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• The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) characterizes common flight

airplane tasks in three classes:

1. Commercial Air Transport (CAT): Business air transport signifies an airplane activity
to move travelers, payload or mail for compensation or other important thought.

2. Aerial Work (AW): Aerial work implies an airplane activity wherein an airplane is
utilized for particular administrations like horticulture, development/construction,
photography, surveying , perception and watch, search and salvage/ rescue.

3. General Aviation (GA): It addresses the private vehicle, sporting segments of flying
and recreational components of aviation.

General Aviation (GA) is characterized by the

International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
as "all polite flight tasks other than planned air
administrations and non-booked air transport
activities for compensation or recruit".

Word War One:

• Following World War I, various gutsy pilots started utilizing planes for utility flight.

• In spite of the fact that barnstormers and acrobatic fliers all around frequently
discolored the picture of aeronautics by performing gymnastic tricks at that time the
phenomenon of utility aviation attracted increasing numbers of users.

• the stock of war overflow airplane and motors evaporated, new organizations started
to offer improved motors and planes, incorporating airplane with encased cabins that
could situate two to five individuals, stopping open cockpits, helmets, goggles, and
considerable engine noise.
A/C before World War 1
A/C after World War 1

• World War Two:

• light plane industry era.

• The quickening interest for individual and utility airplane offered ascend to
the term general aviation to portray all flying that didn't fall into the
classification of military or booked air transport.

• Initiative towards jet engine .

A/C after World War 2
Motive of GA

General aviations stated goal is to improve safety

through data-driven risk reduction efforts
focused on education, training and enabling new
equipment in GA aircraft.
Characteristics of GA

1. The support of future aircraft transport pilots.

2. Trial lab.
3. Innovation.
4. Experimentation
5. School of aviation industry

• GA is the place where future aircraft pilots are conceived. A hopeful air
transport pilot starts their journey as a private pilot by the means of leased
Cessna or Piper.

• GA is a research center of the most progressive airplane flying where

birdman learn to develop homebuilt aircraft, tools, innovative designs  and

• The most convincing, yet least solid explanation that GA is significant is the
way of life. Flying empowers a convincing presence. Envision the opportunity
of traveling to any place you need to go, at whatever point you need to do it.
Why General Aviation is Important

• Supports industrial growth

• Encourages innovation.
• Gives margin for experimentation.
• Generates revenue from tour rides.
• Proper flying learning system.
• Helps understand aircraft and aviation industries structure.
Characteristics of Aerial Work

• Agriculture including crop spraying

• Emergency medical services, such as the transport of dangerously ill
individuals and of urgently needed human organs, medical equipment and
• Civil search and rescue
• Law enforcement and fire fighting
• Aerial survey work
• Aerial photography
• News gathering
• Sightseeing or air tours
• Flight demonstrations

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