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I define

you guess

the acquisition of knowledge or

Definition= skills through experience, study, or
by being taught

a supposition or a system of ideas intended to

Definition= explain something, especially one based on
general principles independent of the thing to
be explained.

the application of scientific knowledge

Definition= for practical purposes, especially in

the action of making practical and

Definition= effective use of something.

detailed information telling how

Definition= something should be done, operated, or
Unit 5:
Learning Theories
Related to Educational
Group 5
I. Introduction
II. What is Learning
III. Principles of Learning and their
Application in the Classroom
IV. Learning Theories
V. Technology Utilization
I. Introduction

Tuesday, February 2, 20XX Sample Footer Text

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• Teacher are now aware that teaching and learning can be enhanced by technology.
Likewise, technology begins to change the vision of education because it appears to
be an important component of teaching- learning program. Nowadays, many teachers
are using technology along with application of appropriate theories of learning.
• Technology allows the students and teachers to live within the four pillars of
education: learning to be. Learning to know, learning to do and learning to live
together, Because of these, Information and communication technology focused on
computer assisted instructions. Both teachers and students use the computer to learn
new ideas and recent researches.
II. What is
What is Learning?

Process Learning Product

-It is the process of -It involves relatively
acquiring, remembering permanent change in
and applying skills, behavior or knowledge as a
knowledge, attitudes and result of an experience or
other modes of response. practice

Tuesday, February 2, 20XX Sample Footer Text 12

III. Principles of Learning
and their Application in
the Classroom
Principles of Learning and their Application
in the Classroom
1. Learning by doing is more effective than sitting and
2. Present concepts in various ways.
3. Learning aided by formulating and asking questions.
4. More effort is put forth when tasks are challenging
5. Readiness is related to the learner’s stage of development
IV. Learning
Learning Theories
How teachers view the role of
technology and media in the
classroom depends very much on
their beliefs about how people learn.
Learning theories provide a
pedagogical basis for understanding
how students learn as McLeod notes:
Learning Theories
Each theoretical perspective offers benefits to
designers, but the perspectives must be taken into
context depending upon the situation, performance
goals and learners. And since the context in which
the learning takes place can be dynamic and multi-
dimensional , some combination of the three
learning theories and perhaps others should be
considered and incorporated into the instructional
design process to provide optimal learning.
Learning Theories

1. Behaviorism
2. Cognitivism
3. Constructivism
1. Behaviorism
-it is the theory of animal and human learning that
focuses on objectively observable behaviors and discounts
mental activities. Behavior theorist define learning as
nothing more than the acquisition of new behavior
- Experiment of behaviorists identify conditioning as a
universal learning process. There are two different types
of conditioning, each yielding a different behavioral
1. Behaviorism
Two different types of conditioning
1.Classical Conditioning- occurs when a
natural reflex responds to a situation. The
most popular example is Pavlov’s
observation that dogs salivate when they
can eat or even see food.
1. Behaviorism
Two different types of conditioning
2. Behavioral Operant Conditioning- occurs when
a response to a stimulus is reinforced. Basically
operant conditioning is a simple feedback system. If a
reward or reinforcement follows the response to a
stimulus, then the response becomes more probable
in the future.
1. Behaviorism
In behaviorism, the following are the relevant
educational technology which can be used:
1. Observation of learners are bases for identifying
materials for reinforcing learning.
2. Selecting stimulus. Some learners need varying stimuli
in order to learn.
3. Educational technology used by the teacher can help
elicit the outcomes which are easily observed like use and
production of proper words in writing.
1. Behaviorism
In behaviorism, the following are the relevant
educational technology which can be used:

4. Educational technology to be utilized in developing

mastery learning can be used in behavioral approaches.
5. Technology to promote motivation, classroom
management and special education needs are also used in
1. Behaviorism
Possible Activities in Behaviorism

1. Instructional cues to elicit correct response.

2. Practice paired with target stimuli
3. Reinforcement the correct responses
4. Building proficiency.
2. Cognitivism
-focuses on the brain. It involves processing
ad storing information which are very
important in the process of learning.
Cognitive structure which is called schema
constitutes the internal knowledge
2. Cognitivism
Relevance of Cognitivism to Educational
1. Conduct task analysis and learner
2. Create tests
3. Create learning materials according to
3. Constructivism
- Learning is an active process in which learners construct
new ideas or concepts based upon their current/ past
knowledge , social interactions, and motivation that affect
the construction of knowledge.
-Educators focus on making connections
between facts and fostering new student
response and encourage students to analyze,
interpret and predict information.
3. Constructivism
- Constructivism is a movement that
extends beyond the ideas of cognitivism,
considering the engagement of students in
meaningful experiences as the essence of
experiential learning.
3. Constructivism
Relevance of Constructivism to Educational
-Constructivism is characterized by open-ended
expectation where results and methods of
learning themselves are easily measured and
may not be consistent with each learner.
V. Technology
Technology Utilization
Principle of effective instruction
Principles of effective Technology
Principle of Effective Media Utilization
Principle of Effective Text Utilization
Technology Utilization

