Gastrointestinal System 2016

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Amiruddin Eso
Department of Physiology
Faculty of Medicine
Halu Oleo University
• Structure of gastrointestinal system
– Gastrointestinal tract; oral cavity,
pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small
intestine, large intestine, rectum, and
anal canal
– Accessory organs; tounge, teeth,
salivary glands, liver, and gall bladder
• Breaking down food and supplying the
body with the water, electrolytes, and
nutrients to sustain life.
• Before can be used, food must be:
– ingested
– digested
– absorbed
• All of these processes involve
coordinated movement of muscle and
secretion of various substances

• Placing food into the mouth

• Chewing the food into smaller pieces
• Moistening the food with salivary
• Swallowing the food (deglutition)

• Food is broken down into small particle by

grinding action
• Food is degraded by digestive enzymes into
usable nutrient
– Starches are degraded by amylase into
– Proteins are degraded by variety of enzymes
(pepsin, trypsin) into dipeptides and amino acids
– Fats are degraded by lipases and esterases into
monoglyserides and free fatty acids


• The basic mechanisms of GI movement is
peristaltis. Peristaltis is a coordinated pattern of
smooth muscle contraction and relaxation
• Peristaltis helps move food through the paharynx
and esophagus and within the stomach. Peristaltis
plays a minor role in propelling food through the
• During peristaltis, contraction of small section of
proximal muscle is followed immediately by
relaxation of the muscle just distal to it. The
resulting wavelike motion.
Electrical Activity and Regulation
of Motility
• The smooth muscle of GI tract has spontaneous
rhytmic fluctuations (basic electrical rhytm; BER)
which is initiated by the interstitial cells of Cajal
• The rate of BER is 4/min in the stomach, 12/min in
duodenum and fall to about 8/min in distal ileum
• Spike potensials playing important role in BER
• Ionic basis of spike potentials is due to Ca2+ influx,
and K+ efflux
• Many neurotransmitter and hormone affect the BER.
Acetylcholine increases BER and Epinephrine
decrease BER
Basic Electrical Activity (BER) of
Gastrointestinal Sooth Muscle
Migrating Motor Complex
• Modification of motor activity during fasting
between periods of digestion
• Each cycle of this activity starts with quiescent
period (phase I), continues with period of
irregular activity (phase II), and ends with a burst
of regular activity (phase III)
• MMCs migrate at a rate of about 5 cm/min, with
interval of 90 minutes
• The function of MMC is to clear the stomach and
small intestine luminal contents in preparation of
the next meal
• MMC immediately stopped by ingestion
Migrating Motor Complexes
III Meal
rate 5cm/min


90 minute
Function of Mastication

• Breaks food into smaller pieces, which:

– Makes it easier for the food to be
– Breaks off the undigestible cellulose
coatings of fruits and vegetables
– Making easier for food to be digested by
digestive enzymes
Function of Mastication

• Mixes the food with salivary gland

secretions, which:
– Initiates the process of starch digestion
by salivary amylase
– Initiates the process of lipid digestion by
lingual lipase
– Lubricates and softens the bolus of food,
making it easier to swallow
Function of Mastication

• Brings food into contact with taste

receptors and release odors that stimulate
the olfactory receptors
• The sensations generated by these
receptors increase the pleasure of eating
and initiate gastric secretions
Mastication Reflex
• Although mastication is a voluntary act, it is
coordinated by reflex centers in he brain stem that
facilitate the opening and closing of the jaw
– When the mouth opens, stretch receptors in the jaw
muscle initiate a refkex contraction of the masseter,
medial pterygoid, and temporal muscle, causing mouth
to close
– When the mouth closes, food comes into contact with
buccal receptors eliciting a reflex contraction of
digastric and lateral pterygoid muscles, causing the
mouth to open
– When the jaw drops, the stretch reflex causes the entire
cycle to be repeated

