Employee Manual: Supervisory Training

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This training will provide supervisors with:

 A preview of the Employee Manual prior to
employee distribution
 A review of key sections and policy changes
 Examples of practical situational applications
of some of the provisions in the manual
 Information on whom to contact in HR for
questions on the manual and policy
 Employee Friendly
 Ease of Use
 Official Copy – HR Web Site
 Hard copies – Plan for every 5 years
 Training – Required for supervisors
 Manual dissemination and information sessions
are required for staff, separate union/non-union
 Acknowledgement of Receipt of Manual and
3 Confidentiality Agreement for File

 Every Page – “Subject to Disclaimer”

Official Disclaimer on Inside Cover
 Purpose of Disclaimer
– Preserve “At Will Status” of non-union employees
– No implied contract (legal necessity)
– Temple can change at any time
 If a heading in this PowerPoint that is bolded
and underlined, please refer to individual
Collective Bargaining Agreement for specific
4 policies regarding these sections.
Employee Manual Information Search

 Please answer the questions assigned to you by

reviewing the Employee Manual
 Cite the Manual section number and page
 You will have 20 minutes to research the answers
 This activity is designed to
– familiarize you with the content and organization of the Manual
– highlight changes
– Illustrate typical situations that would require familiarity with and
application of the policies

Group Questions

 Group #1 1, 5, 9, 13, 17
 Group #22, 6, 10, 14, 18
 Group #33, 7, 11, 15, 19
 Group #44, 8, 12, 16, 20

1.0 Introduction
Question #1 – Manual Applies to:

 1.1 Welcome to Temple University

– a letter from David Adamany
 1.2 About Your Employee Manual
– Policies and procedures apply to all faculty and
staff (including student workers and
– Applicable CBAs supersede any inconsistent
– Employees are required to learn procedures in
manual and abide by them
– If not eligible for benefits (student workers,
volunteers, part-time employees), those
7 sections do not apply
Question #2 – Student Worker Hours
 During the Fall and Spring semesters
– International Students
 No more than 20 hours/week during the semester
– All other students
 40 hours/week
 If more than 34 hours, may be subject to Social Security
withholding tax
 During breaks and summer
– 40 hours
– If not enrolled in courses, may be subject to Social Security
 Student workers are eligible for all legally mandated
benefits such as Workers’ Compensation insurance, but
not eligible for TU’s other benefits programs.
Question #3 – Forms Required of New

 4.0 Starting Your Job

 4.1 Employment Applications and other
– Application
– Standard forms
– Acknowledgement of Receipt of Employee Manual
– Confidentiality Acknowledgment
 All employees must sign/submit

4.0 Starting Your Job

 4.4 Pre-Employment Health Assessments

– Workers compensation protocol
– only for baseline
 4.5 Employment Eligibility
– Must provide identity and employability
documentation within 3 days
– Suspended/Terminated – paid minimum wage for
any hours worked
– New hire when documentation provided IF position
still available
4.0 Starting Your Job

 4.6 Identification Cards

– Required to present when entering buildings or
when asked by Temple Security
– Lost ID notify HR immediately/replacement fee may
be charged
– Returned when employment ends

 4.7 New Employee Orientation

– Mandatory
– All current employees will have orientation on
Question #4 – Work Hours for 40 hour
Administrative Specialist

 8:00 to 5:00, 8:30 to 5:30, 9:00 to 6:00

 Lunch hour does not count toward 40 hours
 We recommend a one hour lunch, 30 minutes
or more is required
 Schedule should be determined by supervisor
so that work needs are met, employee is
available for meetings, supervision is provided,
5.0 Reporting to Work
 5.1 Official University Office Hours
– 8:30 to 5:00 p.m.
 5.2 Regular Work Schedules & Transition Plan to
40 Hour Work Week
– Effective 7/1/04
– 8:30 to 5:00 p.m. (Hours open to public)
– Departments have flexibility to adjust schedule to meet needs
– Transition plan laid out in manual
– T-26 and above EXPECTED to work at least 40 hours
– T-25 and below grandfathered for current position only
– All new hires, promotions, transfers at 40 hours
– Bargaining unit employees are governed by the schedules in
the CBA
5.0 Reporting to Work

