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Writing thesis?

Is it

What is thesis?

 What do you know about academic writing?
A form of writing which is provided in impersonal, precise and
objective manner that is conveyed with formal language and concrete

 Research is a process of enhancing an understanding about certain

issue or topic by conducting particular steps to collect and analyze
the information about the related issue or topic (creswell:2012).

 Thesis is, as a traditional form, conducting in research manner, a

form of academic which comprises Introduction, Literature Review,
Methodology, Results, Discussion and Conclusions (Paltridge:2002).
steps in conducting thesis

 propose research/thesis title
 proposal writing
 revising proposal
 proposal presentation/exam
 Collecting data
 Writing findings and discussions
 research finding and discussions seminar
 thesis exam
problems occuring frequently in
applying thesis title

 having difficulty in making or determining an appropriate thesis/research title.
 providing a title that is too general (no spesific aims) or the title that has been
researched millions of time.
 choosing the title that is not in the proficiency of the individual or having a little
information about the title chosen.

tips or strategies to avoid these potential problems

 don’t make or apply the title of thesis that you are interested in before, at least, you
read many books, journals or thesis about the related topic of your title.
 choose the topic/title that you are capable about.
 before determining the title, decide what your spesific goals are and which parties or
individuals will gain the benefit from your research.
 apply the title that is rarely researched or if the title of yours has been conducted
many times, at least, provide a clear and good new insight from the previous
problems occuring frequently in
applying thesis title

find the differences beween these titles:
 an analysis of speech act in Harry Potter and the sorcerer’s stone movie.
 an analysis of speech act in Harry Potter and the sorcerer’s stone movie and its
contribution to teaching and learning pragmatics in English Department students.

another consideration in choosing research title?

 will the data of your topic accessable? is it easy to gain the data collection?
 does it cost much?
 does it takes much time?
 is the topic of your research urgently needed? is the issue discussed worth to be
problems occuring frequently in
writing proposal

 commonly, research proposal consists of three parts: Introduction, Literature
Review and Methodology and it is the part of thesis that provides a plan of how
you conduct the data of your thesis to answer your purposes of study with the
background theory as a supplement of your writing.
 Introduction is the first chapter in the proposal which composes of:
1. background of study
2. research question
3. objective of study
4. significance of study
5. Scope of study
6. key terms
it is the underpinning of your thesis where it must clearly provide the motive or
the aim of your research, formulate research question from the aim and state the
benefit of your research.
problems occuring frequently in
writing proposal

 what problems are frequently occured when writing chapter I?
1. background of study
 do not know what to write first and next
 each paragraph is not related to one another or does not have
any coherence
 starting the first paragraph of the background with a very
general topic
 does not provide a basic theory used to analyze data (it will be
explained more in chapter II)
 inability to explain clearly the urgent/important why you
conduct the research
problems occuring frequently in
writing proposal

 strategies or tips to cope the potential problems mentioned.
1. read many resources before you write and point the key
2. then, make or write a systematically structured outling
consisting of what will be the content of each paragraph of
your background.
3. use a linking paragraph/sentence in the beginning of each
4. know your object and subject of your study!
5. be clear, straight and concise in writing!
problems occuring frequently in
writing proposal

2. Research Question
 Research question is a question arising based on the purpose/reasons and
problems of study that will explore or examnie. The research question must be
relevant with your purpose/reason/problem of your study.
 The question formulated in the research question must have a background

Strategies or steps in designing qualitative research questions:

 Use question word “what” or “how” to indicate
description/process/exploration which is in the form of open ended question
 Specify/state the central phenomena/object of your study that you want to
 Identify/state the participant/subject of your study
 Mention the research site
problems occuring frequently in
writing proposal

 Example of qualitative research question:

 What are creative speaking tasks implemented by the teachers to the students in SMAN 1
 How is the proccess of the task unfold?

Central phenomenon: creative speaking task

Participant: teacher and student
Research site: SMAN 1 Mataram

This kind of research question is tipically called procedural subquestions.

