Conservation of Energy

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C o n s e r v a ti o n o f E n e r g y
G r a v i t a t i o n a l P o t e n t i a l E n e rg y
  𝑉 𝑔=𝑚𝑔h

Where: “h” is the vertical distance from the

“Vg” is the Gravitational Potential Energy selected datum.
(*NOTE, for convenience in this topic, location shall have nothing
to do with its sign convention, hence “h” is always positive)
“m” is mass
As a particle is located above or below of a selected
“g” is gravity, datum, it will have Potential Energy due to gravity called
(*NOTE, for convenience in this topic, direction of gravity shall
have nothing to do with its sign convention, hence “g” is always
Gravitational Potential Energy. This energy is positive
positive) when above the datum and negative when below the
selected datum(*NOTE, this is more convenient than
taking account the direction of gravity and location)
E l a s t i c P o t e n t i a l E n e rg y
  1 2
𝑉 𝑒= 𝑘𝑠

“Ve” is the Elastic Potential Energy
Gravitational Potential Energy is always positive since its
“k” is stiffness of spring work is always positive when returning to its unstretched
“s” is the displacement of the spring due to
stretching (elongation or compression))
Potential Function

𝑽 =∑ 𝑽𝒈+𝑽𝒆

“V” is the Potential Function

“Vg” is the Gravitational Potential Energy Potential Function is just the sum of all
potential energy in a particle.
“Ve” is the Elastic Potential Energy
C o n s e r v a t i o n o f E n e rg y

𝑇 1 +𝑉 1 =𝑇 2 +𝑉 2

“T1” is the initial kinetic energy
This equation is called as the conservation of mechanical
“V1” is the initial potential function energy or simply the conservation of energy. It means
that during a motion, the sum of particle's kinetic and
“T2” is the final kinetic energy potential energies remains constant.

“V2” is the final potential function

The gantry is used to test the
response of an airplane
during a crash. The plane has
a m a s s o f 8 0 0 0 kg , a n d i s
h o i s t e d b a c k u n ti l θ = 6 0 d e g .
T h e p u l l b a c k c a b l e AC i s t h e n
released when the plane has
r e a c h e d a s t a t e o f “a t r e s t ”.
Determine the speed of the
plane just before it crashes
into the ground when θ = 15
deg. What is the maximum
tension developed in the
s u p p o r ti n g c a b l e d u r i n g t h e
m o ti o n ?
T h e fi r s t s t e p i s t o a l w a y s
establish the datum. The
datum chosen for this
problem is the top of the
G a n t r y.

A ft e r t h i s , w e c a n n o w u s e
t h e c o n s e r v a ti o n o f e n e r g y
e q u a ti o n a n d d e t e r m i n e w h a t
t o p l u g i n t h e e q u a ti o n .
𝑻 𝟏 +𝑽 𝟏 =𝑻 𝟐 +𝑽 𝟐
T1 can be zero since the plane is released from
“at rest” meaning the initial velocity is zero.
The potential function V1 is just the potential
gravitational energy since there are no springs
present in the system. We all know that the
potential energy is negative if the object is
below the selected datum
A vertical distance is required and we can use
this triangle to determine the vertical distance
of the plane from rest.


V1 = -(8000)(9.81)(20cos(60))
V1 = -784800 N-m

Since we need the final velocity, we all know

that T2 is the final kinetic energy which
contains the final velocity that we need.


T2 = 0.5(8000)(Vf2)
Finally, potential function V2 also just
contains the potential gravity energy
when the plane crash which has an
angle of θ = 15 deg and at the same
time it’s still negative since it is still
below the selected datum. Considering
this triangle we can now get the vertical
distance required for V2.

V2 = -(8000)(9.81)(20cos(15))
V2 = -1516117.177 N-m

Plugging all the give to the equation,

we get:

0+ (-784800) = 0.5(8000)(Vf2) + (-1516117.177)

Solving for Vf , we get

Vf = 13.52 m/s
Considering the final position of the
To get the maximum tension, we must plane, we must get its FBD:
first realize the situation where it
happens. In this situation where in the
weight is the only external force exerted
on the plane, maximum tension occurs
when Weight and the Tension Force are
aligned in a single axis since the full
weight of the plane will be carried by the
tension force. But since the plane will
crash at θ = 15 deg, this is where
maximum tension will occur since this is
the closest at the tension force can be to
align with the vertical force Weight.

Using Equation of motion along the normal “n”

axis we get:

∑Fn = m x an
(since we have the final velocity and a radius of
the motion, we can get an)

T = 148922.02N or 148.92kN

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