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Which one of the following pathways has an Interneurone?

a) Posterior Column Medial Leminiscus

b) Anterolateral
c) Spinal Reflex Arc
Which one of the following pathways has a synapse within the Spinal
a) Posterior Column Medial Leminiscus
b) Anterolateral
c) Spinal Reflex Arc
Which one of the following pathways does not have a secondary
neuron within the Spinal Cord?
a) Posterior Column Medial Leminiscus
b) Anterolateral
c) Spinal Reflex Arc
Which one of the following pathways has a secondary neuron
decussating in the Medulla Oblongata?
a) Posterior Column Medial Leminiscus
b) Anterolateral
c) Spinal Reflex Arc
Which one of the following pathways results in a Motor Output before
perception at the Primary Somatosensory Area of Cerebral Cortex?
a) Posterior Column Medial Leminiscus
b) Anterolateral
c) Spinal Reflex Arc
False about Receptors for Pain:
a) Called Nociceptors
b) Free Nerve Endings
c) Only Visceral
d) Stimulated by tissue damage
Thermoreceptors sensitive to Cold are called ………………. Corpuscles:
a) Ruffini’s
b) Krause’s
c) Meissner’s
d) Pacinian
In the human body, Electromagnetic Receptors are found in the:
a) Spinal Cord
b) Somatosensory area of Brain
c) Inner Ear
d) Retina
What sensation is NOT carried in the PCML pathway?
a) Pain
b) Vibration
c) Proprioception
d) Light Touch
Where in the Cerebral Lobes is the Primary Somatosensory Area?
a) Frontal
b) Parietal
c) Occipital
d) Temporal

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