• Deglutition or swallowing consists of three

– Oral (voluntary) phase. During this phase, the
tongue forms a bolus of food and forces it into the
oropharynx by pushing up and back against the
hard palate
– Pharyngeal phase. This phase coordinated by a
swallowing center in the medulla and lower pons
– Esophageal phase. After reaching the esophagus,
food is propelled into stomach by peristaltis
Pharyngeal Phase
• This phase begins when the food reaches the
oropharynx and progresses as follows:
– The nasopharynx is closed by the soft palate,
preventing regurgitation of food in to nasal cavities
– The palatopharyngeal folds are pulled medially,
forming a passageway for the food to move into
the pharynx
– The glottis and vocal cords are closed and the
epiglottis swing down over the larynx, guiding the
food toward the esophagus
• Respiration is inhibited for the duration of the
pharyngeal phase (1-2 seconds)
Esophageal Phase
• Sphincters involved in esophageal peristaltis:
– The upper esophageal sphincter (striated muscle)
– The lower esophageal sphincter (smooth muscle)
• Types of esophageal peristaltis:
– Primary esophageal peristaltis is initiated by
– Secondary peristaltis is initiated by the presence of food
within the esophagus
• Coordination of esophageal peristaltis:
– Primary esophageal peristaltis is coordinated by vagal
– Secondary esophageal peristaltis is coordinated by the
intrinsic nervous system
Esophageal Muscle
Swallowing Mechanism and Regulation
Disorders of Swallowing
• Esophageal reflux, may occur if the intragastric
pressure rise high enough to force the lower
esophageal sphincter open
– During pregnancy
– Reflux of stomach acid causes esophageal pain
• Belching (eructation), following a heavy meal or
ingestion of large amount of gas (e.g., from
carbonated beverages)
• Achalasia, is a neuromuscular disorder of the
lower two-thirds of the esophageal that leads to
absence of peristaltis and failure of the lower
esophageal sphincter to relax

Functional components
• The three functional parts of the stomach are
the fundus, corpus, and antrum
• Gastric contents are isolated from other parts
of the GI tract by the lower esophageal
sphincter proximally and by the pylorus
• The antrum and pylorus are anatomically
continous and respond to nervous control as a

• Each muscle layer forms a functional
syncytium and therefore acts as a unit
• In the fundus, where the layers are relatively
thin, strength of contraction is weak; in the
antrum, where the muscle layers are thick,
strength of contraction is strong
• The stomach and duodenum are divided by a
thickened muscle layer called the pyloric
• Intrinsic innervation directly responsible for
– The myenteric plexus (Auerbach’s) is located
between the layers of the circular and longitudinal
muscles of the stomach
– The submucosal plexus (Meissner’s) is located
between the layers of the circular muscle and
mucosa on the luminal surface of the stomach
• Extrinsic through autonomic nervous system:
– Sympathetic, via the celiac plexus (inhibits motility)
– Parasympathetic, via the vagus nerve (stimulates
Function of Motility
Gastric motility serves three basic function
• Storage. When food enters the stomach, the upper
region - primarily fundus - enlarges to
accommodate the food by receptive relaxation
• Mixing. Combination of peristaltis and
retropulsion mixes the food with acid and
enzymes. When the food is mixed into pasty
consistency, it is called chyme
• Emptying. When the chyme is broken down into
small enough particles, it is propelled through the
pyloric sphincter into intestine
Function of Motility
Receptive relaxation
• Initiated as apart of the peristaltic process
causing swallowing and esophageal motility or
in response to food entering the stomach
• Strecth receptors in the upper portion of
stomach detect the presence of food and
initiate a vago-vagal reflex producing relaxation
• This process regulate by postganglionic fibers
within the enteric nervous system release a
noncholinergic nonadrenergic transmitter, may
be ATP or VIP
Function of Motility
• Produced by periodic change in BER originate
in a pace maker within longitudinal muscle
• BER or slow wave occur at a rate of
approximately 3-4/min and velocity is 1 cm/sec
at the corpus and increase to 3-4 cm/sec in the
• Ca2+ play an important role in BER, and the
force of peristaltis contractions is regulated by
gastrin and acetylcholine
Function of Motility


• Is the back and forth movement of the chyme

caused by the forceful propulsion of food
against the closed pyloric sphincter
• The forward and backward movement of the
chyme (caused by peristaltis and retropulsion)
breaks the chyme into smaller and smaller
pieces and mixes it with the gastric secretions
present within stomach
Function of Motility

