Sports Technology

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Video replay – TMO
(Television match official)
Hawkeye – used in
– sports official called
tennis - cricket
upon to help adjudicate
a sports match using
television footage Artificial surfaces –
e.g. used in cricket, rugby all-weather
league surfaces –
Technology e.g. Astro turf –
Aim of all developments is to
Innovations in equipment – British Cycling
increase speed, competitive edge
team ordered to share their developments!
and spectator interest.
None take in to account the
Carbon fibre racing bike replacing
traditional role that sport once
traditional aluminium
played within society i.e.
amusement, fun, a simple past
Hockey – sticks now carbon fibre – pads for
goalies size, material and shape changes
Dilemma - should stick with
Figure skaters – individualised boots –
tradition or move with new
dependent on discipline
Sports Technology
Advances in sports technology has been rapid over the last 4 years.

A £15 million sport technology insituite has been built at Loughborough university
to aid UK sport.
Sports Technology
Projects have included the development of equipment, football boots,
next generation sports clothing (i.e. under armour) and sports
drinks/supplements (lucozade and creatine).
The impact of Hawk Eye – Case study 1
How does it work?
Court/pitch side cameras us infra red beams to capture the balls motion. Camera
frames are analysed every second and can predict possible ball flight.

The first time this was used

in a major competition was
Wimbledon 2007.
The impact of Hawk Eye
Its impact on sport?
This Hawk Eye technology in tennis has led to a change in rules. (3 challenges per
set. If you are successful in a challenge you do not lose a challenge).

Other sports.

Hawk Eye technology has also been

introduced into cricket.
The impact of hawk eye
Is it a benefit to sport?

How has it been received?

Players, officials and spectators seem to have embraced hawk eye.

• Players feel that the right decision is made and therefore has improved
player/official relationships.
• Officials have less pressure on them as the technology is a definitive answer.
• Spectators appear to enjoy the build up in hawk eye delivering a verdict.
The impact of Hawk Eye
Is there any disadvantages of hawk eye?

Hawk eye gamesmanship – Players will ask for a challenge to take a breather or
unsettle their opponent rhythm.
Swimsuits developments – Case study 2
How does it work?

The high-performance swimsuit use a new

high-technology swimwear fabric designed
to hold the body in a more hydro-dynamic
position and allows for better oxygen flow
to muscles.

Banned at London Olympics!

Swimsuits developments – Case study 2
Impact on swimming?
Swimsuit technology has been linked to dramatic improvements in swimming times and
world records.

25 world record times were broken

at the 2008 Beijing Olympic games.

Is this due to better athletes or

sports technology?
Swimsuits developments – Case study 2

Speedo's LZR Racer suit

Why are people debating the use of racer
Is it cheating?

Benefits to swimming: Spectators have been entertained with world record times
been shattered regardless of the athlete’s swimwear.

Disadvantages: winning not due to pure athletes performance but due to better suit
technology than competitors.
Technology – coaching/officiating
Following controversial decisions at the Beijing Olympics taekwondo will now be using
an electronic hit register and video replays.
Technology – coaching/officiating
Many coaches will use video to record and analyse performances. This can highlight
tactical and strategic points for reflection or match preparation.

Coaches can compare,

slow down and analysis
technique using Dartfish.
Nike Precool vest

The Precool is a vest that holds a bunch of pre-frozen ice packs, The athlete wears the frozen
vest for about an hour prior to the start of competition, reducing his core temperature enough
so the body won't be wasting energy trying to keep cool.

DOES IT WORK? Keeping cool is likely to be an issue for middle-distance and endurance events,
so being able to start the event with you muscles warmed up but your core cool as a cucumber
has to be an advantage.
Technology in horse
Photo finishes in
horse racing have
taken the pressure
off the officials.
They can now just
turn to a computer
which can
accurately show
who passed the line
Mamori is “a mouthguard with built-in sensors that can tell someone on the
sidelines when a player has received a serious – yet invisible – injury,” says Devin
Coldeway, of NBC News.
This new technology has sensors, along with an accelerometer, a gyroscope, and a
magnetometer, which together can help observe movement any force taken on by
players during actual games and practices. If the force absorbed by a player is large
enough, that information can be received with the corresponding Mamori app on a
computer instantaneously. This will allow for trainers to provide treatment quicker
to the injured player, because they were able to recognize the concussion at an
earlier period of time.
Nike Total 90 - Laser II

Designed with a sweet spot to give perfect ball-to-ball contact, which increases
shooting and passing accuracy. The unique rings give the player the opportunity to
hit the ball more aggressively and enhance ball spin and swerve opportunities.

Adidas Predator

The new hi tech foam in the predator element ensures added power, better ball
control and more swerve.

Lotto Zero Gravity Boot

The first football boot to have no laces. There are no laces because to gives the boot
perfect fit to the foot and it offers maximum ball feel.

Nike Vapours

The most advanced ones have a carbon fibre sole plate, which reduces the weight by
100g, which means that a player can reach the ball in o.2 seconds quicker.
Cons: Why is it bad Pros: Why is it good

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