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The Receiver & Warner

Paa Nabab Yaanuwn

The Power of
(The Tower of Babel Lost in
Presented By
User Kaa’ah Rayay
Student Teacher of the Master
Raah'ub-aat Yasar "Greetings Family"
I want to take you on a small journey to
overstand the importance of speaking in your
own Lah'aj (Language).
Many here in the West only know and speak a
dialect of English. Unfortunately, this language or
tongue is a conglomeration of other languages
which is why it is said English is one of the
hardest languages to learn
Paa Lahaj Shalel Waqut
“The Language of Time”
You are regaining that knowledge by way of Paa Nadjar-u “The Overseers” by way of myself, Paa Nabab Yaa-
Nanaan. Now Paa Nadjar-u “The Overseers have you all a way a guidance, Paa Taraq “The Way”, to align you’re
A’aqal “Mind” to The Sound Right Reasoning. The A’aqal “Mind” of today’s world only reflects detriment,
derelicts, debauched and perverted Fakar-aat “Thoughts”.
Dawaj “Evil” has truly been made fair seeming and the forms of entertainment is a reflection of that demented
or diminished mentality, showing the lack of creativity of these disagreeable beings who objective is to keep you
from becoming divine, which you will return to as it is with natural nature, that is who you are. They know this
and do everything they can to prevent you from returning to your natural nature, which would lead to rebirth,
the Sayem “Divine” you.
You must return everything that is not naturally for you and to you and give it back, give everything back to
them and reclaim your own, your true self. Your language Nawapuyee “Nuwaupic”, your own land Nawapia,
your own way of life “Wu-Nuwaup”, your own Masak “Music”, your H’azhab “Culture” your own dress, even the
fabric you wear. Everything gives off vibration, colour, sound or tone. All of this affects the tone that your
Khat’at’ “Body” naturally vibrates at and does alter your what is natural to you. So if your body vibrates on F and
you are constantly exposing your body to another note, higher, more pitchy, it will affect your Khat’at’ “Body”
down to the molecular level; the very cells of your body can be altered. You must return to your own to become
the divine you again. Those who have not made this shift will be left behind.
• Where did the first langauge originate from?
• Paa Taraq – “The Way” Naat’uq Shalal Lasanaat “Speaking of Tongues” Pg1

• V2 Beloved and wise are Nuwaup-u “Nuwaupians” who chose to learn and to speak our
ancient language and tongue, Nuwaupuyee, the first spoken language on T’ahah’ “Earth”.
• V3 Most will claim because they believe in the Torah as the book of creation that the
beginning of life on T’aha’ah’ “Earth began with one Aayash “male” named Adam;
• V4 And from him a Aashah “Female” from his rib out of his side, his wife, Hawwah or Eve.

