Perdev PPT Units 3 4

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Entering the Phase of Middle and Late Adolescence The first step toward

change is awareness. The second step is acceptance. - Nathaniel Branden

Lesson 1: Developmental Tasks of Middle and Late Adolescents

As you get older, the challenges become more complex and more difficult.

• Some individuals are able to deal with the new experiences thrown their
way better than others.

• Some are prepared for what lies ahead and some are at a loss on what
to do.

• Some young people thrive in adulthood and some live in failure and

And so one would wonder, what foundations are needed to become a

successful adult?




sensitive to criticism


risk taking behavior
Expectations in Adolescence MANAGING PEER SOCIAL
1. Establish mature relationships
with peers of both sexes.
1. Gratitude is Key
2. Recreate their relationships with their parents. 2. Be inspired
3. Compete with yourself
3. Build and embrace socially acceptable
behavior and become socially responsible.

4. Be knowledgeable about family life and home

management matters.
Types of Skills Peers Help Develop
1. Leadership Skills
2. Social Skills

Role of peers
Peers provide emotional support
Peers help develop skills
Peers help mold behaviors and beliefs

• Think before you act

• Face the consequences of your actions

• Get to know yourself

• Put yourself in another’s shoes

HW: Video on leadership roles

UNIT 4 Dealing with the Challenges of Adolescence Stage

Lesson 1: Setting the Stage

Adolescence is a stage that prepares you for adulthood. It

is an exciting period since it allows you to widen your
experiences and expand your social circle. At the same time,
it is also a frightening period since it is the beginning of
breaking away from childhood. The transition from being a
child to being an adult can make you confused and at a loss
as to how you can handle the bumps of growing up
Factors that Give Rise to Adolescent Issues

“It’s a jungle out there.”

This statement may be simple, but once it is applied into your world, it
takes on a whole new meaning. This can sum up your perception about the
world around you. It is a jungle in the sense that there are many
challenges and issues that you experience. Since your world is not
limited to your immediate family (but includes school, church, the peer
groups to which you belong, and the greater community), the scope of
these challenges widen as well. You are faced with conflicting values,
inconsistent rules, and expectations that may prove to be challenging to
meet and resolve
The developmental tasks that are expected during
adolescence are:
 Achieving gender-specific roles
 Creating mature relations with both genders
 Accepting one’s physical characteristics
 Developing a set of values and ethics to guide future behavior
 Preparing for marriage and family
 Developing emotional independence
 Preparing for a career or profession
 Achieving socially acceptable and responsible behavior
 Facing challenges is an important component since it forms
initiative, which is the ability to push life in a forward and purpose-
driven action. The initiative is affected by the mastery of
experiences and the support coming from significant others.

 Nature and nurture play equal roles in your development.

Nature involves the physical characteristics, including your genes
and physiological make-up. Nurture involves the environmental
factors that affect your development.
 Personal fable was also discussed as one reason why you engage in risky behaviors. This came
from egocentrism which is manifested by a child and evolves into a personal fable in the adolescent

 The occurrence of peer pressure . An adolescent may succumb to the expectations of the group
because of your motivation to form an identity and identify with peers.

Some of the Concerns During the Adolescent Stage Come in the Form of

A. Physical concerns like eating disorders, which include Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa., and
Binge-eating Disorders
B. Substance abuse which is the use of psychoactive drugs
C. Alcohol abuse and its effects on the health of a person
D. Teen Rebellion is also mentioned. It can be attributed to your ability to test existing rules and form
your conclusions about why rules are created and if you can follow these rules.

 The academic concerns include the distractions that you encounter like the preoccupation with
friends, hobbies, and even online activities
.  Expectations can be both positive and negative. Expectations can make you
feel motivated to achieve success. However, the failure to meet expectations can
result in negative feelings.

 It was also found out that parental expectations can influence your academic
achievement. The combination of the parental expectations and previous learning
achievement are directly associated with either high or low academic achievement.

 Self-fulfilling prophecy and the expectancy effect stressed how your

expectations of people affect how you view yourself.
The self-fulfilling prophecy stresses that your expectations that you have to
change your behavior can influence how other people see you.

The expectancy effect states that your expectations of other people can shape
the way you can confirm these expectations.
 Self-affirmation statements are made to restore your self-
 Self-integrity is your inherent belief regarding you
goodness, virtue, agency, and the ability to predict and
achieve your success.
 The self-affirmation theory asserts that the main goal of
the self is to protect its self-integrity.
When the self-integrity is in danger, people respond in a way
that the self-worth is restored.
Practicing the right statements
“You can do it.”

“Pray so that you can be guided.”

“You are smart, so I know you can win that.”

“I know how talented you are; you just have to practice


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