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Uranus is the 7th planet from the Sun,
the 3rd largest planet after Jupiter and Saturn.
The Discovery of
- The first planet found with the aid of a
- Uranus was discovered in 1781 by
astronomer William Herschel.
- Herschel originally thought it was
either a comet or a star.
Uranus is the only
planet that named
after the GREEK god
of sky.
Size and

With a radius of 15,759.2 miles (25,362

kilometers), Uranus is 4 times wider than Earth.

63 Earths would fit inside Uranus if it were

Uranus is 2.9
billion km away
from the Sun.
It takes sunlight 2
hours and 40 minutes
to travel from the Sun
to Uranus.

Being so further away from the

Sun, Uranus (not Neptune), is the
coldest planet in the solar system.
Orbit and
One day on Uranus takes
about 17 hours (the time it
takes for Uranus to rotate
or spin once).
Uranus makes a complete
orbit around the Sun (a
year in Uranian time) in
about 84 Earth years
(30,687 Earth days).
Uranus is the strangest planet because it its unique tilt.
The theory is that an Earth-sized planetoid may have collided
with Uranus long time ago which forced its axis to drastically
shift & caused this unusual tilt.
Uranus' axis is so tilted, it actually looks like the planet is
rotating on its side.

This unique tilt causes the most extreme seasons

in the whole solar system.
For each Uranian year (84 Earth years), Uranus
faces two 21-year-long summer and 21-year-long,
dark winter.
Every planet in our solar system except for Venus and Uranus rotates counter-
clockwise. This is the same direction in which all the planets orbit the sun.
Uranus and Venus rotates backwards, clockwise, compared to the other planets.
Structure Uranus is one of the ‘ICE GIANT’ in
the solar system.
Most of Uranus is made of “icy”
materials - water, methane and
ammonia above a small rocky center.
Its atmosphere is made of hydrogen
and helium like Jupiter and Saturn,
but it also has methane. The
methane makes Uranus blue.
Hydrogen sulphide also found in
Uranus’ cloud tops, so if we can
smell Uranus, it would smell like
rotten egg.
Rings and
Moons Uranus has 27 known moons. The five
biggest are Miranda,
Ariel, Umbriel, Titania, and Oberon.
All of Uranus' inner moons appear to be
roughly half water ice and half rock.

Saturn may be the most showy, but it's

not the only planet in the Solar System
circled by rings. Uranus also has rings,
but the rings are darker and more faint
compared to Saturn.
Can We See Uranus with Our Naked
Eye? Uranus photographed at 24 October 2019.

It’s hard to see Uranus without telescope (but it’s possible), unless you know where to
look and have very strong eyes. It’s not very bright and barely large enough but it does
appear in our night sky.
Mission to
Voyager 2 was the first human-made object to fly past the

Uranus planet Uranus, and remained as the only one.

Closest approach to Uranus took place at Jan. 24, 1986, at a
range of about 81,500 kilometers.

Voyager 2 launched on Aug. 20, 1977.


Deep within Neptune and Uranus, it

rains diamonds—or so astronomers
and physicists have suspected for
nearly 40 years. 
Can Humans Uranus is a gas giant, meaning the
surface is gas, you couldn’t even

Live on Uranus? stand on it. The extreme pressures

and temperatures would destroy a
metal spacecraft.

It’s so far from the Earth, it would take

a long time to reach Uranus.
Voyager 2 took almost nine and a
half years to reach Uranus.

It would be impossible for humans

to breathe on Uranus.

Uranus cannot support life as we know it. The

temperatures, pressures and
materials that characterize this
planet are most likely too extreme
and volatile for organisms to adapt

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