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V We are in a world where every now and then
people are enraged. Sometimes the car next to
you might pull up un-expectedly or sometimes
it could be your work and so the list grows.
V The cost of these fights be it in time or
monetary bases goes really high, and then the
risk of the temper turning into something is
always there.
Have we ever thought of FORGIVING?
V News like players beating each other up, biting
each other's ear off, home violence is very
common. Have we ever thought about a
sloution to this? Have we wondered how
things would look like if this was not there

V ´Why can·t we just forget it and move on,

move on to a better result?µ
V nger is a impulsive and sudden outburst of
rage usually in retaliation to some threat of
V nger may have physical correlates such as
increased heart rate, blood pressure, and levels
of adrenaline and noradrenaline.
V Some view anger as part of the ´fight or flightµ
brain response to the perceived threat of harm.
Three types of anger are recognized by
V j   
  _oseph Butler).
ÿ Is connected to the impulse for self-preservation.
ÿ It is shared between humans and non-human
animals and occurs when tormented or trapped.
V          is a reaction to
perceived 6   harm or unfair treatment
by others.
The above two forms of anger are  6
V ° and is related more to character
traits than to instincts or cognitions. Irritability,
sullenness and churlishness are examples of the
last form of anger.

V nger can potentially mobilize psychological

resources and boost determination toward
correction of wrong behaviors, promotion of social
justice , communication of negative sentiment and
redress of grievances. It can also facilitate patience.
Studies have shown that there are measurable
benefits to forgiveness:

V Forgiving is good for your health. Studies

show that people who forgive report fewer
health problems while people who blame
others for their troubles have a higher
incidence of illness such as cardiovascular
disease and cancers.
V Two studies of divorced people show that
those who forgave their former spouse were
healthier emotionally than those who
chose not to forgive. The forgivers had a higher
sense of well being and lower anxiety and
V Forgiving is good for your peace of mind.
Scientific research shows that forgiveness often
improves your peace of mind. 
 study showed that the more people
forgave those who hurt them, the less angry
they were
It is common for angry people to think, "I want to
forgive, and I know I should, but I don't know
how." Here are some starting points:

V Tip :
Remember, forgiveness is a process that takes
time and patience to complete. You must be
ready. Realize that forgiveness is for you - not
for anyone else.
V Tip 2:
Realize that forgiving does not mean you are
condoning the actions of the offender or what
they did to you. It does mean that you will
blame less and find a way to think differently
about what happened to you.
V Tip 3:
Refocus on the positives in your life.  life well
lived is the best revenge. People who find a
way to see love, beauty and kindness around
them are better able to forgive and get past
their grievances.


Forgiveness is a skill that almost anyone can
benefit from. This concept is taught in almost
every quality anger management class and one
of the eight tools of anger control in the
Century nger Management model of
. You do not have to forgive all at once, it can be
an organic process that happens over time.

2. You don·t have to condone what happened to

you, in fact, you can let the other person know
how wrong they where, but then let go of your
3. Forgiving and trusting are separate
things. Trusting too quickly may be more of an
indication of low self esteem. Forgiving can be
happen quickly if you choose, but trusting
takes time.

4. You can forgive a person, but it doesn·t mean

you need to maintain a relationship with them
‰. Forgiving is always for yourself. The bi-
product of forgiveness is that the other person
often feels better too knowing they·ve been

. Forgiving is always for yourself. The bi-

product of forgiveness is that the other person
often feels better too knowing they·ve been
We use forgiveness as a skill in anger
control classes because by letting go
of our pain and anger we no longer
carry the rage along with us
everywhere we go and every
relationship we enter. Give it a try
and see if you can let go too!

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