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Based on Section 208 of NBCP, how much of the collected fees is the
building official authorized to keep for the operating expense of his/her
a. 20%
b. 25%
c. 30%
d. 50%
2. Under what building occupancy shall factories and workshops using
not highly flammable or non-combustible materials be classified?
a. Business and Mercantile
b. Industrial
c. Storage and Hazardous
d. None of the above
3. Based on RA 9275 also known as Clean Water Act of 2004, what
government agency shall be primarily responsible for the
promulgation, revision, and enforcement of drinking water quality
a. DENR Based on the RA 9275:
As stated in Chapter 3, Section 19
b. DOH DENR shall be the primary government agency
c. DPWH responsible for the implementation and enforcement of
d. DOST the Act
3. Based on RA 9275 also known as Clean Water Act of 2004, what
government agency shall be primarily responsible for the
promulgation, revision, and enforcement of drinking water quality
a. DENR Based on the RA 9275:
As stated in Section 22. Linkage Mechanism
b. DOH DPWH through its attached agencies, such as the
c. DPWH MWSS, LWUA, and including other urban water utilities
d. DOST for the provision or sewerage and sanitation facilities
and the efficient and safe collection, treatment and
disposal of sewage within their area of jurisdiction
3. Based on RA 9275 also known as Clean Water Act of 2004, what
government agency shall be primarily responsible for the
promulgation, revision, and enforcement of drinking water quality
a. DENR Based on the RA 9275:
As stated in Section 22. Linkage Mechanism
b. DOH DOST in coordination with the DENR and other
c. DPWH concerned agencies, shall prepare a program for the
d. DOST evaluation, verification, development and public
dissemination of pollution prevention and cleaner
production technologies
4. Extinguishing and Alarm Systems: Which of these statements is NOT true?
A. Smoke and/or heat detectors shall be installed on the ceiling of each storey
in front of the doors to the stairways and at no greater than 12 meters (12
m) spacing in the corridors of all floors containing the centers.
B. In centers with more than one hundred (100) children, the fire alarm
system shall be installed to transmit an alarm by the most direct and
reliable method.
C. Standpipes shall be installed in all buildings of four (4) storeys or more
housing child day care centers.
D. Portable fire extinguishers, suitable for Class B fires shall be installed in
kitchens and cooking areas and extinguishers suitable for Class A fires shall
be installed throughout the remainder of the center.
5. Detention and Correctional Occupancies. Travel Distance to Exits:
Which one is True?
A. Between any room door intended as exit access and an exit shall not
exceed thirty meters (30 m)
B. Between any point in a room and an exit shall not exceed forty-six
meters (46 m)
C. Any point in a sleeping room to the door in that room shall have a
maximum travel distance of ten meters (10 m)
D. All of the Above
6. Flood Control and Natural Calamities. In measures in flood control
program, which of these is NOT included in the soil erosion, sediment
and flood control program?
A. the control of soil erosion on the banks of rivers, the shores or
Lakes, and the sea-shores
B. the needs of fisheries and wildlife and all other recreational uses of
natural water
C. the control of flow and flooding in and from rivers and lakes
D. None of the above
7. Accessible toilet compartments shall have the following:
a. A minimum area of 1.70 m x 1.80 m.
b. A turning space of 2.25 sq. m with a minimum dimension of 1500 mm for
wheelchair users shall be provided outside water closet cubicles.
c. Accessories such as mirrors, paper dispensers, towel racks and fittings such as
faucets mounted at heights reachable by wheelchair users. Toilet accessories
such as mirrors, towel and soap dispensers, hand dryer, waste bin should be
encouraged to have a color contrast. Accessories should be placed near the
accessible lavatory.
d. All of the above
8. A site, building, facility, interconnection or any portion of the built
environment that can be approached, entered and used by persons
with disabilities; refers to features that enable persons with disabilities
to make use of the primary functions for which a building/structure is
built. Based on the BP 344:
a. Access Aile Access Aile
Clear circulation route bounded by moveable
b. Accessible furniture that can be negotiated safely by persons
c. Accessible Design with disabilities
d. Accessible Route Plan
8. A site, building, facility, interconnection or any portion of the built
environment that can be approached, entered and used by persons
with disabilities; refers to features that enable persons with disabilities
to make use of the primary functions for which a building/structure is
built. Based on the BP 344:
a. Access Aile Accessible Design
Creating environments that are approachable and
b. Accessible
useable by people with disabilities; Unhindered,
c. Accessible Design without obstructions to enable persons with
d. Accessible Route Plan disabilities free passage or use of the facilities.
8. A site, building, facility, interconnection or any portion of the built
environment that can be approached, entered and used by persons
with disabilities; refers to features that enable persons with disabilities
to make use of the primary functions for which a building/structure is
built. Based on the BP 344:
a. Access Aile Accessible Route Plan
b. Accessible Plans showing the accessible routes to the
building from adjacent buildings and nearest
c. Accessible Design public facilities as well as accessible routes within
d. Accessible Route Plan the building.
9. These are any building or immobile structure, facility or installation
which emits or may emit any air pollutant.
a. Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)
b. Mobile source Based on the R.A. 8749 or PHILIPPINE
c. Stationary source CLEAN AIR ACT OF 1999:
Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)
d. Greenhouse gases Means the organic compounds that persist
in the environment, bioaccumulate
through the food web, and pose a risk of
causing adverse effects to human health
and the environment.
9. These are any building or immobile structure, facility or installation
which emits or may emit any air pollutant.
a. Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)
b. Mobile source Based on the R.A. 8749 or PHILIPPINE
c. Stationary source CLEAN AIR ACT OF 1999:
Mobile source
d. Greenhouse gases Means any vehicle propelled by or through
combustion of carbon-based or other fuel,
constructed and operated principally for
the conveyance of persons or the
transportation of property goods.
9. These are any building or immobile structure, facility or installation
which emits or may emit any air pollutant.
a. Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)
b. Mobile source Based on the R.A. 8749 or PHILIPPINE CLEAN
c. Stationary source AIR ACT OF 1999:
Greenhouse gases
d. Greenhouse gases Means those gases that can potentially or can
reasonably be expected to induce global
warming, which include carbon dioxide, oxides
of nitrogen, chloroflourocarbons, and the like.
10. Based on the “Rule II – Minimum Design Standards and Requirements for
Economic and Socialized Housing Projects” under Batas Pambansa Blg. 220, the
basic needs of human settlements, enumerated in descending order are:
a) Water >> movement & circulation >> storm drainage >> solid & liquid waste
disposal >> park/playground >> power
b) Water >> power >> solid & liquid waste disposal >> movement &circulation
>> park/playground >> storm drainage
c) Water >> power >> movement &circulation >> solid & liquid waste disposal
>> park/playground >> storm drainage
d) Water >> power >> park/playground >> movement &circulation >> solid &
liquid waste disposal >> storm drainage
11. What is the minimum lot
area for Economic Rowhouses?
a) 32 sqm.
b) 36 sqm.
c) 48 sqm.
d) 54 sqm.
12. Based from Chapter II - Institutional Mechanism of the R.A. 9003
otherwise known as “Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000”,
the National Solid Waste Management Commission shall be composed
of how many members from the government sector?
a) 10
b) 12
c) 14
d) 16
Answer: C
13. Based on the “Rule I – Minimum Design Standards of Housing and
land Use Regulatory Board (HLURB), under PD 957, for open market and
medium cost subdivision projects with an area of one hectare or more,
the percentage (%) allocation of land shall be as follows:
a. saleable area — maximum of 70% of the gross area
b. non-saleable area — minimum of 30% of the gross area

