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Digital Logic & Design

Lecture 03

 Number System Conversion

 Sum-of-Weights for converting to decimal

 Repeated division for converting from decimal

 Binary Arithmetic
 Similar to Decimal Arithmetic

 Multiplying by a constant by shifting left

 Dividing by a constant by shifting right


 Representing Numbers
 Unsigned

 Signed Magnitude

 2’s Complement
2’s Complement form

 1’s complement form

 2’s complement form

Binary number 01101 (13)

1’s complement 10010
+ 1
2’s complement 10011 (-13)
Addition and Subtraction with 2’s

0101 +5 0101 +5
0010 +2 1110 -2
0111 +7 10011 +3

1011 -5 1011 -5
1110 -2 0010 +2
11001 -7 1101 -3
Addition and Subtraction
2’s complement vs. Signed
2’s Complement Signed Binary
0101 +5 0101 +5
0010 +2 0010 +2
0111 +7 0111 +7

1011 -5 1101 -5
1110 -2 1010 -2
11001 -7 10111 -7
Addition and Subtraction
2’complement vs. Signed

0101 +5 0101 +5
1110 -2 1010 -2
10011 +3 1111 +3

1011 -5 1101 -5
0010 +2 0010 +2
1101 -3 1111 -3
Range of Numbers

 Unsigned
 Positive Numbers Only (0 to 7)

 3-bit

 Signed Magnitude
 Positive & Negative Numbers (-7 to 7)

 4-bit

 2’s Complement
 Positive & Negative Numbers (-8 to 7)

 4-bit
Range & Overflow

 2 + 7 using 3-bit unsigned binary?

 9 overflow?
 2 – 7?
 Can not represent -7 in unsigned binary
Range and Overflow

1011 -5
1101 -3
11000 -8

1011 -5 0101 +5
1100 -4 0100 +4
10111 -9 1001 +9
Range of Binary Numbers

 Processors can handle 64-bit unsigned binary

 Maximum unsigned decimal number is 18.446 x
 How to represent larger numbers?
 How to represent very small numbers?
 How to represent numbers with integer part and
fraction part?
Floating Point Representation38

 32-bit Floating Point Representation

 ANSI/IEEE Standard 754 defines
 32-bit Single-Precision Floating Point
 Sign Bit 1
 Exponent Bits 8
 Mantissa Bits 23

 64-bit Double-Precision Floating Point

Floating Point Format

 15 digit decimal number format

 Sign digit 1
 Exponent digits 2
 Mantissa digits 12

 6918.3125 = 6.9183125 x 103

 Magnitude 69183125
 Exponent 3
Floating Point Format

 Normalized form 0.69183125 x 104

 Magnitude 69183125
 Exponent 4

+ 0 4 6 9 1 8 3 1 2 5 0 0 0 0

 Max Number 0.999,999,999,999 x 1099

 No negative exponent
Floating Point Format

 Option I
 Increase exponent field to 3 digits

 1099 to 10-99

 Option II
 Biased 50 Exponent

 add 50 1049 → 99 10-50 → 0

Floating Point Format

 Zero ?
+/- x x 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

 Infinity (∞) ?
Floating Point Format

 Allow 1048 → 98 10-49 → 1

 Exponent 99 → ∞
 Exponent 0 → 0

 Decrease Bias to 49
 1049 → 98 10-48 → 1
 Exponent 99 → ∞

 Exponent 0 → 0
Single-Precision F.P. format
 Representing 6918.3125
 6918.3125 = 1101100000110.01012
 Normalized form
 1.1011000001100101 x 212
 S=0
 E = 10001011 (127 + 12 = 139)
 M = 10,110,000,011,001,010,000,000
 Hidden 1
Floating Point Numbers
+1.101 x 25 S=0 Exponent=10000100
Mantissa 101 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
-1.01011 x 2-126 S=1 Exponent=00000001
Mantissa 010 1100 0000 0000 0000 0000
0 S=0 Exponent=00000000
Mantissa 000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
∞ S=0 Exponent=11111111
Mantissa 000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
Hexadecimal Number System
 Base 16
 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F
 Representing Binary in compact form
 1101100000110 = 1B06 H
Counting in Hexadecimal
Decimal Binary Hexadecimal Decimal Binary Hexadecimal

0 0000 0 8 1000 8
1 0001 1 9 1001 9
2 0010 2 10 1010 A
3 0011 3 11 1011 B
4 0100 4 12 1100 C
5 0101 5 13 1101 D
6 0110 6 14 1110 E
7 0111 7 15 1111 F
Counting in Hexadecimal

