Lecture 4 (Work Study)

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Classification of Work study

i. Method Study The systematic recording, analysis and examination

of existing and proposed methods and the
development and application of easier and more
efficient methods.

The application of time study technique designed

ii. Work measurement to establish the time for qualified worker to carry
out specified job at a defined level of

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Difference between Method study and Work Measurement

Method Study Work Measurement

It is concerned with the relation of the It is mostly concerned with the

work content of a job or operation. investigation and reduction of any
inefficient time associated with it and
with the subsequent establishment of
time standards for the operation when
carried out in the improved fashion as
determined by method study.

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Relationship between method study and work measurement

Method Study
(Simplified Work Method)

Study High
Work Measurement
(Standard Operation time)

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Objectives of work study

i. To find most economical way of doing work.

ii. Standardizing the method, materials, tools and equipment.
iii. Determining the time required by qualified worker.
iv. Assisting the training of the workers on new method.

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Principles of motion economy

It can be classified in three areas.

i. Principles of motion economy relating to use of human body.
ii. Principles of motion economy relating to layout of work place.
iii. Principles of motion economy relating to design of tools and equipment.

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Principles related to the use of Human Body

 Both hands should start and complete their movements at the same time.
 The hands should not be idle at the same time. The motion of hands should be
symmetrical and opposite in direction.
 The momentum should be exploited to assist the motions.
 Continuous movements are preferred over straight line movements with sharp turns.
 Ballistic movements are faster than controlled movements.
 Rhythm are necessary for easy and smooth operations.

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Principles related to the layout of workplace.
 There should be fixed and definite place for all tools and materials.
 Tools, materials and controls should be lactated close to and directly in front of the
 Gravity feed bins and containers should be used to deliver materials close to the point of
 Drop delivers should be used whenever possible.
 Materials and tools should be located in accordance with best sequence of motion.
 Provision should be made for adequate condition for seeing. Glare should be avoided and
contrast should be created for better visibility.
 Height of the workplace and the chair should be preferably be arranged.
 A chair of the type and the height to permit good posture should be provided for every

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Principles related to the Design of Tools and Equipment

 Hands should be relieved of all work that can be held in jigs or fixtures.
 Two or more tools should be combined whenever possible.
 Tools and materials should be pre-positioned.
 When fingers do the job, the load should match the capability of fingers.
 Handles should match the force requirement and the capability of the operator.
 The levers, cross bars and handles should be provided in the convenient positions.

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Method Study

 Objectives of Method Study

a) To improve the process and procedure
b) To improve the work place layout
c) To design the efficient equipment
d) Economy in human effort and reduction in unnecessary fatigue
e) Improvement in the use of materials, machine, and manpower
f) Development of better working environment

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Procedure of Method Study

a) Select the job to be studied

b) Record the relevant facts and data about the present method by direct
c) Analyze and examine these data/facts critically and in order sequence
d) Develop an improved, most practical, economic and effective method
e) Define the new method which has been improved
f) Install the new improved method as a standard practice.
g) Maintain the new improve method by regular routine checks

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Economic analysis

a) Select the job

i. Job with large work content
ii. Job with long delivery schedules
iii. Job with large man or machine idle time
iv. Job with poor interest of workers
v. Job with large variation in output
vi. Job with quality variation
vii. Technical consideration
viii. Human reaction

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b) Record the facts and data

 The most commonly used techniques for recording of facts and data are charts and
diagram. These charts can be classified into three types.

i. Operation or outline process chart

 Process charts ii. Flow process chart

i. Man machine chart

 Activity charts ii. Left hand right hand activity chart

i. Travel charts
 Movement charts ii. Flow diagram
iii. String diagrams

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Symbols used for activities

 Operation

 Inspection

 Transport

 Delay

 storage

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i. Operation process chart (outline process chart)

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ii. Flow process charts

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iii. Man- Machine charts or activity charts

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iv. Left-hand Right-hands charts

In LH-RH charts micro motions are to be recorded.

A physical observation and recording of movements
and their time is difficult. These charts are prepared
from recording of the process by video camera
techniques. The films are then displayed in the
study room at a slower pace.

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v. Travel chart

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vi. Flow diagrams

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vii. String Diagrams

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c) Analyze

The data regarding the existing method is examined symmetrically. The areas of
investigation include:

Purpose Place and Means


The investigation gathers the information about best possible alternative in each area
of all activities one by one.

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d) Develop

The analysis of existing method

leads to development of an
alternative method. The alternate
method is modified as a result of
practical trials and test as a practical
new method is developed.

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e) Define

After practical test the activities of the new

method are defined standard. It is important
that the improved method is properly defined
as a standard practice for future reference
and periodic follow up.

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f) Install

To install the new method in practice, the

workers are first trained by the improved
method. After the training of workers the
improved method is adapted in actual

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g) Maintain

Periodic follow up for

the standard or
improved method is
necessary to ensure
that the method is
actually being practiced
as defined.

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Work Measurement

 Time Study
 Normal Time
 Rating
 Standard Time

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Time study

 It is carried on jobs which are standardized after method study.

 Management and workers should be taken into confidence before
carrying out the time study on shop floor.
 The time taken by different workers doing the same job is different.
 The task before the time study person is to establish a standard time
for any given task, which may be taken as basis for loading,
scheduling, wage payment and incentive schemes.

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Normal time

 Time taken by qualified and experienced worker to perform a given

task while working at normal speed.
 The time study worker is trained to develop the concept of normal
 A worker working at normal tempo is rated as 100.

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 The mental comparison of the tempo or speed of working of a worker

with the normal tempo or speed of work is called rating.
 On a scale taking an index of 100 for normal faster workers will be
rated to earn higher index of rating i.e. 105,110,115 etc. Slower
workers than normal may be rated as 95,90,85 etc.
 By introducing the concept of normal pace or tempo of work it is easy
to establish normal time and hence standard time for any job.

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 In a time study, one fast worker is rated at 120 and he takes 8

minutes to complete the job. A slow worker is rated at 80 and he
takes 12 minutes to complete the same job.
 Normal time= (Observed time× Rating)/100
 For 1st worker, NT=(8 × 120)/100=9.6 min
 For 2nd worker, NT=(12 × 80)/100=9.6 min
 The normal time for a task is same irrespective of worker speed.
Therefore the time study person may only watch any one operator to
establish normal time for any task.

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Standard Time

 Standard tine= Normal time+ Allowances

 In actual working, it is impossible for the workers to work for
the 8 hours, so various allowances are added which include
1) Personal Allowance …….5%
2) Process Allowance…….0-10%
3) Fatigue Allowance…….0-10%
4) Delay Allowance…….0-5%

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Standard Time

 Total of 15-25% allowance may be added to normal time for

determining the standard time for the allowances. If
 Normal time= 9.6 min
 Allowance=20%
 Standard time= 9.6×(1+20/100)=11.52 min
 A policy allowance may sometimes be added to the standard time to
establish the allowed time. Assuming a policy allowance of 15% the
allowed time for the above example is
 Allowed time= Standard time×( 1+ Policy allowance/100)

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Standard Time

 Allowed time= 11.52×1.15

 =13.25 min
 The production target for the workday for 8 hours will be 42 pieces
based on standard time. One the basis of allowed time the production
target will be 36 pieces. In a normal population the slowest worker
may have rating of 80 and fastest worker may have rating of 160.
 If average worker will produce 50 pieces then he will be given bonus of
50-36=14 pieces.

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Use of Standard Time

 Wage payment plans and incentive schemes.

 Loading and Scheduling
 Budgeting
 Comparative study of methods
 Line Balancing
 Product Costing

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