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• Wajiha alali (218020087).

• Rahaf Alsubaie (218016311).
• Zahraa Albin Eid (217016926).
How it start

• The history
• Development
• growth
The Internal Strength Factors:
• Strong brand image.
• Quality, Taste and Standardization.
• Extensive global supply chain.
• Strong loyalty program.
• Acquisition.
• Employee treatment.
Starbucks Internal Weaknesses Factors:
• High prices.
• Imitability of products.
• Generalized standards for most products.
• European tax avoidance.
• Procurement Practices.
• Recall of products.
The nature of the external environment
surrounding Starbucks:
• Political/ Legal environment

Starbucks imports coffee beans from different countries and each of these countries has its own tariff and customs
regulations. In addition, any political upheavals in the countries where Starbucks imports its coffee beans would
greatly interfere with the company’s operations.

• Economic environment

The global financial crisis of 2008 greatly affected the operations of Starbucks in various countries. The recession
resulted in an increase in the operational costs of the company.
• Socio-cultural environment

Consumers across the world are increasingly demanding fair practices, and this has seen many firms
change their operating practices in order to accommodate these demands and Starbucks is no exception.

• Competitors

The two main competitors of Starbucks are MacDonald’s McCafe and Dunkin Donuts. On the one hand,
McCafe maintains a low price strategy o its products. On the other hand, Dunkin Donuts offers
customers a variety of coffee flavors to choose from, in addition to its emphasis on quality.
A SWOT analysis
Strengths: •

Strong brand name and public image

medium product diversification 1-Expansion into new markets

2- Higher products diversification

3-Price variation
High product prices
Easily imitated products
1-restaurant with Lower-cost coffee options


The kind of corporate-level strategy
that the company is pursuing

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