Look at another example:

 What types of hedging used in the student’s argumentative essay in FKIP Mataram?
 What functions of hedging used in the students’ argumentative essay in FKIP UNRAM?
 How does it contribute to the teaching and learning Academic Writing in FKIP UNRAM?
problems occuring frequently in
writing proposal

Strategies or tips in designing Quantitative Research
 Arise the yes-no question or the question word
“what”, “how” or “why” that is in the form of close
ended question.
 Determine the the object of the study
 Spesify the variables of the study (dependent and
independent variable)
 State the participant and research site
problems occuring frequently in
writing proposal

The example of quantitative research question:
 Does learning strategies taught by the teacher have a significant effect in
improving student’s of SMPN 2 Mataram independent learning?
(Experimental research)

Object: learning strategy

dependent variable: independent learning
Independent variable: learning strategy
Participant: student and teacher
Site: SMPN 2 Mataram

 How does reading habbit relate to students’ of SMKN 1 Narmada writing

skill? (correlational research)
problems occuring frequently in
writing proposal

 Hypotheses
 An statement in quantitative research in which the researcher
makes a prediction about the relationship among
attributes/variables. (crewell:2012)
 it is not a merely a prediction of the outcome of the study as the
researcher relies on the past studies in which he/she wants to
test in a new participant or site.
 In the hypotheses, the result will likely to become “null
hypotheses” that indicates that there is no relation/effect among
two/more variables or “alternative hypotheses” that indicates
there is relation/effect among two/more variables in which it
could be a positive or negative effect.
problems occuring frequently in writing proposal

 The example of hypotheses
 There is no relationship between reading interest and the students’
score in reading comprehension in SMA 1 Praya. (null hypotheses)
 There is relationship between reading interest and the students’
score in reading comprehension in SMA 1 Praya. (alternative

Reading interest: independent variable

Reading comprehension score: dependent variable
Participant: student
Site: SMA 1 Praya
problems occuring frequently in
writing proposal

 More examples
There is no effect between top down listening
instruction and listening score. (null hypotheses)
There is significant effect between top down
listening instruction and listening score. (alternative
problems occuring frequently in
writing proposal

3. Objective of the study
A statement that provides of how researcher answers the
research question formulated in his/her study in general.

Strategies in designing objective of the study:

 Use lexical verb like “describe” “elaborate” “examine”
“find” or “analyze”
 State the object, participant/subject, site or variables if
it is a quantitative research
problems occuring frequently in
writing proposal

 The example of qualitative research objective
 To describe the types illocutionary act used by Obama in his
presidential speech.
 To elaborate the functions illocutionary act used by Obama in his
presidential speech.
 To find the potential contribution to the teaching and learning
 The example of quantitative research objective
 To examine the relation between SMPN 2 Mataram students’
anxiety and speaking performance.
 To find the effect of inductive approach in teaching grammar
implemented by teacher in students’ grammar score.
problems occuring frequently in
writing proposal

4. Significance of Study
 it explains about party or individual that will get benefit
from the research conducted by researcher.
 This benefit covers both on theoritical and practical aspect.
 Problems occur in designing the significance of study
 Inability to state which party or individual that will get
benefit from the research conducted.
 Cannot differentiate between the theoritical and practical
 The benefit provided is not urgent with the current issues.
problems occuring frequently in
writing proposal

 Strategies or tips in constructing Significance of Study
 Spesify the party (English Department) or Individual
(teacher, lecturer, student) who gets the benefit from
your study in a specific way or for what interest, thus
it could become urgent for particular party or
 Comprehend the aspect of theory and practical.
 Use simple future tense in writing this part.
problems occuring frequently in
writing proposal

 Example of significant of study
Based on background and the objective of study, this research will contribute a significant
theoritically and pratically as follow:
1. theoritical significance
 This research will be useful as a valuable reference for the researcher who investigates
the same or similar subject.
 This research will be useful as new knowledge about hedging, especially about the
types and the functions of hedging in conversation for the readers in common.

2. Practical significance
 This research will be useful for the university that uses it as a supplementary material
for teaching activities, especially in macro linguistic subject.
 This research will contribute as the new material (Cross Cultural Understanding) in teaching and
learning process in FKIP UNRAM.
 This research will contribute as the material in academic writing.
problems occuring frequently in
writing proposal

5. Scope of Study
It is the part of writing aspect in which you limit your
aspect of study both subject and object.

 Strategies in writing scope of study

Narrow your object of study.
Specify your subject of study/participant.
Narrow your theory background
problems occuring frequently in
writing proposal

 Example of Scope of Study

As stated in the background and objective of study, this

research will be limited to analyze the types and function of
politeness strategies based on Brown and Levinson (1987) on
students of 7A and 7B learning process in SMP 1 Mataram.

In this research, it is considered that out of 10 types of PS, this

research will only use 4 types (mention the types). While on the
functions, this research only use 3 (mention the function) out of
problems occuring frequently in
writing proposal

6. Key Term
 It is the part of writing aspect in which the researcher
puts some terms that is:
 Taken from the title of the research
 Frequently used/mentioned in the research
 An object or subject of the research.

