Jewish Americans

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Jewish Americans

A look at Background/origin Important dates and


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NO one knows for sure when the first Jews arrived in
North America (Hertzberg,1997).

Is thought that some of the early “new Christians “ Jews who

had been forced into conversion to Christianity arrived in
Mexico as early as the 1500s with Spanish conquistadors
(Hertzberg, 1997).
Background/Origin It is thought that some of the first friers to cross the Rio
Grande into the Present-day Untied states southwest may
have been “Marranos” Or crypto Jews who practiced
Judaism in secret
Hertzberg, 1997).
of the early Groups in Mexico and the southwest
where middle class or nobility fleeing persecution or
false claims of being Jews many had already
abandoned the practice and embraced Christianity
(Hertzberg, 1997).
• In September of 1654 23 Jewish refuges
landed in New Amsterdam the southern tip of
modern-day Manhattan New York
(Hertzberg, 1997)..
• The arrival was not a welcomed one and the
idea of 23 Jews bothered the then governor
(Hertzberg, 1997).

The Atlantic
• The colony was owned by the Dutch west
India company (Hertzberg, 1997).
• Many want to push the Jews out of the area,
yet the company wanted to grant them the

opportunity to stay and have them learn to
farm. Grain which at present was imported
from Holland (Hertzberg, 1997).
• The governor petitioned the company and in
April of 1655 received a letter outlining how
these Jewish had fled south America and that
the company was sending 5 wealthy jewish
families to assist in trade and to look after the
poor families who had arrived. New
Amsterdam was opened to Jews (Hertzberg,
Expanding influance
By 1655 with the arrival of the wealth families
in New Amsterdam the Jewish settlers began to In 1661 Asser levy Became the first Jew to
expand into the trade of tobacco and furs along
the Delaware river and north into what is own a home in America (Hertzberg, 1997).
present day Albany (Hertzberg, 1997).
1655 1661

1656 and early 1657

In 1656 and early 1657 Jewish traders had
begun to branch out and conduct business in the
English colonies such as Maryland (Hertzberg,
Jewish arrival in
• Jewish emigrants arrived in Nevada in 1859 when the Comstock lode
gold vain was discovered and the 1862 silver rush near Virginia city
began (American-Israeli cooperative Enterprise, 2021).
• Many of the early Jews brought skills that where needed such as
engineering, lawyers, doctors ,and storekeepers. Yet others were
looking for their fortunes in the mines (American-Israeli cooperative Enterprise,

• The first Jewish worship services were held in Carson city in 1869
(American-Israeli cooperative Enterprise, 2021).
• The oldest Jewish permanent settlement is in Reno (American-Israeli
cooperative Enterprise, 2021).

• Carson City contains the historic Bonanza days Jewish cemetery

(American-Israeli cooperative Enterprise, 2021).

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• As of 2020 the Jewish population in the united states is 7,135,065
2.2% of population of the united states (American-Israeli cooperative Enterprise, 2021).

The largest concentration of Jewish Americans is in New York, Newark,

Jersey city areas of NY,NJ,PA (American-Israeli cooperative Enterprise, 2021).

Area Population 19,216,182 Jewish population 2,109,300 11% of the

total (American-Israeli cooperative Enterprise, 2021).
In the current congress session 38 Jewish Americans are among the
delegates 28 in the house and 10 in the senate (American-Israeli cooperative Enterprise, 2021).
• As of 2020 Nevada has 76,300 Jewish American
citizens(American-Israeli cooperative Enterprise, 2021).
• This represents 2.5% of the state
population(American-Israeli cooperative Enterprise, 2021).
• The majority of Jewish Americans in Nevada
arrived between 1980 and 2020 59,100( American-
Israeli cooperative Enterprise, 2021).

• The current session of congress has a Jewish

American representing Nevada ( Jacky Rosen)
(American-Israeli cooperative Enterprise, 2021).

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Important dates/Holidays
• Passover: A seven- or Eight-day celebration starting on a full moon in April, Most
years it falls over easter. Depending on how strictly the person follows the Jewish
faith some people choose to not work and avoid travel and give up eating items
made of grain. It is important to remember that in most cases the observance starts
at sundown the night before it is on the calendar (Rich, 2020).
• Yom Kippur: Is the Jewish day of atonement. Marked by a 25 hour fast and
repentance and reconciliation with the creator for the wrongs of the last year.
Usually falls in late September or early October. This is the busies day of the year
for synagogues. Most Jews expect nonbelievers to be aware of this day and avoid
scheduling major events and activities. Begins at sundown the day before (Rich,
• Rosh Hashanah: The Jewish new year a time to reflect on the past year and make
resolutions for the new year also a time to prepare for Yom Kipper. Last for one to
two days and is between labor day and Columbus day. Many Jews may only attend
synagogue on this day all year. It is expected for nonbelievers to be aware of this
day and avoid scheduling things. Begins sundown the night before (Rich, 2020).
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Bar mitsva/Bat mitsva
• On a boy's 13th birthday involves many religious ceremonies
and readings from holy books It is the time a boy is considered a
man and can now lead the congregation in prayers and
ceremonies (Live Kabbalah, 2019).
• For girls this takes place on the 12th birthday. Since they
have no role in ceremonies of prayer there is no official
ritual to be followed (Live Kabbalah, 2019).
• For both sexes this is seen as a day and age from which they
now have influence and power over the destiny of there life
(Live Kabbalah, 2019).

• The large celebrations are a relatively new custom of Jewish

tradition (Live Kabbalah, 2019).

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Milton Badt
•Milton Badt was born in 1884 to one of the pioneering
families to settle in wells Nevada in Elko county.. His
family was involved in banking, mercantile and cattle.
Milton was one of eight children. He attended school in
Nevada and California. He attended the university of
California at the time of the 1906 fire and earthquake.
After completing his study of law at the Hastings law
school he moved back to Elko county and practiced law.
He took an active interest in cases involving irrigation,
mining, Livestock and Indian claims. In 1947 he
became a district judge in Elko county. In that same
year, a vacancy in the state supreme court opened and
he was appointed to the position of associate justice. A
position he held until his death in April of 1966(Glass,
Oscar goodman
•Was born in Philadelphia Pennsylvania. He received a law
degree from the university of Pennsylvania law school in 1964
that same year he moved to las Vegas and in 1965 was admitted
into the Nevada state bar. He spent 1966 and 67 as the chief
deputy public defender of Clark county. Most notably he was
known for his 35 years defending alleged mob figures like
Franky Rosenthal. In 1999 he was elected Mayor of Las Vegas
and served 12 years in that position during which time he led an
economic and cultural development plan of the downtown areas
including the arts district and union hall. With his assistance the
mob museum was opened in the downtown area, and he is
widely seen as the ambassador of las Vegas.
•(Southern Nevada Jewish heritage project UNLV university libraries, 2015).

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Works citied
American-Israeli cooperative Enterprise. (2021). Virtual Jewish world: Nevada, united states.
American-Israeli cooperative Enterprise. (2021) . Population in the united states by state (1899-present).
Glass, M. (2014, November 17). Milton Badt: oral History. One Nevada Encyclopedia.
Hertzberg, A. (1997). The Jews in America: Four centuries of an uneasy encounter: a history. Columbia University Press. ws+in+america&ots

Live Kabbalah. (2019). Bar Mitsva

Works cited
Rich, T. (2020). A Gentiles guide to Jewish Holidays. Judaism 101.
Southern Nevada Jewish Heritage Project UNLV University Libraries.
(2015). Oscar Goodman. .

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