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The Five

Components of
These five components represent how fit and
healthy the body is as a whole.

 1.Cardiovascular Endurance
 2. Muscle Endurance
 3. Muscle Strength
 4. Flexibility
 5. Body Composition
Cardiovascular Endurance
Cardiovascular endurance is the ability of the heart, lungs and
blood vessels to deliver oxygen to working muscles and tissues, as
well as the ability of those muscles and tissues to utilize that
oxygen over an extended period of time with moderate intensity.
What happens to your body during
cardiovascular endurance or aerobic
• The heart pumps faster and pumps more blood.

• Lungs increase volume of air inhaled and exhaled.

• Muscles contract at a greater speed.

• Body temperature rises and the body sweats.

Benefits of cardiovascular
endurance training.
• The heart becomes more efficient
• Blood volume, red blood cells and hemoglobin increases
• Decreases resting blood pressure
• Arteries grow larger
• Diaphragm grows stronger
• Lungs become more expandable increasing in volume
• Decreases body fat
• Increases energy level
• Recovery after exercise becomes quicker
• Reduces risk of heart disease and other health
• Reduces the risk of an early death.
Factors that affect your
cardiovascular endurance.
• 1. The ability of the respiratory system to take air into the body and the
efficiency with which the lungs supply oxygen to the blood. Endurance is
reduced if your breathing is inefficient or if the lungs are not working well.

• 2. The ability of the blood to carry oxygen. This can be reduced if you are ill,
have a poor diet or train too hard.

• 3. The ability of your heart to pump blood around your body.

• 4. The efficiency of the circulatory system that takes blood to your muscles
and then returns it to your heart.

• 5. The ability of your muscles to extract oxygen from your blood.

• 6. Heredity influences your level of Cardio Vascular Endurance

Examples of Cardiovascular Endurance.

• Marathon
• Pacer Test
• Triathlon
• Cross country skiing
• Distance Swimming
• Cross country practice
• Inline skating
• Speed walking
Ways we will measure your
cardiovascular endurance level.
 1. Pacer Test
 2. Mile Run

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