Lack of public relations
 Minor injuries travel by alternate, arrive in
great numbers
 The more severely injured arrive at a later stage
Jenis Bencana
 Disebabkan oleh alam (natural disaster)
 Bencana buatan manusia (man-made disaster)
Bencana di Indonesia
 Gempa bumi dan tsunami, 26 Des 2004 di Prop
NAD, 120.000 orang meninggal, 93.088 orang
hilang dan 4.632 orang luka-luka.
 Ledakan bom: bom Bali I, 12 Okt 2002 dan bom
Bali II 1 Okt 2005. bom di hotel JW Marriot dan
Ritz-Carlton Jakarta 17 Juli 2009
 Gempa bumi: DI Yogyakarta 27 Mei 2006, 5778
orang meninggal, 26.013 orang rawat inap dan
125.195 orang rawat jalan. Sumatera Barat 30
Sept 2009, meninggal dunia 1.117orang, luka
berat 788 orang, luka ringan 2.727 orang dan
pengungsi 2.845
 Letusan gunung berapi: Gunung Merapi, 15
Mei 2006,4 orang meninggal dan pengungsi
5.674 orang. 25 Oktober 2010, meninggal 347
orang, pengungsi 61.154 orang.
 Ledakan pabrik pupuk Petro Widada Gresik 20
Januari 2004, 2 orang meninggal, 70 orang luka
 Konflik vertikal dan horizontal, di Sampit,
Maluku, Poso dll
 What types of disasters are most likely to occur
in the community?
 What are the planning requirement?
 What are the capabilities and responsibilities of
the hospital?
Siklus bencana (Disaster Cycle)
Disaster Plan
 Hazard analysis
 Hospital-community cooperation
 The Hospital Disaster Plan
Hospital Disaster Planning
Organized response for the management of
 Activation of the plan

 Assessment of hospital capacity

 Establishment of a disaster command

 Communication

 Supplies
 Hospital disaster administrative and treatment
 Trainning and drills
 Security and crowd control
Administrative and Treatment Areas
 Disaster control center
 Triage
 Patient care stations
 Admission presurgical holding
 Surgery
 Morque
 Decontamination
 Psychiatry
 Family waiting and discharge area
 Volunter program
Disasters Response
 Field medical care
 Incident command system
 Communication from disaster side to hospital
 Distribution of casualties to recieving hospitals
 On site disaster medical teams from hospitals
Penanggulangan Bencana di Indonesia
Secondary Disaster
 Disaster initiated by a primary disaster, such as
a fire or tsunami caused by an earthquake.
Secondary disasters often cause far more
damage and problems than a primary disaster.
Also called collateral disaster.
Disaster risk reduction
 Risk= hazard + vulnerability / capacity
 Disaster risk reduction is the concept and
practice of reducing disaster risks through
systematic efforts to analyse and reduce the
causal factors of disasters. Reducing exposure
to hazards, lessening vulnerability of people
and property, wise management of land and
the environment, and improving preparedness
for adverse events are all examples of disaster
risk reduction.
Reduce human and social vulnerability through:

 Knowledge of hazards and vulnerabilities

 Data gathering and risk assessments
 Improved policies and risk-sharing mechanisms
 Land-use planning
 Integrated water and environmental management
 Early warning systems
 Protection of critical facilities
 Public awareness, education and motivation
 Returning the hospital to normal operation
 Critical incident stress debriefing, immediate
emotional support to health care workers

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