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 AL-Ramtha, also known as Al-Ramtha (Arabic: ‫ )ا لرمثا‬is a city situated in the far northwest of Jordan. It covers 40 km, in a
flat location 30 km northeast of the Jordan River and Irbid. and has a population of 120,365 people(2013)..
the average number of family members for each family is 5 Persons and the most families is described by nuclear family type. The
total family numbers are about 15500 families (Municipality, 2013). 52.0%48.0% females males
 In the 2017, ar-Ramtha had a population of approximately 164,211, making it the eleventh largest city in Jordan, and the
second in Irbid Governorate,
 Al-Ramtha is named after a local desert plant, Al Ramath (Arabic: ‫)ا لرمث‬. During its occupation by the Roman Empire, the
city was known as Ramatha.

 Prehistory[edit]
 The stable climate in ar-Ramtha and its surrounding areas attracted many animals to live in neighborhood of ar-Ramtha, as
well the simple conditions for managing a stable long life there attracted humans to make those regions their earliest choices
to gather in groups of hunters and to live in rocky caves.
 Classical Era
 During the past the Roman Empire utilized Ar Ramtha as a remote hub to cross-link their colonies.
 . During the Islamic expansion, Ar Ramtha, which was in the Houran territory, was a port for Muslim scholars crossing
between Syria and Al-Hijaz. Historically and sociologically, the city is the twin to Daraa city in Syria, which is located on
just the other side of the border.

 Ottoman era[edit]
 In 1596 it appeared in the Ottoman tax registers under the name of Ramta, being part of the nahiya of
Butayna in the Qadaa Hauran. It had an entirely Muslim population consisting of 16 households and 3
bachelors. They paid a fixed tax-rate of 40% on agricultural products, including wheat, barley, summer
crops, goats and bee-hives; a total of 2,740 akçe. Half of this was waqf income.[7]
 Modern era[edit]
 The Jordanian census of 1961 found 10,791 inhabitants in Ramtha. [8]
 Ar Ramtha is named after a local desert plant, Al Ramath (Arabic: .)
During its occupation by the Roman Empire, the city was known as
 6. During the past the Roman Empire utilized Ar Ramtha as a remote hub
to cross-link their colonies. During the past the Roman Empire utilized Ar
Ramtha as a remote hub to cross-link their colonies. . During the Islamic
expansion, Ar Ramtha, which was in the Houran territory, was a port for
Muslim scholars crossing between Syria and Al-Hijaz. Historically and
sociologically, the city is the twin to Daraa city in Syria, which is located
on just the other side of the border.
 Ar-Ramtha districts consist of (5) villages: Shajarah, Ar-Ramthah,
Emrawah, Thunibah and Lebwedah, its cover 458 km, and has a
population of nearly 150,000. (Municipality, 2013).

 Ar-Ramtha city is the center of Ar-Ramtha districts, Located in the “Sahel

Horan” area , that far 15 kilometer north of Irbid center, Al-Ramtha city
located between Irbed in south-west, Al-Ar-Ramthah village from west
and from north and east is border line with Syria.

 In Ar-Ramtha there Major milestones at all levels: industry (Al Hassan

Industrial City), education (University of Science and Technology), health
(King Abdullah University Hospital).
Al-Ramtha growth

It is started from The center of the city (down town) as any traditional city
It is expanding in construction around the center
It started in the center with organic radial growth
The growth reached first ring road
They create a new ring road
The growth expanded towered the 2nd ring road
Then directed in leaner form towered just university

 Population of Jordanian in al Ramtha 2015 is 100,000

 There are 70,000 thousand Syrian people in al
 20000person was before the war immigration (before
2010) which we be calculated in the growth.
 50000 person immigrant after the war, we will
consider a percentage of 30%=15000 person .
 The total number of population we will consider it in al
Ramtha growth is 135,000 PERSON
The main family tribes which reside in Ar
Ramtha are:

AL Mayyas (mostly in Al bowetha town) 

AL Shboul (town of Al shajarah & Ar-Ramtha) 
Ad-Dardour (west & north and downtown) 
Al Jahmani (west side and downtown ) 
AL Zoubi (mostly..North side ) 
AL Nasr ( down town arownd hesbeh ( chayyal) & at Emrawah town ). 
AL Abdilaziz (west side and far south west) 
AL Samarah (around "dab'bet nemer") 
AL Bashabsheh (North East along the international highway "khat al sham") 
AL Khazaleh (north) 
AL Theyabat (south west) 
AL Shogran (south west) 
AL Saqqar (south west) 

 Ethnicity
 All families are Muslims and they shared in one homogenous social culture,
Jordanian Islamic Arab culture.

 Value and beliefs

 There are 40 Mosques in the city.
 Sheikh declared that there is a small number of prayers frequenting the
Mosque daily.
 residents believe that social and relative relationship and social collaboration
are very important and they get them from their Islamic religion. 
 They share most of norms in sadness and happiness events.
Health services

 Ar-Ramtha have 2 comprehensive health center and 8 Primary health

centers, in addition there are many private medical clinics and

 - The health care center provides primary care, very simple treatments,
immunizations, and screening programs for school health one time yearly.

 There two hospitals in Ar-Ramtha, Ar-Ramtha governmental hospital and

king Abdullah university hospital which Provide comprehensive services
to Ar-Ramtha and district.
Social services

 There is a strong social relationship between Ar-Ramtha populations

as a one family, they participate in happy and sad events, and some
families from neighborhood villages select Al-Ar-Ramthah to live.