Gastric emptying
• Each time the chime pushed against the pyloric
sphincter, a small amount (2-7 ml) may escape
into duodenum
• The amount of chyme passing the pylorus
depends on the size of the particles
• Liquids empty much faster than solids. The rate
of liquids emptying is proportional to pressure
within the upper portion of stomach, which
increase slowly during the digestive period
Function Disorder of Motility
Vomiting or emesis
• Initiation
– The vomiting center. Directly activated by afferent
fibers or by irritation due to injury or increases in
intracranial pressure
– Chemoreceptor trigger zone. Activated by afferent
nerves originating within the GI tract or by
circulating emetic agents
• Mechanical sequence of vomiting
– Begins with deep inspirasion followed by the closing
of the glottis
– Intestine propels chyme into upper region of stomach
– Increase in abdominal pressure forces the chyme into
esophagus and out of the mouth
Vomiting Reflex

Contractile activity

• Contractile activity of the smooth muscle lining

the small intestine serve two functions:
– Mixing the chyme with digestive enzymes and bile to
facilitate digestion and absorption
– Propelling the chyme from the duodenum to the colon
• It usually takes about 2-4 hours for the chyme to
move from one end of the small intestine to the

Types of movements

• Segmentation is the most common type of

intestinal contraction
• Peristaltic contractions is not considered to be
an important component of intestinal transit
• MMC spreads over the intestine during
interdigestive period
Segmentation contractions
• During segmentation, about 2 cm of the intestinal
wall contracts, forcing the chyme throughout the
digestive period
• When the muscle relaxes, the chyme returns to
the area from which it was displaced
• This back-and-forth movement enables the
chyme to become mixes with digestive enzymes
and to make contact with the absorptive surface
of the intestinal mucosa
• Segmentation occur about 12 times/min in the
duodenum and 8 times/min in the ileum. The
contraction last for 5-6 seconds
Regulation of intestinal motility
• Segmentation occur only if the slow waves produce
spikes potentials which is controlled by pacemaker
cells within the wall of the intestine and is not
infuenced by neural activity or circulating
• The frequency of segmentation is directly related to
the frequency of the slow wave
• The strength of segmentation is proportional to the
frequency of the spike potentials generated by slow
• Slow wave amplitude is increased by gastrin, CCK,
motilin, and insulin; and decreased by secretin and

Irawan Yusuf
Department of Physiology
• Throughout the gastrointestinal tract secretory
glands serve two primary function;
– To produce digestive enzymes;
– To provide mucus for lubrication and protection
• Most digestive secretions are formed only in
response to the presence of food in the
gastrointestinal tract
• The types of enzyme and its component are
varied according to the types of food present.
Daily Secretion of Gastrointestinal Fluid

Fluid Daily volume (ml) pH

Saliva 1000 6.0 – 7.0

Gastric secretion 1500 1.0 – 3.5
Pancreatic secretion 1000 8.0 – 8.3 Bile 1000
Small intestinal secretion 1800 7.5 – 8.0 Brunner’s gland secretion
200 8.0 – 8.9 Large intestinal secretion 200 7.5 – 8.0

