Information Technol Ogy Number System

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Group 2

• Marie Macile Acero

• Hazel Grace Morano
• Jassel Dy Javier
• Jeffrey Aranilla
• John Roger Recones
• Sarah Jane Vasquez
The Number System is simply th
e ways and methods to represen
t numbers. Aim of any number s
ystem is to deal with certain
quantities that could be measu
red, monitored, recorded, mani
pulated arithmetically, observ
ed and utilized.
The computer constitutes all
forms of data and information
in binary numbers. This means
every value or number that is
saved or fed into the compute
r system memory holds a defin
ed number system. The data fe
d could contain but is not li
mited to audio, graphics, vid
eo, text file, numbers, etc.
Each column in our system stands f
or a power of 10 starting at 100.
All computers use the binary syste
m. The base or radix is the total
number of digits used in a number
system. The base is written after
the number as a subscript, for ins
tance, 10001112 (1000111 base 2),
5510 (55 to base of 10), 708 (70 b
ase 8), etc.
Supported Number Sy
A Standard Computer Architecture supports the
following number systems:

1. Binary Number System (Base),

2. Octal Number System (Base 8),
3. Decimal Number System (Base 10),
4. Hexadecimal Number System (Base 16).
The numerical value of a quantity can
be expressed in either an analog or d
igital method of representation.

1. Binary Number System consists of t

wo digits only i.e. 0 & 1. This makes
it less complicated than any other nu
mber system since it comprises of onl
y two digits. Thus, the base of the b
inary system is 2 as the available di
gits in this number system is 2. The
other numbers can be expressed with t
hese two digits.
Binary digits are called as
Bits, it is formed from two
words Binary and Digits. 4 B
its together are called as n
ibble and 8 bits together is
called as byte. Binary digit
s are useful for computation
of results of devices which
have two states ON and OFF.
Decimal equivalent of Binary
can be calculated by multiply
ing the binary digits with 2
to the power of positional va
lues of respective digits.

10011 = 241 + 230 + 22 + 211

+ 201
= 16 + 2 + 1
= 19
2. Octal Number System

Octal Number System comprises of 8 digit

s i.e. from 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7. Thu
s, the base of Octal Number System is 8.
It is much easier to handle array of oct
al numbers in comparison to binary numbe
rs. This is because if we represent any
number using binary digits it will be a
long array of binary numbers. While in c
ase of Octal numbers the array of number
s will be less.
Decimal Equivalent of Octal Number:

The decimal equivalent of Octal number can

be evaluated by multiplying the digits with
8, and the base 8 will be raised to the pos
itional value of the respective digit.
Let’s consider an octal number 431, now it
s decimal equivalent can be described as:-

431 = 824 + 813 + 801

= 256 + 24 + 1
= 281Octal
3. Decimal Number System
Decimal Number System comprises of
10 digits. These digits are 0, 1,
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9. The base
of the decimal number system is 10
because total 10 digits are availa
ble in the number system. It does
not implies that only 10 digits ca
n be expressed in decimal numbers
system but using these 10 digits w
e can define any number in this sy
stem no matter how large it is.
Expansion of Decimal Number:
Consider the above number again i.
e. 7896.

Now, it can be written as:-

7896 = 10007 + 1008 + 109 + 6

To write a number in terms of base

10, we can use the positional valu
e as superscript of base 10.

7896 = 1037 + 1028 + 1019 + 1006

4. HexaDecimal Number System

The hexadecimal number system has bas

e 16 that is it has 16 digits (Hexade
cimal means'16'). These digits are 0,
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D
, E, and F. The digits A, B, C, D, E,
and F have equivalent decimal values
10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15 respective
Decimal Equivalent of Hexadecimal Numbers

Let’s consider a hexadecimal number 5B5

2, now its decimal equivalent can be calc
ulated by multiplying each digit with 16
and 16 will be raised to the power of pos
itional value of the respective digit.

5B52 = 163 5+ 162 11+ 1615 + 1602

= 54096 + 11256 + 80 + 2
= 23378
Hex To Decimal Conversion

Hex to decimal conversion is done in t

he same way as in the cases of binary
and octal to decimal conversions. A he
x number is converted into its equival
ent decimal number by summing the prod
ucts of the weights of each digit and
their values. This is clear from the e
xample of the conversion of 514.AF16 i
nto its decimal equivalent.
Hexadecimal number system to decimal number system conversio
Before converting hexadecimal to decimal number system, put
in mind that hexadecimal number system is a base 16 number s
ystem and decimal number system is a base 10 number system.
Decimal number system Hexadecimal number system

0 0

1 1

2 2

3 3

4 4

5 5

6 6
7 7

8 I

9 9

10 A

11 B

12 C

13 D

14 E

15 F
Number Systems is crucial for und
erstanding the processing of digi
tal system. Digital system takes
binary, octal & hexadecimal numbe
r as input and process it and gen
erates output. Thus, in the field
of information technology or embe
dded system everywhere one need t
o be well aware of number system
in order to understand its operat

When numbers, letters or wor

ds are represented by a spec
ific group of symbols, it is
said that the number, letter
or word is being encoded. Th
e group of symbols is called
the code.
1. BCD Code

BCD Code (BCD stands for Binary

Coded Decimal) code, each digit
of a decimal number is converte
d into its binary equivalent. T
he largest decimal digit is 9;
therefore the largest binary eq
uivalent is 1001.
2. ASCII Code

The word ASCII is run acronym of Amer

ican Standard Code for Information In
terchange. This is the alphanumeric c
ode most widely used in computers. Th
e alphanumeric code is one that repre
sents alphabets, numerical numbers, p
unctuation marks and other special ch
aracters recognized by a computer.
3. Gray Code

Gray Code is a form of binary that u

ses a different method of incrementi
ng from one number to the next. With
the Gray Code, only one bit changes
state from one position to another.
This feature allows a system designe
r to perform some error checking (i.
e., if more than one bit changes, th
e data must be incorrect).

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