 5.3 Flexible Work Schedules

– A “luxury” not a right
– Must enhance; not interfere with
– Department head has final approval on any work
– No legal requirement to award “comp” time to exempt
– Some CBA’s may have specific provisions regarding
“comp’ time for exempt employees
 5.4 Attendance and Punctuality
Question #5, Introductory/Probationary

 12.7 The Introductory/Probationary

Period – New Hire
– 6 months for employees not covered by CBA
 Can be extended up to another 6 months
 Employee will have 30 days to correct any
performance deficiencies before
– CBA defines for union employees
Questions #6 & #7 – Vacation, Sick,
Holiday and Personal Days

 6.1 Personal – 2 days, immediately

 6.2 Vacation – 9 days, use as accrue
 6.3 Sick – 8 days, use as accrue
 6.1 Thanksgiving holiday – yes, was paid

6.0 Time Away from Your Job
 6.1 Holidays
– Eligible for paid holidays from the date of hire
– Must work or use vacation/approved leave on day before/after
Holiday to receive pay for holiday
– 3 Personal Days – prorated during 1st year of employment
 6.2 Vacation & Transition Plan to New Vacation
– No changes since August revision
– Accrue vacation for use in 1st year of employment
– Ability to borrow against year entitlement after probationary
– Will be expected to pay back used but unaccrued vacation if
employment ends.
6.0 Time Away from Your Job
 6.3 Sick Leave
– Earned at the rate of 1 day/month up to 10 days
– All 10 days are advanced on July 1
– Encourages employee to use sick leave only when necessary and to
save for “serious” illness, discipline possible after 5 days
– Can use annual sick leave for own or family member’s illness –as
defined by law or birth/adoption of a child
– No cap on # of sick days accrual for sick leave bank
– Days in sick leave bank only for employee’s health condition
– With leave collection system, more regular review of No. absences and
Monday/Friday absences. Abusers will be required to show medical
documentation for further absences.
– New employees accrue 1 day per month during first year and get 10
days July 1 after first full year of employment
– At time of separation, a pay adjustment may be made if more sick days
are used than have been accrued
Question #8 – What should supervisor
do about 4 sick days?

 Red flag during Introductory/Probationary

 Supervisor should consider the
circumstances of the absences
 Supervisor should have conversation with
HR and the employee
 Medical documentation may be required

6.0 Time Away from Your Job
Question #9 – Funeral Leave/Jury Duty
 6.4 Bereavement Leave
– Only for Non-Bargaining positions; all others refer to CBA
– No longer “funeral leave”
– Now available for:
 Stepchild
 Domestic Partner
 Grandchild
 Child of sibling
 Grandparent-in-law
 Directly related aunt or uncle
– May ask for proof of death and/or relationship
 6.5 Jury Duty/Court Appearance
– Not collecting check – only proof of service
Question #10: FMLA Pay

 Pay for 10 days off to care for domestic partner

– Domestic Partner benefit for Non-bargaining &
members of certain bargaining units (AFSCME, TAUP,
Law Faculty)
– Employee may use current FY sick time for ill parent,
child, spouse, domestic partner
– Employee may also use personal and vacation time,
and reserve sick days and add to sick leave bank
– Employee may not use banked sick time – only for
own illness
6.0 Time Away from Your Job

6.6 Family and Medical Leave

– Must use all paid leave (vacation, personal and sick)
– Rolling backward 12-month period – look back 1 year to see if 60
work days have been used for FMLA – if yes – not eligible, if no –
eligible each day unless/until 60 days used.
– Sick, vacation, personal days do not accrue while on unpaid
FMLA leave
– Health Insurance maintained on same basis as if not on leave
(employee pays co-pay)
– Benefits Office uses a 3rd party vendor to review requests for
– Request form includes employee’s release – failure to sign the
release may jeopardize approval of FMLA.
7.0 Understanding Your Benefits
Question #11 – Changes in Tuition Benefits