Hence, if the density of the dwelling unit/ No. of lot per hectare is a
above 65, The allocation percentage requirement of gross area for
parks/playgrounds shall be:
a) 3.5
b) 4.0
c) 5.0
d) 9.0
Answer: D
14. Planting strips and sidewalks should be should be observed in
relation to the road specifications or road width for both open market
and and medium cost. If the road width is 10m, what are the widths of
planting strips and sidewalk for open market.3.5
a) 1.30m for planting strips and 1.20m for sidewalk
b) 0.80m for planting strips and 1.30m for sidewalk
c) 0.40m for planting strips and 0.60m for sidewalk
d) 0.80m for planting strips and 1.20m for sidewalk
Answer: D
15. Based from Chapter V, Any person who violates by littering, throwing,
dumping of waste matters in public places, such as roads, sidewalks,
canals, esteros or parks, and establishment, or causing or permitting the
same shall, upon conviction, be punished with a fine of how many pesos
aside from rendering community service for not less than 1 day to not
more than 15 days to an LGU where such prohibited acts are committed,
or both:1.30m for planting strips and 1.20m for sidewalk
a) not less than P300.00 but not more than P1,000.00
b) not less than P500.00 but not more than P2,000.00
c) not less than P3000.00 but not more than P5,000.00
d) None of the above
Answer: A
16. Refers to historical, anthropological, archeological, artistic,
geographical areas, center district, and settings that are culturally
significant to the country, as declared by the National Museum and/or
the National Historical Commission of the Philippines.
a) Heritage Zone Based on the R.A. 10066 or
ACT OF 2009
c) Historical Monuments Historical Landmarks
d) Historical Shrines refer to sites or structures that are
associated with events or achievements
significant to Philippine
16. Refers to historical, anthropological, archeological, artistic,
geographical areas, center district, and settings that are culturally
significant to the country, as declared by the National Museum and/or
the National Historical Commission of the Philippines.
a) Heritage Zone Based on the R.A. 10066 or
c) Historical Monuments ACT OF 2009
Historical Monuments
d) Historical Shrines
refer to structures that honor
illustrious persons or commemorate
events of historical value
16. Refers to historical, anthropological, archeological, artistic,
geographical areas, center district, and settings that are culturally
significant to the country, as declared by the National Museum and/or
the National Historical Commission of the Philippines.
a) Heritage Zone Based on the R.A. 10066 or
c) Historical Monuments ACT OF 2009
Historical Shrines
d) Historical Shrines
refer to historical sites or structures
hallowed and revered for their history
or association
17. Licensing of Dealers of Cultural Property. All dealers of cultural
properties shall secure a license to operate as such from of the National
Museum or from other affiliated agencies.
a) True
b) False
c) Maybe
d) Not sure Based on the R.A. 10066 or NATIONAL
The National Museum is the ONLY one to
issue the license based on existing policies.
18. Which of the following is included as a measure for energy
development program?
a) Setting up pilot plants utilizing invariant sources of energy
b) Training of technical personnel for purposes of energy
c) Concluding researches aimed at developing technology for
energy development
d) All of the above
Answer: D
Section 37. Measures for Energy Development. - Measures for energy
development program may include, but shall not be limited to, the

a) setting up pilot plants utilizing invariant sources of energy;

b) training of technical personnel for purposes of energy development;
c) concluding researches aimed at developing technology for energy

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