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Calculation of Drug Dosage

& Percentage Solutions
Why to learn?
⮚Dosage forms vary in the conc. of drug
⮚Drug administration orders to nurses for drugs given by i.v infusion
should be in drops/minute
⮚For liquid dosage forms – pts. needs to be instructed in ml
Why to learn?
⮚Dose modifications needed according to hepatic / renal functional
Percentage solutions
⮚Percentage weight by volume - %w/v
E.g. 5% dextrose for i.v infusion
⮚Percentage weight by weight - %w/w
1% atropine eye ointment
⮚Percentage volume by volume - %v/v
Percentage solutions
• Amount of drug (in grams) present in 100 ml of the solution

• For example
• 1% means 1 gram in 100 ml
• 20% means 20 gram in 100 ml
• 0.5% means 0.5 grams in 100 ml
• The strength of the solution can also be expressed in ratios.
• Weight in grams : dilution factor in ml
• For example
• 1:1000 means 1 gram in 1000 ml
• 5:100 means 5 gram in 100 ml
• 1:200 means 1 gram in 200 ml
• Insoluble in water
• React with acid to form salt which is water soluble
• Same drug can be available as different salts
• While calculating drug dosage only active base is taken into account
Tablet 250 mg chloroquine phosphate
= 150 mg chloroquine base
Tablet 200 mg chloroquine sulfate =
150 mg chloroquine base
Parenteral chloroquine HCl 250 mg =
200 mg chloroquine base
Syrup chloroquine sulfate 68 mg/5ml =
50 mg/5ml chloroquine base
Drop factor
• It is the number of drops per ml that can be delivered by an infusion
• Varies from 15 – 60 drops/ml
• Standard – 16 drops/ml
• 1 tea spoon = 5 ml

• 1 table spoon = 15 ml

• 1 ounce = 28 ml
1.Determine the creatinine clearance rate for an 80- year old male patient weighing 70kg and having
a serum creatinine of 2mg/dl.
Patient age = 80 years
Body weight = 70 kg
Serum creatinine = 2mg/dl
Cockcroft-Gault formula:

(140- patient’s age) x lean body weight (kg)

Creatine clearance CrCL (ml/min) = (x 0.85 if female)
Serum creatinine (mg/dl) x 72

(140- 80) x 70
Creatine clearance CrCL (ml/min) =
2 x 72
= 29.2 ml/min.
2.Calculate the GFR for a female child aged 9 years and height 130 cm and serum creatinine of
0.5 mg/dl.
Schwartz formula for estimation of GFR in children:
K x Height (cm)
GFR (ml/min/1.73m2) =
Serum creatinine (mg/dl)
K = constant
= 0.34 (preterm infants < 1-year age)
= 0.45 (term infants < 1-year age)
= 0.55 (1 – 12 years & adolescent girls)
= 0.7 (adolescent males)
Kx Height (cm)
GFR (ml/min/1.73m2) =
Serum creatinine (mg/dl)
0.55 x 130
= 143 ml/min/1.73m2
3.Calculate the oral dose of drug A for a child aged 8 years using YOUNG’S
Adult dose of drug A is 500mg /8th hourly.

Child’s age (in years)

Young’s formula = x adult dose
Child’s age (in years) + 12
= x 500
8 + 12

Oral dose of drug A for a child = 200 mg

4.Calculate the oral dose of drug A for a 20kg child using CLARKE’S formula.
Adult dose of drug A is 10mg/kg/day.

Weight of child (lbs)

Clarke’s formula = x adult dose
Weight of the child = 20 kg x 2.2 = 44 lbs

= x 10

= 2.9
5. A 40 years old male with body weight 60 kg came with complaints of tiredness, breathlessness
and not able to do daily activities. His hemoglobin level was 9 gms/dl (normal – 13g/dl)
suggestive of iron deficiency anemia. One ampoule (2ml) of Iron dextran contains 50mg of
elemental iron per ml. Calculate the total iron requirement as well as the duration of treatment
for this patient.
Iron requirement (mg) = 4.4 x body weight (kg) x deficit (gm/dl)
= 4.4 x 60 x (13-9)
= 4.4 x 60 x 4
= 1056mg.
Iron dextran 1 amp (2ml) = 100mg (1ml=50mg)
Therefore 1056mg = 1056/100= 10.56 amp
Duration of treatment = 1 amp given by deep IM per day = 11 days.
A 60 year old male patient, weight 60kg was admitted with Acute left ventricular failure. Inj. Dobutamine was started
in a dose of 5µg/kg/min using a Dobutamine drip set of 500mg in 250ml of 5% dextrose.
Calculate the rate of infusion in drops/min.

1)  Dobutamine dose = 5 µg/kg/min

2)  Body weight =  60 kg
3) Concentration of solution (µg/ml) = 500mg in 250ml of 5% dextrose
                          250  ml contains 500  mg
                             1 ml  =  2 mg         
                                                    = 2000 µg/ml
The drip set is adjusted with a microdripset at a rate of 60 drops/ml
Infusion rate = Desired conc. Infused Х Body wt
( µg/kg/min) (Kg)

conc. of solution (µg/ml)

= 5 Х 60


= 0.15ml/min
= 3 drops/min
A 60 kg patient is admitted with burns of  40%  body surface area 
Calculate the amount of fluids to be infused.

The amount of fluids to be infused = 4ml X body weight X % of burns

= 4X 60X40= 9600 ml

• The preferred fluid is ringer lactate

• Half of the amount to be given in 8hrs
• The remaining to be given in  next 16 hrs
• So 4800ml i.e 9pints in first 8hrs
• The remaining  in next 16 hrs
A child of weight 10 kg suffering from tonsillitis is prescribed with Cefadroxil suspension 30 – 40 mg / kg / day orally
in 2 divided doses. 30 ml Cefadroxil suspension contains 250 mg / 5 ml.

Calculate the required volume in ml for oral administration.

Required dose = 10 x 30
= 300 mg/ day 
in two divided doses= 150 mg per dose
250 mg is present in 5 ml
150 mg is present in = 150/ 250/5
150x5/250=3 ml 
Required volume in ml for oral administration is 3 ml twice daily.
A solution of Adrenaline contains Adrenaline in a dose of 1: 10000. 

If you want to inject 1 mg Adrenaline , how much volume of Adrenaline solution will be injected ?

1 g in 10000ml 
1000mg= 10000ml
1 mg = 10000/1000= 10 ml
volume of Adrenaline solution will be injected is 10 ml
A case of premature ventricular depolarization is to be administered with lignocaine at a rate of 1mg/mt. Lignocaine
is available as a 2%solution in 25ml vial.
Prepare a solution of lignocaine to be infused at a rate of 1mg/mt.
Lignocaine is available as a 2%solution in 25ml vial.
                        2g in 100ml
                        2000mg in 100ml.      
                         1ml = 2000
                             = 20mg
                         25ml = 500mg.
     To prepare a solution to give 1mg/min.
Add 1 vial (25ml) of lignocaine in 500ml of 5%dextrose
  500 ml contains 500mg = 500
                                            500     = 1 ml.
1mg present in 1ml.
1ml = 16drops/mt,                          
Hence to infuse 16drops/mt.

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