Principle of effective instruction

➢ As a classroom teachers your role is to establish
learning environments that foster the defined
outcomes for your learners.
➢ As educators continually seeking to improve, it is
important to consider how to engage learners in their
Technology Utilization
The following principles of effective instruction have evolved
from a variety of sources:
1. Assess your prior 5. Provide social interaction
knowledge 6. Incorporate realistic concept
2. Consider individual 7. Engage students in relevant
differences practice.
3. State objectives 8. Offer frequent , timely and
4. Develop metacognitive constructive feedback
Technology Utilization

Principles of effective Technology Utilization

➢ Teachers are expected to be competent in the use
of technology in their teaching. The National
Education Technology Standards for Students
(NETS-S) noted in the following list specifically
outline expectations for students use of technology
to guide their learning:
Technology Utilization
The National Education Technology Standards for Students
1. Creativity and innovation
2. Communication and collaboration
3. Research and information fluency
4. Critical thinking, Problem solving and decision making
5. Digital citizenship
6. Technology operations and Concepts
Technology Utilization
Many of these standards address the essential elements for
success in acquiring 21st century knowledge and skills. Teachers
have standards for acquiring these skills. These are also provided
by the ISTE namely:
1. Student Learning and Creativity
2. Digital- Age Learning Experiences and Assessments
3. Digital – Age Work and Learning
4. Digital Citizenship and Responsibility
5. Professional growth and Leadership
Technology Utilization

As a teacher , you will expected to enhance

students’ abilities to engage in the use of technology
to support their learning and address these six areas
of competency , also known as technology literacy
Technology Utilization

Principle of Effective Media Utilization

➢ We are continually learning from multiple
resources of media that provide us with information
and challenge our thinking. As users of these
sources, we need media literacy skills to know how
to access them, how understand and analyze the
content and how to create new media messages
(Stanburry, 2009).
Technology Utilization

Principle of Effective Text Utilization

Text is everywhere in students’ learning experiences. Text materials
include textbook, fiction, and non- fiction books, newspaper, booklets,
computer screens, magazines, study guides, manuals and worksheets as
well as word- processed documents prepared by students and teachers.
 The 21st century learner encounters text as part of daily interactions
with technology and media. The ability to use text as a means to gather
information or to communicate is known as text literacy.
Technology Utilization

The most common applications of text materials is
presenting information. Students are given reading
assignments and held accountable for the material during
class discussion and on tests. Teacher made handouts can
also complement a teacher’s presentation or students may
use them to study independently.
Technology Utilization
Teachers need to understand the best ways to use text to
facilitate learning. Designing good text-based materials involves
a few basic elements
1. Font choice
2. Background and Patterns
3. Arrangement
4. Check and revise
Technology Utilization

As a teacher, you will want to consider all the types of
text based materials, your students will be encountering in
your classroom as well as their individual reading abilities.
You want to be sure that they are able to read and
comprehend the message that they encounter.
Technology Utilization
When to Use Text-based Materials:
1. Reading text information for which they will be held
2. Supplementing teacher- presented materials
3. Using handouts that guide them through learning activities
4. Implementing the survey, question, read, recite and review
method (SQ3R)
Technology Utilization

Using Text Materials

Get learners actively involved with the materials. One technique
is to have students use SQ3R method, Survey, Question, Read,
Recite and Review.
1. Survey Stage -requires students to skim through the text
material and read the overview and summary.
2. Question Stage- requires students to write a list of questions
to answer while reading.
Technology Utilization

3. Read Stage - students are led to look for the

organization of the material, put brackets around the main
ideas, underline supporting details and answer the
questions written in the previous step.
4. Recite Stage- requires them to test themselves while
reading and to put the content into their own words.
Technology Utilization

5. review Stage -suggest that the students look over the

materials immediately after reading it, the next day, a
week later and so on. (Robinson, 1946).
Direct student reading with objectives and provide a
worksheet if ne is not included with the materials.
Emphasize the sue of visuals in text and teach students
to study visuals in an affort to increase comprehension of
the context.
Thank You
Group 5





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