- The key terms written in this section must be supported

by the experts. Own definition will be such a mistake.
strategies in writing thesis

 Literature Review
It is a written summary of journals , books or thesis
that provides theory of object of the study or results
of the past and currents study about the related topic
that researcher seeks and explored.
It is also written so that it can help the researcher to
support his/her study in conducting data analysis.
Literature review consists of two parts: theoritical
framework and review of related study.
strategies in writing thesis

1. Theoritical Framework
It is an aspect of Literature Review in which the researcher
gives the theories about the object of study and another
theories that are closely related to the object.

 Problems in constructing Theoritical Framework

Inability to spesify what topic comes first and its
following in an order manner.
The theory stated does not support the data that will be
collected and analyzed.
strategies in writing thesis

 Stategies to cope the potential problems
 Come up with the most general topic related to the
main object. (general to specific)
 Read many resources (books, thesis, journal) that is
valid and cerified. You can take reference from
primary source literature or secondary source
 Then, choose what fits your research best as not all
resourses can support your findings and sometimes it
could be a stumbling block.
strategies in writing thesis

2. Review of Related Study
 It is the section where the researcher summarizes the past or
current study (journal or thesis) about the topic that she/he
 In writing thesis, you just need to summarize or review at least 3
 In writing this section, a good review will consist of: research title,
the researcher’s name, year of publication, objective of study,
method, result of the study and conclusion.
 Every review is written neatly and in order as stated above in one
strategies in writing thesis

 Methodology
 The last section of thesis proposal that presents how
the researcher will conduct, collect and analyze the
data on the object and subject of the study.
 This section is written in future tense (simple future or
future continuous). However, when you have gained
and analyzed the the data anda are ready to present the
result, this section will be transformed into past tense.
 This part of proposal writing contains different sub
sections as it depends on the study you are conducting.
strategies in writing thesis

1. Research Design
It is specific precedures involved in the research process: data
collection, data analysis and report writing (Creswell: 2012).
In quantitative research, your design could be:
 Experimental design when you want to test the whether an activity or
material effect or make a difference in results for certain participants.
 Correlational design when you want to seek or measure the relation
between two or more variables using the statistical procedures.
 Ethnographic design when you want to describe, andalyze and
interprete a cultural group’s shared patterns of language.
 Descriptive design when you want to describe situation, population
or phenomenon that is studied.
strategies in writing thesis

 Strategies in writing Research Design
Write it in a clear, sistematic and chronological way.
Then state what design you are going to use and give
a short definition about the design you use (provide
procedures if there is any).
Explain your reasons using this design.
Be straight, write it in one-two paragraph and in the
form of future tense.
strategies in writing thesis

2A. Data Source
 the medium where do you get the data (novel, film book, textbook,
song lyric, script).
 In this section explain where do you gain the data (website or
something else).
 It is only written in two or three sentences.

2B. Population and Sample

 Population is a group of individuals who have the same
characterictics ( all XI students in SMA 2 Narmada).
 Sample is a part of the number or the characterictic possessed by the
population chosen by researcher (XI A in SMA 2 Narmada).
strategies in writing thesis

 Types of sample
 Random sampling is a sample in which each sample has an
equal probability of being chosen.
 Stratified sampling is a random sampling in which you
divide the population on some specific characteristic (e.g.
 Convenience sampling is a sample in which the researcher
select the participants because they are willing and available
to be studied.
 Purposive sampling is a sample chosen by the researcher to
learn and understand the central phenomena.
strategies in writing thesis

 Steps to design population and sample
 Make sure that you know the characteristics of the
 Choose the sample that you know best.
 If you don’t know well the characterictic you can use random
sampling or the snowball sampling.
 Ensure that the sampling technique fits your current situation
and the data studied to avoid sampling errors
 In the written section, you must provide the definition of the
population and sampling technique you use and tell the
strategies in writing thesis

3A. Object of the Study
 Explain about the topic that reseachers explores, examines and studies
(Figurative language, Speech act, Vocabulary learning strategy).
 It is only written in two or three sentences and usually found in
qualitative study.

