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Career Action Plan

L. Hill reviewed Jan 2019

Set Goals
• Career Action Plan
• What do I need to have?
• What do I need to do?
• How and when am I going to do it?

L. Hill reviewed Jan 2019

• Use Internet- job specifications, educational requirements, work patterns,
market and job trends
• Ask people involved
• Work experience- try it yourself.

L. Hill reviewed Jan 2019

How to Research
How and when am I going to do it? • Keep Records
Set yourself targets that are; On where you have found information
Measurable and where to look for more.

Have Deadlines • Keep Records on Yourself
Your action plan should turn into your
L. Hill reviewed Jan 2019
How to Research
• What do I need to have?
Sources include universities, colleges, profession organisations. Books such as ‘My
Career’ and ‘Degree Description’ plus the Progress Series in the Library
• What do I need to do?
Obviously the academics- but also related work experience, qualifications such as
health and safety.
Remember, the strength of an education is how far into the future it is still relevant.
L. Hill reviewed Jan 2019
Career Action Plan
• Divide your research into clear sections;
• 1. Current Career Interest
• 2. Possible Job Opportunities
• 3. Academic Requirements at Different Entry Levels
• 4. Other Aspects of Development
• 5. Other Ideas for Research

L. Hill reviewed Jan 2019

Career Action Plan
• Then plan how to achieve your aims;
• 1. What I need to achieve these holidays.
• 2. What I need to achieve over the 6 months.
• 3. What I need to achieve over the next year.

L. Hill reviewed Jan 2019

L. Hill reviewed Jan 2019
Career Action Plan

Then at the end of term REASSESS

• Assess from experience, regroup, begin anew?

• ADAPT AND BE FLEXIBLE- you can only plan so much, you will be
surprised where life takes you!

L. Hill reviewed Jan 2019

Self-Assessment Career Research

Interests Organizations
What organizations
What engages me?
reflect my interests?

Course Options/
Skills Job Functions
What do I do well? What job or job functions
within this organization
would need my skills?

Values Environments
What work environments
What makes
will be supportive of me
work meaningful?
and my values?
L. Hill reviewed Jan 2019

Adapted from Source; Martin Tillman, President, Global Career Compass, October 1 2012
Preparing “Global-Ready” Students
• Future of work & career will not look like what it is today
• Globalization will continue to impact Zimbabwe and alter regional economic life
• Student mobility for education & work will continue to offer promise and challenges
• Students need to consider implications of choices in light of changing regional
economic conditions
• Necessity of acting with purpose & intention
• New language skills: Portuguese, French
L. Hill reviewed Jan 2019

Source; Martin Tillman, President, Global Career Compass, October 1 2012

Develop your competitive

Global Perspectives course develops;

Research report writing skills
Presentation skills
Analysis skills

Use the opportunity to research an area of

career interest.

L. Hill reviewed Jan 2019

What does that mean for us?
• Don’t just prepare for the ‘next step’- unlikely that your college of choice will
require that you play hockey, or enjoy ....
• ALL education- school-based and otherwise- is of value.
• What will you be doing in 5 years, 10 years, 15 years, 30 years?

L. Hill reviewed Jan 2019

• Talk by Martin Tillman, President, Global Career Compass, October 1 2012,
US Public Affairs Offices, Harare.
• p165, Job Transition Guide, Johns Hopkins University
• Try something new for 30 days- TED Talk http://
• 8 secrets of success- TED Talk
L. Hill reviewed Jan 2019
What to watch now

L. Hill reviewed Jan 2019

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