 7.9 Tuition Remission

– Subject to remaining in good academic standing
– Eligible 1st semester after full-time hire
– Employee must be eligible at start of each semester to retain
– 8 credit hours per semester
– Professional schools excluded, except designated graduate
courses in TUSM
– FSBM, EMBA is limited to amount paid for standard credit hours
– Tuition for graduate courses may be subject to taxation

7.0 Understanding Your Benefits

– 7.9 Dependent Children

 must be legal dependent
 Dependent step-children covered
 Fall/Spring semesters 100% up to 10 semesters
 Summer sessions: one or two sessions = 1 semester
 May be full-time or part-time, matriculated or non-matriculated
 Students enrolled/matriculated at any university eligible for
summer sessions and/or Temple abroad
– No longer limited to course work outside work hours if:
 Supervisor and Vice President or Dean approves
 Time is made up
 Doesn’t interfere with work responsibilities
7.0 Understanding Your Benefits
Question #12 – Severance Pay
 7.10 Severance
– Eligibility fixed by years of service
 7.11 Health Benefits Upon Termination (COBRA)
– Self-paid 102% of premium
– 18 months for termination (36 months for most other reasons)
 7.12 Domestic Partner Benefits
– For same and opposite sex certified domestic partners
– Non-bargaining & members of certain bargaining units
(AFSCME, TAUP, Law Faculty, TUGSA)
– Health, vision, dental & other benefits available to spouse
– Premium is same co-pay charged by University for spouse
Question #13 – Docking Exempt

When absent from work for one or more full days for:
 Personal reasons and has no paid time off available
 Illness, disability, or work-related accident or injury, if no
sick time remaining and not eligible for disability benefits
 FMLA for self and no sick, vacation, or personal time left
 FMLA for family member and no vacation or personal
time left
 Suspension for violation of safety rules or one or more of
Temple workplace Rules of Conduct
10.0 Your Career at Temple University
Question #14 – Employees in PDS

 10.6 Wage/Salary Structures For Positions

– HR evaluates prior to posting
– Employees can contact HR for information if the salary structure
is different for the posted position
 10.7 Performance Development System
– Non-faculty administration and staff who work 20 hours or more
– Union and non-union
– New employees PDPs should be started during the first two
weeks of their introductory/probationary period.

10.0 Your Career at Temple
Question #15 – Dispute Resolution

 10.10 Employee Dispute Resolution –

– No longer any 3-02 hearings
– All non-bargaining unit employees (including student workers)
are encouraged to resolve complaints/disputes by discussing
 Supervisor
 Manager
 Human Resources or
 Office Multicultural Affairs
– Not required to exhaust list – can report certain complaints to
HR or OMCA – i.e. harassment.
– Not for introductory/probationary employees to challenge the
decision not to promote past probation/introductory period.
12. 0 A New Position
Question #16 – Internal Posting
 12.1 Employment Selection and Placement
 12.2 An Open Position
 12.3 Applying for a New Job within Temple
– Must be in position for 12 months including probation before
– Satisfactory work record and job performance
 12.4 Being Interviewed
– Disclosure to supervisor
– Hiring Supervisor is encouraged to call
– Employees can contact HR with questions
 12.5 An Internal Offer
– No counter-offers
29 – New position takes effect in 4 weeks
12. 0 A New Position
Question #16 – Probation for Existing Employee

 12.6 An External Offer

– Contingent on references, drug screening and pre-employment
 12.7 The Introductory/Probationary Period – New Hire
– 6 months or per CBA / can be extended for another 6 months
 12.8 The Introductory Period for an Existing Employee
– 6 months or CBA
– May return to prior position if still open
– HR will work with to help identify alternative positions
 12.9 Posting Freeze
– 1 year
 12.10 Being Rehired by Temple University
– Effective July 1, 2004, a rehire into non-union position will receive past
service credit for vacation and seniority if he/she left within last 10
years for reasons other than performance, sick days reinstated if rehire
30 returns within one year
Supervisors’ Duties & Responsibilities
Question #17 – Harassment
 DO NOT engage in any harassing conduct
 Serve as a role model
 If you are victim of harassment, report it immediately to
OMCA, HR, Ombudsperson
 If you witness harassment, stop it immediately and
report the incident
 If you become aware of allegations concerning
harassment, consult with Human Resources. You
cannot do nothing!
 Cooperate in any investigations
Supervisors’ Duties &
 Implement appropriate disciplinary action for an
employee you supervise who violates TU’s harassment
 Ensure confidentiality and instruct employees not to
discuss confidential harassment issues
 Refrain from any retaliatory action against a
complaining employee or others who side with the
 Treat all employees with respect and professional
Anti-Harassment Policy

