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Statistical Analysis

on Online
Shruti Uttla
Lohith Y
Umesh Jhanwar
Yashaswini Guduru
Mohamed Surfaraz
Gunjan Khandelwal
Introduction and Methodology
Goal: To study online shopping
• Lifestyles changes
• Crowded markets Online Shopping
• Uncomfortable and time-consuming
Concerns in online
Products bought
online Preference of online

Frequency of
shopping online

Apps used the most

Chi-square Analysis Shopping trend 2017-
Did you prefer shopping online 5 years ago? (2017)
Gender No % Yes % Total %
Female 27 25.23364 22 20.56075 49 45.79439
Male 30 28.03738 28 26.16822 58 54.20561
Total 57 53.27103 50 46.72897 107 100
Do you preferred shopping online ? (2021)
Gender No % Yes % Total %
Female 5 4.672897 44 41.1215 49 45.79439
Male 2 1.869159 56 52.33645 58 54.20561
Total 7 6.542056 100 93.45794 107 100

Chi square analysis to observe the relation between age and shopping online
Observed values
Ho: Age group doesn’t have an impact
Age No Yes Total
21 - 25 37 32 69 on online shopping
26 - 30 14 16 30 Ha: Age has an impact on online
31 - 35 1 1 2 shopping
Less than 20 3 1 4
More than 40 2 2 We Failed to reject Null hypothesis as
57 50 107 Chi square calculated value is less than
Chi square Critical. Which means that
Expected values age group does not have an Impact on
Age No Yes Total
21 - 25 36.75701 32.24299065 69 the online shopping.
26 - 30 15.98131 14.01869159 30 Chi Square Critical = 9.487729; Chi
31 - 35 1.065421 0.934579439 2 Square stat = 0.529098
Less than 20 2.130841 1.869158879 4
More than 40 1.065421
F-test & T-test

F test - Indicates that ‘with 95% confidence

we can infer that the variance of the 2
categories is same as F stat is
not away from f critical’; hence we can use
t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Equal Variances ‘t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Equal
Variable 1 Variable 2 Variances’
Mean 1.862745098 1.833333333
Variance 1.320784314 1.17816092 T- test
Observations 51 30 Ho: There is no significant difference between
Pooled Variance 1.268428891 number of apps frequently used and the age.
Hypothesized Mean Difference 0 Ha: There is a significant relation between
df 79 number of apps and the age
t Stat 0.113498789
We fail to reject the null hypothesis as T stat lies
P(T<=t) one-tail 0.454961531
in between the range.
t Critical one-tail 1.664371409
We can infer with 95% confidence that there is no
P(T<=t) two-tail 0.909923063
significant difference, which means that number
t Critical two-tail 1.99045021
of apps used by people of age group 21-25 and
26-30 years has no significant difference.
Age-Data visualization and statistics
• The data collected were segmented into different age groups and it is
seen that the maximum people (95% of the respondents) who have
responded belong to the age group of 20-30 years of age.

• It is observed that mean age of people

who have taken the survey is 24.7
years and the median age of them is
24 years. This data will help us predict
or take decisions in future for the
people of the same age group.
ANOVA Testing-Age samples

The value of F-critical is 2.46 and

the value of F-stat is 1.71. The
value of F falls well inside the F-
critical value as shown in graph.
Therefore, we fail to reject the Null
Hypothesis, i.e., with 95%
confidence we can say that the
mean age of all the samples is
same for the data collected.

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