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 T – Talk to the child in simple terms

 O – Offer choices to the child to provide some control
 D – Don’t leave alone near the bathtub or swimming pool
 D – Doubt and shame vs. Autonomy
 L – Learn about death at age three
 E – Elimination pattern
 R – Rituals and routine

 P – Push-pull toys (mobile) parallel play (forget sharing)

 R – Rituals and routine (eyes and consistency)
 A – Accident
 I – Involve parents
 S – Separation anxiety
Common Accidents
 P – prevent further absorption
 O – Off shower, wash off
 I – Identity
 S – Support
 O – ongoing safety education
 N – notify local poison control center
Toddler (12 months to 3 yrs
 Social and Emotional
 Is shy or nervous with strangers
 Cries when mom or dad leaves
 Has favorite things and people
 Shows fear in some situations
 Hands you a book when he wants to hear a story
 Repeats sounds or actions to get attention
 Puts out arm or leg to help with dressing
 Plays games such as “peek-a-boo” and “pat-a-cake”
 Language/Communication
 Responds to simple spoken requests
 Uses simple gestures, like shaking head “no” or waving “bye-bye”
 Makes sounds with changes in tone (sounds more like speech)
 Says “mama” and “dada” and exclamations like “uh-oh!”
 Tries to say words you say
 Vocabulary increases from about 10-20 words to over 900 words.
 Has beginning awareness of ownership (my, mine)
 Show proper use of pronoun (I, me, you)
 Toilet training
 A. 18 months : bowel control B. 2-3 yr – day time bladder control
 C. 3-4 yr – nighttime bladder control

Cognitive task
Achieve object permanence
 Uses “magical thinking” – believes own feelings affect events (anger
causes rain)
 Uses ritualistic behavior
 Develop dependency on “transitional object” such as blanket or
stuffed animals
 Explores things in different ways, like shaking, banging, throwing
 Finds hidden things easily
 Looks at the right picture or thing when it’s named
 Copies gestures
 Starts to use things correctly; for example, drinks from a cup,
brushes hair
 Bangs two things together
 Puts things in a container, takes things out of a container
 Lets things go without help
 Pokes with index (pointer) finger
 Follows simple directions like “pick up the toy”
 A. Parallel play
 B. Provide toys for increased locomotive

skills: push toys, rocking horse, riding toys

or tricycles, swing and slides
 C. Give toy to provide outlet for aggressive

feelings: work bench, toy hammer and nails,

drums, pots, pans
 D. Provide toys to help develop fine motor

skills, problem solving abilities, puzzles,

blocks, finger paints and crayons.
Fear: Separation anxiety
 A. Learning to tolerate and master brief periods of
separation is important developmental task.
 B. Increasing understanding of object permanence

helps toddlers overcome his fear

 C. Potential patterns of response to separation
 1. Protest – screams and cries when mother leave;

attempts to call her back

 2. Despair – whimpers, clutches transitional object,

curls up in bed, decrease activity, rocking

 3. Denial – resumes normal activity but does not form

psychosocial relationships; when mother returns, child

ignores her.
 Toddlers (1-3 y/o) Video discussions
 Due: Tuesday, September 16, 2021 at 4:00

 1. Among the two (2) videos presented,

discuss the following.

 2. The behavior as well as the characteristics

and the milestone of a toddler.

 3. Submit on time. 
 Posted Thurs Sep 9, 2021 at 8:30 am

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