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UNIT 1: Getting to Know One’s Self

“No one is you, and that is your power.” -

Dave Grohl

Adolescence is a stage of self-

discovery. It is the time when young
people build their identities and learn
more about themselves as they go
through life’s different changes and
challenges. The goal is not only to
know oneself, but also to accept who
one is. With this acceptance is the
power to make things happen and also,
the power to build a life that he/she
UNIT 1: Getting to Know One’s Self

Aristotle once said, “Knowing yourself is the

beginning of all wisdom.” The relationship
with yourself is one of the most important
relationships in your life. ... If we do so life has a
way of leading us to more joy, prosperity and



“The Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.”

Psalm 139:14
“ I will praise thee, for I am fearfully and wonderfully
made: marvelous are thy works;and that my soul
Lesson 1:

Taking A Look At Oneself Everyone has their

strengths and weaknesses, a potential for growth,
room for improvement, and limitations. As one
grows up, the knowledge about one’s self
increases. However, not everyone knows what to
do with the information you have about yourself.
What does one gain when you know yourself?
Self-awareness comes in two types:

internal self-awareness and external selfawareness.

Internal self-awareness refers to clearly seeing your inner self–your
personalities, values, desires, reactions, and impact on other people.

External self-awareness involves understanding how others see you. The

goal here is to attempt to reach a balance of both types of awareness – to
know yourself well and to receive feedback on how others see you.
A study made by Dr. Tasha Eurich for the Harvard Business Review shows
four types of individuals and how you exhibit internal and external self-
Wrap Up In this unit

 The formation of the self-concept is based on the multi-dimensional perception of the self which
includes the physical, spiritual, emotional, social and moral aspects.

 Self-complexity refers to the different ways in which a person thinks about himself/herself.

 Self-concept has three basic components: physical characteristics, personality traits and social

 Self-esteem is the value that an individual places on himself/herself. It can either be positive or
negative depending on the performance of the person and his/her interactions with others.

 Self-concept is a product of our interaction with other people. Charles Cooley coined the term
looking glass self which stressed that the people around us could serve as mirrors that reflect how
we see ourselves. Their reactions affect the formation of a person’s self-concept

.  Self-awareness is the ability to know one’s self extensively including your inner state and how
your think.
A self can be considered as a kaleidoscope—with
its brilliant hues and different shapes. When
combined, they make an eye-catching design that
makes a person fascinated and curious.
Holistic Development An adolescent is constantly
changing. You may not be aware of this, but for every
second that passes, your whole body changes. These
changes occur simultaneously and are never-ending. As
adolescents mature, your social circles keep getting
wider and wider. Your body begins to change. Your brain
processes new ideas. Your faith and morals evolve as
they are exposed to the realities of life. Your emotions
change from simple feelings like being happy and sad
into being ecstatic and melancholic.
Mind/Body Connection Dualism

is a philosophical term that speaks of the independence

between the functioning of the mind and the body. This thought
existed before, but it is being refuted today. At the moment, it is
accepted that the mind and body are connected. The mind/body
connection means that your thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and
attitudes affect the body either in a positive or negative way. A
healthy mind means having a healthy body as well. However,
the things that you do with your body like the food you eat and
the activities you do can also impact the mind.
 Create an FB page (GNA Connect)

about the importance of mind/body connection and its

relationship to mental health. Please remember to post
memes that inspire positive thoughts only. You can
share videos on YouTube or share pictures that
promote wellness.  Let your friends like your page and
gather as many likes as you can. Remember that in
doing this, you are also promoting wellness
In this unit, the following points were discussed
:  Holistic development is about the development of a person in five different areas:
(a) physical development;
(b) cognitive development;
(c) social and emotional development;
(d) spiritual development; and
(e) psychological development
 The principle of dualism was discussed to refer to the understanding of the mind and body
connection. In this principle, the mind and the body are seen as two distinct entities that are
independent of each other.
 The Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) describes how the influence of emotions and
thoughts can affect the behavior of a person.
 Changing the behavior is done through: the use of rewards; forming associations; changing
irrational beliefs; developing reflection and discarding automatic judgment. Situation Thoughts
 Self-evaluation is the act of becoming aware of one’s thoughts, emotions, and behaviors to
create useful steps that will be beneficial for the self and others.
 Several steps were offered to take care of the mind and the body:
 Create an FB page (GNA Connect)

about the importance of mind/body connection and its

relationship to mental health. Please remember to post
memes that inspire positive thoughts only. You can
share videos on YouTube or share pictures that
promote wellness.  Let your friends like your page and
gather as many likes as you can. Remember that in
doing this, you are also promoting wellness

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