• V5 And they spoke what language their creators, called Elohim as a group YHWH as individual,
• V6 Yet you read in the Torah in Genesis 1:3 the first spoken words were not between these
Elohim “Gods” and Man.
• V7 The first spoken words were, “Let there be light.”
continued….v83The first spoken language was
in Africa, the language of the Heavenly host
or Tsabah, Saba, Seba, Sheba, a language
now named after her, the Queen of Sheba.
Hat Shaep-Satakh (Hatshepsut)
v86 They call her tongue Sabean, and
Nabatean, which is Aramaic, on to Arabic on
to Arabic, Hebrew, and Syriac
v87 They all come from Napatan, or
v88 So look again at their Bible, Genesis 2:2,
you will see Tsabah ‫ ָצבָא‬, “ The Heavenly
Host” (Hebrews Strong’s No. 6635), those
that came down from Heaven to Earth, to
V117 The first langauge spoken by mortals was Nuwaupuyee
“Nuwaupic” from Sabatic and Genesis 11:1 says, and the whole
earth was one language and one speech “dialect”
V118 It was Nimrod, Ni-Marad who had returned from his father, (‫ ָּבלַל‬bâlal Go to, H3051
Kuwsh’s, land where they still spoke Napatan, Nuwaupuyee,
Sabatic and brought this “tone” back with him under the Gods  let us go down, H3381
who ruled there.  and there confound 
V119 This different tongue or tone caused a problem because H1101
 their language, 
speaking a different tone not only changes your bodily vibration,
yet also changes your physical appearance.
 that H834 they may
V120 It changed the “channel” or “station” the people were not understand H8085
listening to and thus they were no longer under the control of  one H376 another's H7453
“God”, Genesis 11-6-7.
V121 The S’abat’-u spoke Sabatic or Sabaean and is the script we
 speech. H8193  
use today (show image) as Nuwaupuyee “Nuwaupic”
V126 So in Genesis 11:5, he and the anointed Cherubs and
Cherubim came down from Heaven to cause confusion on Babel as
it states in v9.
Do the languages we speak shape the way we think?
Paa Taraq – PA’UT - All Expanding Pg13
• v143 (in part) The talking being, the being with reason
choice or will.
• v144 The African creature, Nagar-U “Negroids”, were given
a voice box 54,000 thousand years ago, first tested with the
African Grey Parrot; and the Baboon to see if it would be
able to mimic or repeat sounds it hears and construct
• v145 It worked, so we did the same to the African of 54,000
thousand years ago making humanoids able to
communicate and exchange thoughts.
• v146 You Nagar-u “Negroids”, before lower breeds could
speak, write, carve and sing.
• v147 Then you mixed fluids with lower created humans kind
who could not speak or articulate until 9,000 to 6000 years
• v148 And, from the one language given to you Nagar-u
“Negroids” in Africa were born tongues and dialects.
• V149 As they try to pronounce words of the one language
and could not, thus many tongues were formed.
Paa Taraq While in Africa, many thousands of years before it
was visited by beings called Nadjar-u “Overseers”
The Dimensional Shift Pg22 who gave the A’ashah “Female” a voice box and
• V222 We genetically manipulated humanoids in taught her to speak A’ashah-u Kharad-u female
Africa DNA 54,000 years ago children spoke before A’ayash “Male” children and
• V223 We gave constructive “speech” Nataq/Natuq women speak more and much better than men.
• V224 It was implanted to raise humanoid Women have a much larger vocabulary than men.
intelligence. Don’t believe me check it out. It has to do with
• V225 The Cacas-u did not learn to speak, talk her brain and the upward movement of the voice-
Hadath/Dabur until 6000 years ago. box and Fox p2 gene that deals with speech.
• V226 It was the implanting of human mental It is actually called the Forkhead box protein P2
development that enabled humanoids to speak, commonly called FOXP2. This protein in humans is
before then only deities used Madataat “Words”.
(Foxp2 Gene) encoded by the FOXP2, gene which is located on
• 227 So the angelic beings, extra-terrestrials who
Chromosome 7.
came much later, tested humans by saying in the Researchers have speculated thtat the two amino
beginning was the Dabar “Speech” and became acid differences between chimps and humans led
logos “word and then said to another sub-race to the evolution of language in humans.
Arabs Iqraa “read” to see if they were intelligent
beings or beasts.
• This the reason the Sumerian God, Enlil, Had to
come down to see what the people began to
do, Genesis Chapter 11:1-9, because they were
no longer under his control since Nimrod
changed the “station” they were listening to by
teaching them the correct tones to speak, their
language, your langauge, Nawapuyee
“Nuwaupic” which changed how they though,
just like it will happen again, today.
• The correct tones that we will chant in are F.A.C
on the music scale. They are the notes of the
human body-A, the note of nature of nature-C
and the note of the note of the universe –F.
The three together is F-A-C for both Males on
the left side of Middle “C” and females on the
right side of middle “C” which is located at the
center of the keyboard.
• Now there are two ways you can tune yourself.
One way is to Ranum “Chant” in unison where
all are in the key of “A” and the other way is to
chant in for “harmony” which would be the
notes F-A-C.
(Speech, human communication
 through spoken language.
Many animals possess voices of
various types and inflectional
capabilities, humans have
learned to modulate their voices
by articulating the laryngeal
tones into audible oral speech.
Structure of the Vocal Chords
• Larynx: Highly specialized structure atop the windpipe responsible for
sound production, air passage during breathing and protecting the airway
during swallowing

