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Lesson 10.

Culture and international
marketing management (CH 11)
This chapter focuses on international marketing, which includes the
need to understand cultural differences between countries.
• Concept 11.1: Marketing in a cross-cultural environment
•The question of intercultural marketing and the international consumer i
s discussed, especially in research.
• Concept 11.2: Marketing communication across cultures
•The question of brands is addressed, and how the meaning
of national images is managed, especially in advertising across cultures.
Marketer within cross-border market

Figure 11.1 Marketing in a cross-cultural environment

Marketing activities: traditional classificatio

1. Market analysis:
• Environment analysis
• Buyer behaviour
• Market research
2. Marketing strategy:
• Market segmentation
• Marketing mix
This classification of marketing activities has its critics, es
pecially the ‘marketing mix’ approach.
Modern concept of marketing
Market-driven management should:
•Focus on the consumer:
• Anticipate and respond to consumer needs
• Define and deliver customer value.
• Integrate marketing functions in all parts of a company
• Develop relationship marketing: link the company to
the market:
• Create networks
• Connect with customers.
• Social media marketing refers to the process of gaining traffic or attenti
on through social media sites.
• Facebook
• Instagram
• Twitter
• Linkedin
• YouTube
• Xiaohongshu
Social network marketing: Facebook

Figure 11.2 Facebook users versus international spend share

International marketing
• Definition:
• Marketing activities – in line with the focus of a compan
y’s operations – that cross national borders
• Application:
• Companies have different orientations, such as:
• Sales orientation
• Social marketing orientation
• Change of orientation may be necessary
because of:
• legal, cultural, economic reasons.
Intercultural marketing
Is about adapting products and marketing strategies to c
onsumer preferences.
• Cultural identification with a product
(Usunier and Lee, 2005):
• Notion of identity
• Notion of exoticism
• Consumers share cultural characteristics:
• Geographical cultural affinity zones
• Cultural affinity classes.
Cross-cultural consumer beha
Increasing uniformity in consumer taste and behaviour:
• However:
• behavioural intentions of consumers need to be establis
• different weightings between attitudes and norms.
• Therefore:
• Take into consideration:
• the characteristics of the consumers’ culture;
• their underlying models.
Cross-border market research
Problems for marketers and market researchers:
• Language barriers
• Sensitivity of questioning
• Research techniques
• Cultural differences
• Suspicion
• Statistical comparisons
• Fragmentation.
Marketing communication
across cultures

Marketing is also a process in which communication plays an impo

rtant role.
•Promoting brands internationally
•What is a brand?
• Identifies a range of products and services.
• Registered brand becomes a trademark
• Multinationals need to use a uniform brand
•Language may be a problem:
• Pronunciation
• Different alphabet.

Example :
Brand and national images
Important is:
•Relationship between the nationality of a product
and the image it evokes
•Elements that contribute to the consumer’s perception of pr
oduct nationality
• Such elements can be related to one country, several countri
es, or a geographical area.
• Role of stereotypes
• Country of origin
• Same product under the same brand worldwide
• Country-of-brand versus country of origin.
Impact of culture on adverti
• Companies websites: online advertising and sales pro
motion worldwide
• Simplest definition: information intended to create a li
nk between the producer and consumer
• Cultural approach in advertising:
• Language and behavioural differences
• Meanings of the consumers
• Advertising adapted to the local market:
• Products/services presented in a symbolic way
• Image of product associated with product concept.
Meaning of brands and messages across cultures

• Companies operating internationally are:

• Building the strength of their brand
• Extending the number of markets
• Companies attempt to adapt to:
• Cultural differences in communication and products
• Companies intent on making sure that:
• Intended meaning of the brand coincides with
• Perceived meaning of the message.
Effective communication

Figure 11.3 Effective communication

A recent joke abo
ut virus
• 中國: 我們這邊快完了
• 歐洲: 我們這邊快完了
• 中國:我們好多了
• 歐洲:我們好多了
Social marketing campaigns
• In non-commercial marketing other techniques need to
be used in advertising or promotion:
• Because it is ‘a holistic approach to behaviour change’ o
f individuals and groups
• Ethical issues must be taken into account
• Message framing is an important aspect
• Advertising across cultural groups: differences
• In perception, interpretation, reaction
• Between collectivist and individualistic cultures.
• In international marketing management and research.
• Focus is more on the consumer than on marketing met
• because the consumer presents the most
important cultural differences.
• Communication: various channels of commercial and s
ocial advertising
• balance between product, message and
perception that people may have about a product.
Case study 1
• MacDonald


• Avoid politics or other disputable issues in business

Case study 2
• DG 「起筷」廣告被指辱華
• ZARA 彩妆广告 华模特有雀斑被指辱华

• If you are international brand, how to do marketing in China?

Further reading and watching
Think about whether cultures change in different times

巴依爾的春節 寶馬 2020 春節特別片 甯浩導演
Combine BMW and Chinese tradition festival. A successful marketing campaign!

麦当劳、奥迪、星巴克等各大品牌 LOGO 也“惨遭隔离”了!?

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