Total 6700

Guyton, AC; 1996

• Functions of gastrointestinal secretions
– Transport
– Digestion
– Protection
– Absorption
• The type of secretory glands
– Mucus gland or mucus cells (Goblet cells)
– Pits; invagination of surface lining epithelial
– Tubular glands (stomach and upper duodenum)
– Complex glands (Salivary glands, pancreas and liver)
• Basic mechanism of secretion by glandular cells
– Secretion of organic substances
– Water and electrolyte secretion
• Basic regulatory mechanism of glandular cells
Basic Mechanism of Secretion
Secretion of Organic Substances (proteins)
1. The nutrient material needed for formation of secretion
must diffuse or actively transported from the capillary into
the base of glandular cell
2. ATP from the mitochondria, along with appropriate
substrates, is then used for synthesis of the organic
3. The secretory materials are then transported to the Golgi
4. In the Golgi complex the material are modified before
discharged into the cytoplasm in the form of secretory
vesicles, which are stored in the apical ends of the secretory
5. These vesicles remain stored until nervous or hormonal
stimulation cause them to extrude their contents
Basic Mechanism of Secretion
Secretion of Water and Electrolyte
1. Nerve stimulation on basal portion of the cell membrane,
causing active transport of Cl- ions to the inside the cell
2. The resulting increase in electronegativity inside the cell the
causes positive ions also move to the interior of the cell
3. The excess of both these ions inside the cell creates an
osmotic force that pulls water to the interior, thereby
increasing the hydrostatic pressure inside the cell and
causing the cell to swell
4. The pressure in the cell then results in ruptures of secretory
border of the cell causes flushing of water, electrolyte, and
organic materials out of the glandular cell into the lumen of
the gland
Basic Regulatory Mechanism
of Glandular Cells
• Effect of Local Contact
– The mechanical present of food causes the glands to
secrete moderate to large quantities of digestive juice
• Effect of enteric nervous system
– Tactile stimulation
– Chemical irritation
– Distention of the gut wall
• Autonomic stimulation
– Parasympathetic increase the rate of secretion
– Sympathetic can have dual effect; increase or decrease
the secretion depend on the rate of stimulation
• Hormonal
Basic Regulatory Mechanism
of Glandular Cells
Hormones that regulate secretion
• Gastrin
– Stimulates gastric acid/pepsinogen secretion
• Secretin
– Stimulates pancreatic and bile secretion
• Cholecysokinin (CCK)
– Stimulates pancreatic enzyme secretion and
bile secretion
Basic Regulatory Mechanism
of Glandular Cells
• Second messengers
– IP3, calcium, cAMP
• Actions
– alter activity of ion transporters
– alter exocytosis rate of secretory vesicles
– regulate insertion of intracellular
Saliva is secreted primarily by three pairs of glands:
1. Parotid, located near the angle of the jaw, are
largest glands and secrete a watery fluid
2. Submandibular, secrete a fluid that contains a
high concentration of proteins and so is
moderately viscous
3. Sublingual, produce viscous fluid
Characteristics of each of the salivary glands
in human

Gland Histologic type Secretion1 % of total saliva2

Parotid Serous Watery 20

Submandibular Mixed Moderately 70
Sublingual Mucous Viscous 5

Ganong, WF, 2001

1Serous cells secrete ptyalin;mucous cells secrete mucin
2The remaining 5% of salivary volume is produce by lingual and minor glands In the
oral cavity
Saliva Function

• Protection the mouth by:

– Cooling hot food
– Diluting gastric acid or bile regurgitated into the mouth
– Washing food away from the teeth
– Antibacterial and antiviral effects (IgA and peroxidase)
– Aids speech by facilitating movement of the lips and
• Digestion of glucose by amylase (ptyalin) and fat
by lingual lipase
• Lubrication; for easier swallowing, moisten the
Composition of Saliva
• Salivary gland secrete saliva about 1-1.5
L/day containing:
– Electrolyte. In comparison with plasma, saliva is
hypotonic and contains higher concentrations of
K+ and HCO3- and lower concentration of Na+
and Cl-
– Proteins. Several proteins are found, -amylase
(ptyalin), lingual lipase, peroxidase, IgA and
growth factors (NGF, EGF)
– Mucin for food lubrication
Control of Salivary Secretion
• Autonomic Nervous System
– Parasympathetic cause secretion of watery fluid, high
electrolyte but low in protein
• Increases secretion of amylase with large volumes of fluid
– Sympathetic cause secretion of small volume of fluid
containing high mucin
• Stimulates small volume of saliva rich in amylase,
bicarbonate and K+
• Salivary reflexes. Thought, aroma, or taste cause
salivary reflexes

