W-Betűs Kérdőszavak, Múlt Idő - FOCI

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Szavak és

Válaszold meg a

Egészítsd ki a szöveget a szavakkal.

yesterday, cost, weather, defeated, send, international, decided, due to, appear
The Giants _______________ Leeds city 3-1.
The match took place _______________.
There will be no rematch _______________ bad weather.
The _______________ is said to be rainy this week.
Leeds city _______________ to buy new players.
Buying foreign players from all around the world, the team will be _________________.
They will have another match with the FC Barcelona which will ________________ next
The match will _______________ 100$.
Many fans _______________ good wishes to them.
Figyeld meg a mondatokat, s próbáld meg kitalálni, hogy mi
lehet a szabály.

Do you like football?

Why do you like football?
When do you watch football?
Do you like the weather?
Which team do you like?
When are you available?
Why do they defeat so many enemies?
Which sport do you like?
Do you play football?
When do you play football?
What do you watch on TV?
How do you watch football?

Írd át a mondatokat múlt időbe, s ismételjük át utána a szabályt!

Múlt idő - Kezdetek
• A legtöbb ige múltban –ed / -d végződést kap
I played football.
I watched football.
I liked football.
Our team defeated their team.

Do you like football? Do you watch football?

Did you like football? Did you watch football?
Írd át jelenbe!
Answer the questions with the help of the reading.

1. How often do they meet?

2. When did he go to watch a football game?

3. When did they get there?

4. Did Chelsea win?

5. When can we see the final?

Write interview questions to Cristiano
e.g. Why do you like football?

Use the following words: train, sleep, defeat, send, decide

Mikor edzel? Milyen gyakran edzel?

Mennyit alszol?
Hogyan veritek meg az ellenségeiteket?
Tudsz nekem aláírást küldeni?
Miért döntöttél úgy, hogy focizni fogsz?
Hol élsz?
Mit eszel?
Mikor kelsz fel reggelente?
Melyik csapatot szereted?

Create a logical structure!

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