 Temple University is committed to creating and

maintaining an academic and work environment free of all
forms of harassment
 Includes harassment based on:
– Sex/Gender
– Race/Color
– Sexual Orientation
– Religion
– National Origin
– Age
– Disability
– Marital Status
33 – Pregnancy
Enforcement of Anti-Harassment

 Actions will be taken to Prevent, Correct, and if

necessary Discipline behavior which adversely
impacts the academic or work environment
 Use of University communication, voice mail or
email/computer system in a harassing manner is
prohibited and will result in disciplinary action, up to
and including discharge
 Retaliatory actions will be subject to disciplinary
action up to and including discharge
 Report harassment to supervisor, ombudsperson,
Office of Multicultural Affairs, or HR
What is Sexual Harassment?

 Sexual advances
 Requests for sexual favors
 Dissemination of sexually offensive or
suggestive written, recorded or electronically
transmitted messages
 Other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual
nature when…
Sexual Harassment
 “Submission to such conduct is made explicitly or
implicitly a term or condition of instruction,
employment, or participation in a University activity;
 Submission to or rejection of such conduct is used as
a basis for evaluation in making academic or
personnel decisions affecting an individual; or
 Such conduct has the purpose or effect of
unreasonably interfering with an individual’s
performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or
offensive University environment.”
Consensual Romantic Relationships(14.3,

 No instructor shall:
– make a sexually suggestive or intimidating remark
– ask a student for a date or sexual favor
 Sexual or romantic relationships are prohibited even if
consensual between:
– instructors and students in their courses
– instructors, advisors, coaches, physicians, or other
similar individuals and students they are advising,
supervising or evaluating or whose academic or
career opportunities they are directly or indirectly
– supervisors and subordinates
Retaliation is Prohibited
 All allegations will be investigated promptly with
as much confidentiality as possible under the
direction of the Office of Multicultural Affairs
 Temple Policy prohibits adverse action against:
– Complainants
– Witnesses/other participants in investigations
 May occur regardless of whether charge of
harassment is founded or unfounded
13.0 University Standards
Question 18 – Drug & Alcohol Testing

 13.8 Drug Free Workplace

 13.9 Drug & Alcohol Abuse
– Use of unlawful drugs or abuse of lawful alcohol or drugs is
 13.10 Drug & Alcohol Testing
– Pre-employment
– Reasonable suspicion/after an accident
– Do not diagnose on own, Call HR for assistance
 13.11 Gambling in the Workplace
– prohibited
 13.12 Political Activities
– May not use position or university connection in any way
39 – If elected, duties cannot interfere with work
14.0 Employment Standards
Question #19 - Confidentiality

 14.4 Faculty and Student Relationships

– Including academic advisors
– Prohibited
 14.5 Confidential Information
– Everyone must abide by policy
– Everyone will sign a confidentiality form
– Failure to sign/abide – termination
 14.6 Workplace Surveillance and Searches
– Employees on notice that Temple may
– For safety related concerns
Computers, Communication Systems

Please be sure to be familiar with all other sections of the

Manual including:
 13.13 Software and Computer Usage
 14.7 Use of Communication Systems
 14.8 Monitoring and Recording of
Telephone Calls
 14.9 Voicemail and E-mail
 14.10 Computer, Internet and Computer Games
 14.20 Procurement and Use of Cellular Equipment
 16.7 Exit Process – sign acknowledgment that any
personal data has been removed and
supervisor has access to hard drive and
41 email for business related purposes

 Frequently Used Phone Numbers listed by Department

 Further Questions Contact
– HR Generalist
– Employee/Labor Relations
– Benefits Office
– FAQs on HR Website

Acknowledgment Form & Confidentiality

 All Employees must sign forms
 Please leave forms with signature and printed name
42  Complete evaluation

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