• Gastric acid secretions aid in the breakdown of

food into small particles
• Continue the process of digestion begun by
salivary enzymes
• About 2 L/day of gastric secretion are produced
Gastric Secretory Cells
• Gastric secretory cells are located on the surface of
the stomach and in glands that are buried within
the mucosa consits of:
– Oxyntic glands are located in the fundus and corpus.
They contain three types of secretory cells:
• The parietal (oxyntic) cells, secrete HCl and intrinsic factor
• Peptic (chief) cells secrete pepsinogen, the precursor of
• Mucous cell secrete mucus
– Pyloric glands are located in antrum and pyloric. They
contain G cells and some mucous cell. G cells produce
gastrin hormone
Secretion of the Stomach
• Hydrochloric Acid (HCl)
• Pepsinogen
• Intrinsic Factor
• Mucus
– Glycoprotein products which primary
function as lubricant, but can also have many
other regionally specialized function
HCl Secretion
Mechanism HCl secretion
• HCl is secreted into the parietal cells canaliculi by three
step process:
– The active transport process is begun by the transport of K + and
Cl- into the canaliculi
– H+ is then exchanged for K+ by a H+-K+ ATPase
– Water enters the canaliculi down the osmotic gradient created
by movement of HCl-
• The H+ entering the canaliculi is supplied by the
dissociation of H2CO3 into H+ and HCO3-
• The active transport process involved in the generation
of HCl- secretion require a large amount of ATP
• The pH of acid secretion as low as 0.8
Control of HCl Secretion
• Stimulation of HCl secretion
– Acetylcholine (Ach)
– Histamine; histamine can stimulate HCl
secretion directly or can potentiate the
secretion produced by ACh or gastrin
– Gastrin
• Inhibition of HCl secretion
– Somatostatin
Phases of Gastric Secretion
• Cephalic
– vagal cholinergic stimulation of HCl secretion
– directly
– indirectly via gastrin
• Gastric
– gastrin, local distension, vagal input increase gastric
acid secretion
• Intestinal
– increased acid in duodenum stimulates secretin
release which feeds back to inhibit gastrin release
and inhibit gastric acid secretion
• Function of pepsinogen. Pepsin the active form
of pepsinogen is proteolytic enzyme that begins
the process of protein digestion
• Regulation of pepsinogen secretion.
– Cephalic state, vagal nerve stimulate secretion of
– Gastric phase, low pH stimulate secretion
– Intestinal phase, secretin stimulate pepsinogen
• The gastric mucosal barrier protects the gastric
lining cells from damage
• The main component of mucus is a thick
viscous alkaline mucous layer secreted by the
mucous cells
• Mildly injury results in increased mucus
secretion and surface desquamation
• More serious injury denudes the mucosal
surface, forming an ulcer, and produce
• Intrinsic factor is a glycoprotein secreted
by the parietal cells of the gastric
mucosa, mostly in fundus
• Intrinsic factor is required for the
absorption of vitamin B12
– Intrinsic factor forms a complex with
vitamin B12
– The complex is carried to the terminal ileum,
where the vitamin is absorbed
• Pancreas contains endocrine and exocrine cells
• The exocrine cells have an internal structure similar to
that of salivary glands
• The exocrine cells produce four types of digestive
– Protease (trypsin, chymotrypsin, carboxypeptidase)
– Amylase
– Lipases (lipase, cholesterol esterase, phospholipase)
– Nucleases
• Each day pancreas produce 1200-500 ml of pancreatic
juice containing high concentration of HCO3-
Anatomy and Histology of Pancreas
Pancreatic Secretory Cells
• Pancreatic exocrine cells are arranged
in grape-like clusters called acini.
• The exocrine cells themselves are
packed with membrane-bound secretory
granules which contain digestive
enzymes that are exocytosed into the
lumen of the acinus.
• From there these secretions flow into
larger and larger, intralobular ducts,
which eventually coalesce into the main
pancreatic duct which drains directly
into the duodenum.
Compostion of Pancreatic Secretion

• Pancreatic juice is composed of two secretory

products critical to proper digestion:
– Digestive enzymes, secreted by acinar cells
– Bicarbonate (HCO3-), secreted from epithelial cells
• Digestive enzymes digesting all three major
types of nutrients
• HCO3- play important role in neutralizing the
acid chyme from the stomach
Control of Pancreatic Secretion

Hormonal Control
• Secretin (from increased HCl in duodenum)
– stimulates fluid and electrolyte secretion
• CCK (from increased fatty acids, peptides,
amino acids)
– stimulates release of enzymes
Nervous System
• Parasympathetic input
– initiates secretion during cephalic and gastric phases
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