3B. Variables
 Describe about the variables both independent and dependent that
researcher uses in his/her study.
 In this section, the researcher must state the definition of of both
dependent and independent variable.
 Then write what characteristic/attribute belongs to the variable
strategies in writing thesis

4A. Method of Collecting Data for Quantitative Study
 Procedures of how the researchers gain the data.
 Types of data collection in quantitative study
 test: pre test and post test
 Questionnaires
 Interviews (one on one interview, focus group interview, online interview)

 Tips in writing in using data collection technique

 All the technique must provide concrete, closed ended questions that can be measured or
evaluated (scale).
 The test made must be valid and reliable.
 Find the valid and up to date resources in which the instruments (questionnaire, observation
or interview sheet) fit your need in conducting the research.
 In the writing section, provide the definition and the procedures of each technique and put
the format of your questionnaire, observation, interview and pre-post test as the attachment.
strategies in writing thesis

 Method of Collecting data for Qualitative Study
 Observation (as a participant, observer or both)
 Open ended interview (individual, group) while recording and taking note.
 Open ended questionnaire
 Document (books, novels, journals, Lesson Plan, script of film).

Strategies in writing qualitative data collection

 Provide the definition and the procedures of each teacnique of collecting data you
use and put the self-made format of each instrument (observation, interview and
questionnaire sheet).
 Give the procedure in document technique (e.g. Reading the document, observing
the potential data anda classifying the data related to the topic)
 Make sure that questionnaire and interview you make can arise the data you are
strategies in writing thesis

5. Data Analysis
Explain how the researcher describes, interpretes and concludes the
data collected.
It is written in a procedural way in which different title has different
However in linguistics and literature, it has a tendency to use slightly
the same format:
 Classifying
 Describing
 Discussing
 Concluding
Revising your proposal

 The most common aspects that supervisors often revises.

 The background cannot deliver the strong purpose of your study.

 Cannot explain why choosing the particular participants or subject of the study.
 Each paragraph in the background has no coherence.
 Grammar mistakes/errors.
 The research question does not represent the purpose of your study.
 The significance of the study lacks of explanation or it has no an urgent and
specific benefit.
 It does not have a clear procedure explained in the data collection and analysis.
 References format.
Revising your proposal

How to avoid PLAGIARISM?
Commonly, reseracher will apply paraphrasing and
qouting technique to avoid such big mistake.

 Quoting
Put a statement or idea of the original work of the
author into your writing without changing its form
nor words.
Revising your proposal

 Procedures in quoting someone’s work.
 Use quotation mark in which you quote statement that is less
than 40 words.
 Cite the aouthor last name.
 Note the year of publication.
 Provide the page number(s) in which the quotation appears.
 If the words are more than 40, then you must use block quote.

 Using long and too many qoutes is not suggested in writing

Revising your proposal

 Example of quoting
According to Strauss (2008), “Now the literary world is
debating the Newbery's value, asking whether the books that
have won recently are so complicated and inaccessible to
most children that they are effectively turning off kids to
reading” (p. 1).

“Now the literary world is debating the Newbery's value,

asking whether the books that have won recently are so
complicated and inaccessible to most children that they are
effectively turning off kids to reading” (Strauss, 2008:10).
Revising your proposal

 Paraphrasing
Alred, Brusaw, and Oliu, (2009: 372) define
paraphrasing as “restating or rewriting in your own
words the essential ideas of another writer.”
The author “owns” both the words and the structure
of the idea. To fully paraphrase, you must use your
own words and structure.
You cannot change or alter the main point or the
essential meaning form the original work.
Revising your proposal

 Technique of paraphrasing
Changing the structure of the sentence (passive to
active/ active to passive or independent to
dependent/ dependent to independent)
Change the word class (verb to noun/ noun to verb)
Providing synonyms
Providing citation or reference to the original work.
Revising your proposal

 Examples of Paraphrasing

 In the process-oriented classroom, learners spend a great deal of time engaged in

activities other than writing.

 Nunan (2015) states that students use most of their time involving in activities
rather than constructing words/sentences in the process-oriented classroom.
 Using a lot of time in activities rather than writing is the main focus of process-
oriented classroom in which the students involve (Nunan:2015).
 In the process-oriented classroom, activities are emphasized over writing where
the students involve most of their time (Nunan:2015)
Revising your proposal

 Things to consider before paraphrasing
Use thesaurus to see the synonym or the antonym of
the words
Read the original work until you can comprehend
the meaning of the stattement.
Make a note before you trully paraphrase.
Revising your proposal

 References Format
Generally, references format in writing thesis uses APA

 APA (American Psychological Association)

A referencing style in which:
The outhor’s surname in the text is followed by date of
publication in brackets, and
The entries in reference list are listed alphabetically
based on the author’s name.
Revising your proposal

 The example of APA referencing style
Freely ask questions about

 Proposal exam
 Collecting and analyzing data
 Writing findings and discussions
 Thesis exam

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