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Performance Task
Begüm Sultan Kaplanhan
10-D 1201
• Is mathematics a language?
Language is the way of communicate, share ideas and emotions. The language is not
only French, Russian, English… for example computer language "cod." A language
consisting of zeros and ones. When written in compliance with the rules, it enables
communication with the computer. In this way, the computer understands what is
written and does what it wants. That’s means language is not only consist of letters.
Grammar is important for a language. Mathematics has a grammar as in English.
For example, “12.3+X=10+10.3” To solve this equation, attention should be paid to
transaction priority. First multiplication, then addition process should be done. Like
verbs cannot come before the subject in English. Also, if two out of ten people can
know Russian, ten out of ten people can know mathematics. So yes, mathematics is
universal and a language
• Is intuition helpful or harmful in mathematics?
Intuition is essential, especially when solving problems
because a problem has more than one solution, but the result is
only one. Some solutions can reach to the result very quickly,
while some can make it difficult. With experience, the right
intuition is gained, so the fastest solution can be found.
Intuition is necessary to find the right answer. Simple intuition
doesn't work. An intuition based on knowledge and experience
is useful. But intuition, which has no basis of knowledge and
experience, is like a fruitless tree. It usually does not lead to
the right solution. Knowledge contributes to the growth of
intuition and is in turn increased by new conceptual materials
suggested by intuition.
Example Of Real Life

A boy jumping on trampoline.

Each jump it rises 7 cm higher
than the previous
While he rises 7 cm in the first
U1 = 7
d= 7
Un= 7+ (n-1)7
Examples Of Real Life

The fee for accommodation in a hotel is

as follows;
Customers must pay an entrance fee of
$80 per a night and pool card price is $8.
If a man stays 3 nights and wants to use
the pool, he pays;
Total cost: C
number of days: n
C(n)= 80n+8
C(n)= 80.3+8
C(n)=248 $
Mathematics Dictionary
• Notation: a series or system of written symbols used to represent numbers,
amounts, or elements in something such as music or mathematics.
• Vertex: the highest point; the top or apex.
• Description: a spoken or written account of a person, object, or event.
• Represent: be entitled or appointed to act or speak for (someone),
especially in an official capacity.1 Constitute; amount to.2
• Linear: progressing from one stage to another in a single series of steps;
Mathematics Dictionary
• composite: made up of several parts or elements.
• Additional: added, extra, or supplementary to what is already present
or available.
• Supply: make (something needed or wanted) available to someone;
• Restrict: put a limit on; keep under control.
• Gradient: an inclined part of a road or railway; a slope.
Mathematics Dictionary
• Consider: think carefully about (something), typically before making a
• Verify: make sure or demonstrate that (something) is true, accurate, or
• Perpendicular: at an angle of 90° to a given line, plane, or surface or to the
• Algebra: the part of mathematics in which letters and other general symbols
are used to represent numbers and quantities in formulae and equations.
• Vertical: at right angles to a horizontal plane; in a direction, or having an
alignment, such that the top is directly above the bottom.
• What is René Descartes famous for in math?
Birth and Death
Descartes was born in La Haye en Touraine,
France on March 31, 1596. Descartes was
succesful student, He earned a law degree at the
University of Poitiers in 1616 when he was about
20 years old. He believed reasoning should be
based on evidence. Descartes is the philosopher
who said, ''I think, therefore I am.’’
Descartes died in 1650 in Stockholm, Sweden.
International Mindedness
• What is René Descartes famous for in math?
His Contribution to Mathematics:
It laid the foundation of modern geometry. With regard to algebra, he
explained in detail how algebric equations can be expressed and explained
through the use of geometrical shapes.
His major contribution lies in bringing forth coordinates system that also
bears his name. This Cartesian coordinate system tended to explain
algebraic equations through geometrical shapes. He “invented the
convention of representing unknowns in equations by x, y, and z”. It was
his work of calculus that was later used by Newton thus evolving a new
branch of mathematics. Besides that, he also invented the rule of signs to
establish the positive and negative roots of a polynomial.
• What is Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz famous for in
• Birth
Gottfried Leibniz was born on 1st July 1646
in Leipzig, Saxony, Germany. Leibniz was a
childhood prodigy. He became fluent in Latin
and studied works of Greeks scholars when he
was only twelve. He entered the University of
Leipzig when he was fourteen, where he took
philosophy, mathematics, and law.
International Mindedness
• What is Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz famous for in math?
His Contribution to Mathematics:
He was perhaps the first to explicitly employ the mathematical
notion of a function to denote geometric concepts derived from a
curve. He developed a system of infinitesimal calculus independently
of his contemporary Sir Isaac Newton. He also revived the ancient
method of solving equations using matrices, invented the practical
calculating machine, and pioneered using the binary system.
During the 1670s (slightly later than Newton’s early work), Leibniz
developed a very similar theory of calculus, apparently completely
independently. Within a short period of about two months, he had
developed a complete theory of differential calculus and integral
Unlike Newton, however, he decided to publish his work, and so
because of this, Europe first heard about calculus from Leibniz in
1684, and not from Newton
International Mindedness
• What is Leonhard Euler famous for in math?
• Birth
Leonhard Euler was born on April 15,
1707 in the city of Basel, Switzerland.
His school in Riehen was not especially
good, so his father gave him extra
mathematics lessons – Leonhard was
interested enough in the subject to get his
own mathematics books to work through.
International Mindedness
What is Leonhard Euler famous for in math?
His Contribution to Mathematics:
Leonhard Euler was one of the greatest mathematicians in history.
Euler's work in mathematics is so vast that an article of this nature cannot but give a very
superficial account of it. He was the most prolific writer of mathematics of all time. He made
large bounds forward in the study of modern analytic geometry and trigonometry where he was
the first to consider sin, cos etc. as functions rather than as chords as ptolemy  had done.

He made decisive and formative contributions to geometry, calculus and number theory. He
integrated Leibniz’s  differential calculus and Newton's method of fluxions into mathematical
analysis. He introduced beta and gamma functions, and integrating factors for differential
equations. He studied continuum mechanics, lunar theory with Clairaut, the three body
problem, elasticity, acoustics, the wave theory of light, hydraulics, and music. He laid the
foundation of analytical mechanics, especially in his Theory of the Motions of Rigid
Bodies (1765).

We owe to Euler the notation f (x)f(x) for a function (1734), ee for the base of natural

logs (1727), ii for the square root of -1 (1777), \piπ for pi, \sum∑ for summation (1755), the
notation for finite differences \Delta yΔy and \Delta ^{2} yΔ2y and many others.
Mathematics: Analysis
And Aproaches
• Begüm Sultan Kaplanhan
• 10-D
• 1201

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