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Unity in the

•a situation in which people,
groups, or countries join
together or agree about
Classroom rules
1.Ask questions.
2.Respect and listen to your classmates.
3.Respect and listen to the teacher.
4.Raise your hand to speak.
5.Be prepared for class.
6.Be quiet when the teacher is talking.
7.Be quiet when classmates are talking.
8.Share new ideas.
Respect can be summed up this way:
It’s about treating others as you would
like to be treated.
What does this actually look like in the classroom? Kids
who show
respect and are shown respect:
1.Feel safe around their peers and their teacher;
2.Don’t yell or talk over others;
3.Listen to others even when they disagree;
4.Don’t try to control others;
5.Talk openly about their needs and wants;
6.Admit when they’ve made a mistake; and
7.Freely express who they are and allow
others to do the same.
Write a smiley face if the sentence
shows respect and sad face if its not.
1.I sometimes hide the bag of my classmate.
2. I let my classmate do my homework.
3. I never shout when we do oral recitation.
4. I do my part whenever we a group activity.
5. I used polite when talking to elders.
Write 5 class activities that needs to
have unity.

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