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How Marketable

Are You?
Yasser Takie Eddine Abdesselam
Founder of Inkless Academy & Colivri® Logistics
Digital Communication Consultant
Graphic & Webdesigner
How marketable are you?
Do you know what is personal marketability?



Yes No Not sure

Marketability is the relative ease at
which an item can be sold, for a price at
which similar items are selling.
Personal Marketability refers to how
desirable a candidate is for employment
consideration compared to other
candidates; on other words, what he or
she is worth as a prospective hire.
What to do?

Measure your marketability
To know how marketable you are, you
should ask yourself if:

1 Your current studies/job serve your goals

2 Your education, certification and training are current
3 Your skills and industry knowledge are up to date
4 Your networking and communication activities are constant

5 You are properly present on professional social networks

6 Your life and work/studies are in balance

Compare yourself
The market is full of competition, make sure you
are on the top of your peers but, NEVER

1 The Ra’s Al Ghul Model

2 The Lex Luthor Model
3 The Solomon Grundy Model
4 The Superman Model

5 The Flash Model

The Ra’s Al Ghul Model
Someone who has been
there forever, i.e. old
people with long years of
experience in the same
field as yours. You are not
in the same category of
The Lex Luthor Model
Someone whose only
purpose is fame. Although
they try hard to be good,
the fact that they can’t
show off by doing good
pushes them towards the
dark side, only for the
sake of fame.
The Solomon Grundy Model
Someone who is made to
follow and execute. For
some reason, they are
happy with it. They never
look for career
development or new
perspectives for change.
The Superman Model
Somepne who was
already born with an
unfair advantage, and
does’t have to make
efforts to get to what they
need or want.
The Flash Model
Someone with a lot of
time to spare. This type is
out of the standards of
Boost your marketability by
1 Using your name as your brand, especially in email

2 Meeting a specific field’s need

3 Maintaining a complete smart online profile

4 Asking for help, look for mentors

5 Becoming active in a professional groups and events

6 Taking side trainings and classes in complementary fields

7 Taking on a new projects and explore new horizons

8 Being flexible
You are a brand, and the same way you defend
any cause in this universe (like I defend Batman
in DC Universe), you should defend yourself as
a brand and make the best of your efforts to
straighten and strengthen your image and
enhance your marketability in the local
employment market and the potential
international market.
Thank You
Yasser Takie Eddine Abdesselam

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