 There are in Ar-Ramthah several centers belonging to the youth

aimed at skills and capacity development of cultural and, scientific to
the young men and women discover talents and abilities in various
fields, and Highlight the problems faced by youth, the community and
find appropriate solutions. Such as: Ar-Ramthah Youth Cultural
Forum, Ar-Ramthah Sports Club, cultural and social, also do
programs for children, such as a save ALQRAN ALKAREM, 
Conducting educational activities. 
 About 60% are employee (Military and civilian) 15% are unemployed. 5%
in Agriculture, and 10% others, (Municipality). The average of income
300 – 550 . Ar-Ramthah is contain several productive projects and market
is contains all services (see Table 1), also there many people work in Al
Hassan Industrial City, University of Science and Technology and King
Abdullah University Hospital.

 There are a large number of people from Ar-Ramthah are working outside
Jordan in the Arab and European countries, this contributes to the support
of the Ar-Ramthah economy
Name of place Number Name of place Number Name of place Number

Cloths & shoes

Brick Factory 5 Carpentry 28 47

Home appliance
Diary product 32 Internet coffee 29 43

Vegetables & fruits Appliance

Bakery & Restaurants 56 26
43 shop electrical shop

Supermarkets And
590 pharmacy 27 Book shop 24
consumer organizations

Billiards and
Gas station 7 Dental center 5 16
Games Shops

(Labour units and Business organizations,2013)


 Common meeting places used community center, hall: Ar-Ramthah

contain several tribes, most of these tribes have which called “Dewan”
their own.
 Ar-Ramthah has all of communication ways the Traditional, Modern,
Official, Non-official and important communications. Traditional like
barber, teachers, retired people, official all sources of media are available
in Ar-Ramthah to communicate with the world such as telephone include
Umnia, Zain and Orange, television, mail delivery and internet access with
modems, are available can reach to home, also from daily newspaper as
AL-Rai, AL-Doustor and AL-Ghad and have sport club for football, young
center, and culture center.

 Recreation :
 There 3 parks in Ar Ramtha
 There ”alshallaleh”
 The total number of students in all school about (16793) about 1800 in Al-
tawjehy and about 2400 in the first class in 22 public schools; 9
secondary female, 9 secondary male and 21 primary schools, 8
private schools and 13 nursery.
 ( Ministry of Education at Ar-Ramtha).
 Ar-Ramtha City schools suffer from overcrowding in classrooms as a
result of receiving the Syrian Students (11,000 Syrian students in all
schools Ramtha Brigade). (Ministry of Education at Ar-Ramtha,).
 There are in Ar-Ramtha eight private schools.
 Ar-Ramtha students studying in Al-yarmook university, Jordan university
of Science and technology, al-balqa’a university in Irbid, and AL-Albayt
University in Al-Mafraq city Because of the proximity of these

 College in Ar-Ramtha City.

Al-Ramtha city is one of the first cities that has received Syrian refugees since 
the beginning of the crisis in Syria, moreover, it has absorbed large portion of
Syrian refugees before the establishment of Syrian refugee camps (Alghad
newspaper, 2016). According to the head of the greater Ramtha municipality, the
number of Syrian refugees in Al-Ramtha city was (130,000) in 2019; which
represents a significant increase in the number of population


 Hosting this large number of Syrian refugees has exacerbated the hard situation

of AlRamtha city, in the light of the absence of governmental support for the city;
especially that 7 Syrian refugees have been competing with the local population
for the limited resources and public services such as; labor market, housing,
education and other services (Alghad newspaper, 2016). The figures below, show
aerial photographs for Al-Ramtha city before and after the Syrian crisis.
Community subsystem 

 :Physical environment 

.It’s a wide range of lands, lawns, farm, water sources 

Located in the “Sahel Horan” area , that far 15 kilometer north of Irbid 


Ar-Ramtha has mild to moderate climate; the geographical distribution of 

the area of about 550 meters above sea level gives it this moderate climate.
Summers are hot and dry at day, moderate at night to cold, and winters are
The most beautiful season is spring where all the different plants grow. 

Lands covered with green grasses, lawns, flowers and farms which
.flourish during the spring season



80000 87082

40000 45690
20000 27130

1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015
 Al-Ramtha city is one of the first cities that has received Syrian refugees
since the beginning of the crisis in Syria, moreover, it has absorbed large
portion of Syrian refugees before the establishment of Syrian refugee
camps (Alghad newspaper, 2016). According to the head of the greater
Ramtha municipality, the number of Syrian refugees in Al-Ramtha city
was (130,000) in 2019; which represents a significant increase in the
number of population (Khaberni, 2019). Hosting this large number of
Syrian refugees has exacerbated the hard situation of AlRamtha city, in the
light of the absence of governmental support for the city; especially the
Syrian refugees have been competing with the local population for the
limited resources and public services such as; labor market, housing,
education and other services (Alghad newspaper, 2016). The figures
below, show aerial photographs for Al-Ramtha city before and after the
Syrian crisis.
Figure 4: A: Aerial photograph of Al-Ramtha city, 2009. B: Aerial photograph
of AlRamtha city, 2011. C: Aerial photograph of Al-Ramtha city, 2016. D:
Aerial photograph of Al-Ramtha city, 2019 Source: Google maps, 2020

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