• Voice “As We Know It” The “spoken word” results from three components
of voice production: voiced sound, resonance, and articulation.

 Voiced sound: The basic sound produced by vocal fold vibration is called

“voiced sound.” This is frequently described as a “buzzy” sound. Voiced
sound for singing differs significantly from voiced sound for speech.

 Resonance: Voice sound is amplified and modified by the vocal tract

resonators (the throat, mouth cavity, and nasal passages). The resonators
produce a person’s recognizable voice.

 Articulation: The vocal tract articulators (the tongue, soft palate, and lips)
modify the voiced sound. The articulators produce recognizable words.
Difference in Language
•Language is different. In Mis’bat’iya an adjective comes before a noun (Paa Hamer
Khalan), whereas in Spanish, the adjective (what you are describing comes after) (as in
casa [house] roja [house].) In German, you can put noun after noun together to from a
giant compound words; in Chinese, the pitch of your voice determines the meaning
your words like a hard H’ or soft H in Mis’bat’iya or a soft T and a Hard T’. (Show image)
•In our langauge Sabaeic the smallest unit of a word Phoneme (Phonology) can denote a
Paa Taraq The Prism Pg5 v52-54
meaning as in xxxTAT for female.

•Learn to speak Nuwaupuyee in your own tones and words

•Phonons are sound waves, which is energy, by learning to speak Nuwaupuyee in our
own tones, it is based on optical manifestation of sonic energy.
•Its about vocalisation and visualisation which equals manifestation. So sound is carried
as waves of consciousness.
The 5 main components of
According to the English
definition, however can still
be applicable to many other
Phonics is the code (Genetic
code/DNA) the assigning of
sounds to symbols
• 1. Phonemes (A phoneme is the smallest sound in a spoken language)
• 2. Morphemes (Free, Bound - inflectional, derivational) - The smallest syntax and
meaningful linguistic unit that contains a word, or an element of the word such as the
use of -s (aat/u).
• The basic function is to give meaning to a word. It may or may not stand alone, it is
thought to be a root as in B_R_H , SH_R_B, R_H’_B.
• However, when it depends upon other morphemes to complete an idea, then it
becomes an affix, and plays a grammatical function.
• Besides, inflectional and derivational morphemes can transform meanings and
functions of the words respectively adding richness and beauty to a text and
Context is how everything within langauge works together to convey a particular
meaning. Context includes tone of voice, body language, and the words being used.
• (
• 3. Semantics - is about the meaning of
sentences words and what real-world
object or concept those words denote or
point to.
• 4. Lexemes – is a single word and all of its
other forms e.g. SHARUB - DRINK;
Shaarub-drinking, Sharub-aat - drinks,
Sharuba – Drank, Mushrab-ur – one who
is a drinker)
• 5. Syntax – The study of sentences and
phrases or how people put words into
the correct order so that they can
communicate meaningfully.
Why it’s important to speak your own
The Master Teacher Paa Nabab: Languages such as Wolof spoken in
Yaanuwn, has been spoon West Afaf Rayay Kaa' (Africa), it has
feeding our language back to us been stated by reputable scholars
in degrees and unlocking the that it has roots in ancient Ptah
spells placed upon our minds, Mayay Rayay (Tama-re, Khamet);
