Ways On How To Become Capable and Responsible Adolescent Prepared For Adult Life

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Module 7

Ways on how to become

Capable and Responsible
Adolescent prepared for Adult

a. Identify ways that help people to become capable and

responsible adolescent prepared for adult life through
class discussion
b. Encourage students to create the poem that related to
c. Explain the 8 rules which could help teenagers
become a responsible adolescent prepared for adult life

Be responsible and make good choices.

Becoming responsible and being able to
make good choices are fundamental traits, no
matter what developmental stage you are. It
holds true for adolescents especially that they
are just beginning to internalize and imbibe
virtues, values, and other essential qualities

Before you go on with the lesson, let us start with a

simple activity. This will test what you already know
about our topic.
Instruction: List down all the things you have done
that you think can help you in your adult life.

Do you think these things you have done will

make you ready for your adult life? Let’s find out
in this lesson.
Activity 2. Enumeration (Critical-Thinking, Character)

Instruction: List down all your improved qualities you acquired during your
adolescent life. Explain how it may help you in preparing for adult life

Treat “difficulties” as “challenges”

It may not be easy to be a teenager. There may be lots of
things going on in various facets of their lives

Perhaps you are wondering what’s the main point of giving

your idea answering activity in What’s New. It was set for you to
intentionally and primarily see your sense of responsibility over
If you have come up with better ideas by weighing things and
considering other matters precisely you have developed a good
sense of responsibility. But before we go any further how we do
really define responsibility?
Responsibility is any moral, legal or mental obligation or duty
that is directly or indirectly entrusted to you by the people around
from which you are held accountable for whatever consequences
or circumstance that may arrive in the future.
In our community, young children are not given any
responsibility at all nor held responsible for their actions or
negative thoughts. It is because they are not yet fully grown up and
cannot understand the consequences of their actions. As a young
kid they still have to discover how to deal with the world of an
adult by carefully undergoing the long process. This process takes
place through their day to day experiences and/or through formal

As he/she gets older and learned things such as principles

and laws that constitute to being responsible for one’s own actions
he/she is little by little taking a bulk of responsibility on his/her
shoulder. Responsibility is part of growing up. This means no one
can do away with having sets of responsibility. Out of this, we can
also conclude that being responsible is part of every man’s life.
Why Be Capable and Responsible
Why Be Capable and Responsible Adolescent
Now that you have understood that responsibility is
indeed one of the things that comprise life, then perhaps
you’re asking ‘Why do we need to become responsible as an
individual?’ ‘Why do we have to learn being responsible of
our own actions if this will certainly take place as we grow
Aside from the fact that being responsible helps us
become successful in many aspects of life, we are being
taught and trained to develop a great sense of responsibility
so that we will be capable of facing the consequences of our
own actions. As they say nobody can clean our own mess
but ourselves alone.
Being capable and responsible adolescent means
having a harmonious way of living. A person who is
capable of doing his/her own tasks and obligations
will definitely gain the appreciation of the people
around him/her. This positive aura will lead him/her
become a responsible person.
Becoming responsible person performing his/her own
sets of duties and accountabilities is not as simple as
one two three but as soon as it manifests in one’s
personality it has a greater impact to the community.
People who are known for
his/her sense of responsibility also gain positive
feedback from his/her colleagues, peers and/or
environment and it can create domino effect. He/she
will serve as a concrete example in his/her community.
His/her way of living will become worthy of
emulation. Individuals who are being emulated by the
whole community eventually serve as the key for the
good transformation of the society
The demands and expectations of their parents
and other people around them can also be
stressful. However, the good news is, they can
treat these “difficulties” as “challenges,” which can
make their lives exciting. Having that mindset is
also an indication of becoming a responsible and
mentally mature adolescent.
8 simple rules which could help teenagers become
a responsible adolescent prepared for adult life:
1. Focus on your studies and do well in all your
endeavors. There is a time for everything.

2. Take care of your health and hygiene. Healthy

body and mind are important as you journey through

3. Establish good communication and relation with

your parents or guardian. Listen to them. Though this
may be easier said than done at this stage, but
creating good relationship with them will do you
good as they are the ones you can lean on especially
in times of trouble.
4. Think a lot before doing something. Evaluate
probable consequences before acting. Practice
self-control and self-discipline.
5. Choose to do the right thing. There are plenty
of situations in which it is better to use your mind
rather than your heart.

6. Do your best to resist temptations, bad acts, and

earthly pleasures and commit to being a
responsible adolescent.
7. Respect yourself. You are an adult in the
making. Do not let your teenage hormones get
into you. If you respect yourself, others will
respect you too.
8. Be prepared to be answerable or accountable
for your actions and behavior. It is part of
growing up in becoming an adult.
Ease the transition from being an adolescent to
being an adult by practicing essential skills while
you’re still at home. While still at home, you can
help ease the transition by practicing essential
skills, like proper management of time and money.
To manage time well, always try to be punctual
when meeting friends and family, as this shows
respect for their time.
To become skilled at managing your money,
start by learning to budget. You can make this
easier by downloading a budget app onto your
smartphone. Input all your expenses and bill
payments, to keep track of your spending and
savings. Once you gain confidence with your
budgeting and time skills, gradually work toward
becoming independent from your family by setting
goals like getting work.

Write Yes if you agree with each of the statement and No if you do not.
______ 1. Sets of responsibility are given to a person at very young age.
______ 2. Responsibility is any set of obligations entrusted to every
______ 3. As a person becomes mature he/she becomes capable

of taking responsibility.
______ 4. All of us are capable of being responsible.
______ 5. Being responsible will help one grow into a mature person
and achieve more.
Activity 4 Poem (Creativity, Critical-Thinking) Instruction:
Create a poem to encourage adolescents prepare for their
adult lives. It must consist of: 4 stanzas with 4 lines each.

Activity 3.2. Poem (Creativity, Critical-Thinking) Instruction: Create a poem to

encourage adolescents prepare for their adult lives. It must consist of: 4
stanzas with 4 lines each.

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