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Institutions involved in the implementation

of Axis 4 RDP 2007-2013

Managing Authority (MA) – Ministry of

Agriculture and Rural Development

Implementing Institutions (II) –

Voivodship Self-Governments (16)

Paying Agency (PA) – Agency for

Restructuring and Modernisation of
Local Action Group selection

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural

- Managing Authority

information on LAG

formal check of the

Voivodship Self-Government application and content
- Implementing Institution check of LAGs and LDS,
LAG application for LDS
Local Action implementation

LDS concluding contracts between

Local the selected LAGs and
Development voivodship self-government
Local Action Group
LGD’y w Polsce
Timetable of selection

September 2008 – call for proposal,

application submitted between November
2008 and January 2009
April – June 2009 – signing contracts on
implementation of LDS – 338 LAGs
336 operating LAGs covering over 90%
of rural population and rural areas
Local Action Group structure

LAG’s decision-making
LAG’s office body LAG’s board
processing of social and economic partners management
applications account for at least 50%

Local Action Group

public sector economic sector social sector

local rural communities
Contract on implementation of LDS

One for the whole programming period

• LDS detailed budget
• LAG area description including rules
concerning enlargment
LDS attached
LAG role

Programming the LDS area development

(elaboration of the strategy)
Advisory services for beneficiaries
Project selection
Monitoring of the strategy
Support under axis 4
Cofinancing the project contributing to achievement of LDS objectives
implemented by beneficiaries under following measures:
Diversification of rural economies
Setting up and developemnt of microenterprises
Village renewal and development

And so called small scale projects

(projects on cultural and natural heritage preservation, tourism
developement, trainings, entreprenership promotion, local
products development)
Cooperation projects between LAGs
Animation and mobilisation of local society
na celu aktywizowanie lokalnej społeczności
Acquisition of skills buy LAG staff
Running cost of LAG
Projects selection by LAGs under the measures of Axis 3
RDP 2007-2013 and „small projects”

list of selected projects


selection of the applications for

Decision-making body of LAG
financing under the LDS

verification of the applications and check in terms of

LAG compliance with the LDS,
Local accessibility criteria and local selection criteria;
Action Group financial accessibility check

Local application for aid
Applicant under the measures of the Axis 3 and „small projects”
Concluding contract of financial aid and check of realization
projects under the measures of Axis 3 and „small projects”
Agency for Restructuring and
Voiviodship Self-Government information on Modernisation of Agriculture
- Implementing Institution concluding contracts
- Paying Agency
Village renewal and Establishment and development of
development; application micro-enterprises;
„Small projects” transfer - Diversification into non-agricultural
selected and not activities
selected by
decision making
Payment body + list of
claim applications Payment
contract for
contract for financial aid
financial aid Not involved in paying for project
for project procedure

Group Applicant under the measures of Axis 3 and „small projects”
Thanks for your attention

Joanna Gierulska
Head of Leader Unit
Rural Development Department

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