due to the confusion of the or the Geechee also known as the
diverse tongues. Do not be Gullah stretching from Sandy
discouraged by the updates to Island SC, to Amelia Island Flag,
our language, although this is an where their name and language
ancient language it is alive as has been said to have derived from
well, and progresses and shifts West African Angola.
and evolves as we do.
Paa Lahaj The Language of Time You Munwap-u “Nuwaupian”, must return to our own
Slowly I moved them to Nawapuyee mind, your tones, Nawapuyee “Nuwaupic” ancient
“Nuwaupic”, still using Nubic tongue Egiptian , Napatan, which is why it is so important to
and mixed scripts. learn your language: to Natuq “Speak”, to Ranum
Then it became time to rush. Once “Chant”, to Ghanuy “Sing” to be in your right mind
incarcerated, I sat down and began again, your nine mind.
what I came originally to give Ranan- Whatever you expose your Khat’at’ “Body” to, it
aat “Names”, a Saqah’ Land, a Lah’aj naturally will gravitate towards or adapt. You are
“Language”, Paa Taraq “The Way”, and constantly exposed to a state of mind that is not your
to teach Ancient Egiptian Language, own and thus you act accordingly. Out of you’re A’aqal
which is Nawapuyee “Nuwaupic”, “Mind”, outsane state of mind, in the mind set of
Napatan. another’s that is contrary to your Khat’at’ “Body”, your
It may sound as if Nawapuyee health, and your genetic make-up.
“Nuwaupic” came from Arabic. Yet, in You must return to your and become insane again, sane
fact Arabic and Hebrew came from from inside knowing your tones, your S’awat “Voice”,
Cush or Napatan. Now we are on the knowing what to do to maintain yourself, keeping your
right track to be aligned with our genetics pure, and turning yourselves inside out, outside
original tone frequency and vibrations in. Only in that way can you be transformed back to your
to transform ourselves inside out state as Kharad-u Em Paa Nadjar-u “Children of The
outside in. Overseers” or Mundjar-u “Ones of the Overseers”
CONTINUED in part… It is very important to I did not say it related to Napata
learn your language Nawapuyee in ancient Makhmat Egipt” found
“Nuwaupic” to realign. Many People are
in their Bible in Genesis 10:13
confused about Nawapuyee “Nuwaupic”,
Nubic, Arabic, and Hebrew taught over the
and the first book of Chronicles
years from 1970 A.D. 1:13 as Naphtuhim, Hebrew
Back in 1962 A.D. we were not known by Strong’s Number 5320 for the
any name and dressed in all African dress word Naphtukhim “Naphtuhim”
males and females, and I taught what was who is the fourth son of
then called Nuwaup-u, pronounced Noo- Mizraim’s 7 sons: Mizraim being
wah-poo. another variation and a dual
Note the part or root letters N.W.P. No one form of Egipt. Genesis 10:13 “And
ever asked me as Amunnubi Rakhaptah, Mizraim begat Ludim, and
Amun Nabab Rayay Aakhakh Ptah, what Anamim, and Lehabim and
language that was or who or what was Naphtuhim”.
Wu.Nupu. Asa.Nupu and Naba.Nubu.
• ‫נַפְּתֻ חִים‬  All the surrounding lands where we
• Naphtuchîym,  dwelt now called Sudan, Eritrea and
naf-too- Ethiopia in Arabia spoke dialects of
kheem; plural
of foreign Napatan Nawapuyee “Nuwaupic”
origin, having their roots in a mixture of the
Naphtuchim, Ancient Egiptian Language and the
an Egyptian Mesopotamian tongues the two
Naptuhim. dialects Chaldean, Akkadian the
language of the spell.
Language and Thought
Paa Taraq - The Dimensional Shift Pg6

