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The scientific method of

Steps in scientific research
 Define the problem
 Review the literature
 Formulate the hypothesis
 Plan the research design
 Collect the data
 Analyze the data
 Draw conclusion
 Replicate the study
Define the problem
 We need a problem which is worth study and
which can be studied through the methods of
 Example
 Reasons of poverty
 Illiteracy
 Divorce rate
 crime
Review the literature
 It would be waste of time if we repeat the
errors of other research scholars. We need to
study other related studies to see the
methods, results, methods of analysis of
other research studies.
Formulate the hypothesis
 Develop one or more formal prepositions
which can be tested
 For example
 The higher the level of education, lower the

level of crime.
Plan the research design
 Outlining just what is to be studied, what
data will be sought, and where and how they
will be collected, processed and analyzed.
Collect the data
 Collect the data from the respondents of the
study settings. It is the more crucial part of
the study, as sometimes respondents are not
willing to share the information.
Analyze the data
 Classify, tabulate, and compare the data,
making whatever tests and computations are
necessary to help find the results.
Draw conclusions
 Was the original hypothesis confirmed or
rejected? What has this research added to our
knowledge? What are new questions and
suggestions for further research have arisen
from this investigation?
Replicate the study
 Share your study with others, and when
someone repeat this research and will find
the same conclusion, then it will be accepted
as generally true.

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