• V78 As you sing, chant, pray or speak, the use of grammatic pronunciation of your
own language using your tongue and given voice box tones and numbers in music,
• V79 Opens your imagination and access to other dimensions of your etheric being
by your emotional being or Baa’ “soul”,
• V80 Which activates your subconscious mind to remember when you were divine,
now lost under Nawam this “spell of sleep”.
• Each language is unique both in its structure and in the way it reflects the culture of
the people who speak it.
• Speaking, writing, and reading are integral to everyday life.
• Where language is the primary tool for expression and communication.“
Language and the brain Language and the brain

• The areas of the brain necessary for processing Wernicke’s Area

language: Broca’s area, Wernicke’s area, the primary Wernicke’s area, located in the cerebral cortex, is the part of the
motor cortex, the posterior middle temporal gyrus, brain involved in understanding written and spoken language.
and the middle and posterior superior temporal Damage to this area results in receptive aphasia (also called
gyrus. Wernicke’s aphasia). This type of aphasia manifests itself as a loss
of comprehension, so sometimes while the patient can apparently
• Broca’s Area still speak, their language is nonsensical and incomprehensible.
The areas of the brain necessary for language. Spoken word,
• Broca’s area, located in the frontal lobe of the brain cognition, and written word all are processed in different parts of
(show image), is linked to speech production, and the brain in different orders.
recent studies have shown that it also plays a
significant role in language comprehension. Broca’s Auditory Cortex and Angular Gyrus
area works in conjunction with working memory to The primary auditory cortex, located in the temporal lobe and
allow a person to use verbal expression and spoken connected to the auditory system, is organized so that it responds
words. Damage to Broca’s area can result in to neighbouring frequencies in the other cells of the cortex. It is
productive aphasia (also known as Broca’s aphasia), responsible for identifying pitch and loudness of sounds.
or an inability to speak. Patients with Broca’s can The angular gyrus, located in the parietal lobe of the brain, is
often still understand language, but they cannot responsible for several language processes, including number
speak fluently. processing, spatial recognition and attention.
According to the specialist Stuart Mitchell:
“Music in its simplest form, as we know it,
could be termed as “The organisation of sound
into a definable audible expression” and DNA Written by Olga Jeczmyk: Translator-
employs this very principal to operate its Interpreter, Social Media and Content
complex and delicate genetic function“. Manager as well as Communication and
It is all about Glutaminic acid, Threonine Terminology Trainee. Terminology
Glutamine or Tryptophan Glycine which are Coordination Unit of the European
just some of the selected 22 amino acids: Parliament in Luxembourg.
these small molecules have a similar structure,
but each has a distinct characteristic that Sources:
distinguishes it from all other amino acids.
These molecules are translated into a scale  Costandi, M. (2007) Transcribe DNA
of 22 music notes. There is a new field of sequences into music. Available at: 
research called Wave Genetics which uses the (Accessed: 22
properties of sounds of our DNA. We can
obtain a melody embedded within the DNA
February 2017).
data by mixing these notes in a particular  Mitchell, S. (2011) Translating DNA
sequence registered in a magnetic tape. into music. Available at: 
Finally, magnetic markers are the ones to (Accessed: 22
translate this data into music.
February 2017).
DNA music takes several different forms. So
maybe your DNA sounds as a symphony?
The Structure of Langauge
Paa Taraq. The Golden Children Pg8
• V90 His voice is really 3 in tones in one

• V91 and since the basic structure of DNA alkaline pairs

and language is of the same structure, no DNA decoding
is necessary. (R_H_B)
• V92 A person can simply use words and sentences of tone
arrangement (musical arrangement) or proper words and
this will bring about an effect.
• V93 I was born with this encoded in my DNA.

• V94 As I speak, it has an effect on those who are being

prepared and my voice tone can open the star gate.
• V95 Yet, of course, the frequency has to be correct.
You must learn the correct tones, then
you must align your Khatat “Body”,
then with the Mikkab “Planet” or
Tabah’ “Nature/scenery, and then with
the Wahu Makwan “Universe” or
cosmos. Thus, becoming one A’aqal
“Mind” and become one body and be

Love is the Key: the

lock is your heart.

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