Decimal Hexa- Decimal Hexa- Decimal Hexa-

Decimal Decimal Decimal
16 10 24 18 32 20
17 11 25 19 33 21
18 12 26 1A 34 22
19 13 27 1B 35 23
20 14 28 1C 36 24
21 15 29 1D 37 25
22 16 30 1E 38 26
23 17 31 1F 39 27
Binary-Hexadecimal Conversion
 Binary to Hexadecimal Conversion
 11010110101110010110

 1101 0110 1011 1001 0110

 D 6 B 9 6
 Hexadecimal to Binary Conversion
 FD13
 1111 1101 0001 0011
Decimal-Hexadecimal Conversion
 Decimal to Hexadecimal Conversion
 Indirect Method
 Decimal →Binary → Hexadecimal

 Repeated Division by 16
Decimal-Hexadecimal Conversion
 Hexadecimal to Decimal Conversion
 Indirect Method
 Hexadecimal →Binary → Decimal

 Sum-of-Weights
Hexadecimal Addition & Subtraction
 Hexadecimal Addition
 Carry generated

 Hexadecimal Subtraction
 Borrow weight 16
Repeated Division by 16

Number Quotient Remainder

2096 131 0

131 8 3

8 0 8

(C x 163) + (A x 162) + (0 x 161) + (2 x 160)
(12 x 163) + (10 x 162) + (0 x 161) + (2 x 160)
(12 x 4096) + (10 x 256) + (0 x 16) + (2 x 1)
49152 + 2560 + 0 + 2
Hexadecimal Addition

Carry 1
2AC6 6+5=11d Bh
+ 92B5 C+B=23d 17h
BD7B A+2+1=13d Dh
2+9=11d Bh
Hexadecimal Subtraction

Borrow 111
92B5 21-6=15d Fh
- 2AC6 26-C=14d Eh
67EF 17-A=7d 7h
8-2=6d 6h
Octal Number System
 Base 8
 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
 Representing Binary in compact form
 1101100000110 = 15406
2 8
Counting in Octal

Decimal Binary Octal

0 000 0
1 001 1
2 010 2
3 011 3
4 100 4
5 101 5
6 110 6
7 111 7
Counting in Octal
Decimal Octal Decimal Octal Decimal Octal
8 10 16 20 24 30
9 11 17 21 25 31
10 12 18 22 26 32
11 13 19 23 27 33
12 14 20 24 28 34
13 15 21 25 29 35
14 16 22 26 30 36
15 17 23 27 31 37
Binary-Octal Conversion
 Binary to Octal Conversion
 11010110101110010110

 011 010 110 101 110 010 110

 3 2 6 5 6 2 6
 Octal to Binary Conversion
 1726
 001 111 010 110
Decimal-Octal Conversion
 Decimal to Octal Conversion
 Indirect Method
 Decimal →Binary → Octal

 Repeated Division by 8
Decimal-Octal Conversion
 Octal to Decimal Conversion
 Indirect Method
 Octal →Binary → Decimal

 Sum-of-Weights
Octal Addition & Subtraction
 Octal Addition
 Carry generated

 Octal Subtraction
 Borrow weight 8
Repeated Division by 8

Number Quotient Remainder

2075 259 3 (O0)
259 32 3 (O1)
8 4 0 (O2)
4 0 4 (O3)

(4 x 83) + (0 x 82) + (3 x 81) + (3 x 80)
(4 x 512) + (0 x 64) + (3 x 8) + (3 x 1)
2048 + 0 + 24 + 3
Octal Addition

Carry 1
7602 2+1=3d 3O
+ 5771 0+7=7d 7O
15573 6+7=13d 15O
1+7+5=13d 15O
Octal Subtraction

Borrow 11
7602 2-1=1d 1O
- 5771 8-7=1d 1O
1611 13-7=6d 6O
6-5=1d 1O
Alternate Representations
 BCD Code
 BCD Addition

 Gray Code
Alternate Representations
 BCD (Binary Coded Decimal) Code

Decimal BCD Decimal BCD

0 0000 5 0101
1 0001 6 0110
2 0010 7 0111
3 0011 8 1000
4 0100 9 1001
BCD Addition
 Multi-digit BCD numbers can be added together
23 0010 0011
45 0100 0101
68 0110 1000

23 0010 0011
48 0100 1000
71 0110 1011
 1011 is illegal BCD number
BCD Addition
 Add a 0110 (6) to an invalid BCD number
 Carry added to the most significant BCD digit

23 0010 0011
48 0100 1000
71 0110 1011
0111 0001
Gray Code
 Binary Code more than 1 bit change
 Electromechanical applications of digital
systems restrict bit change to 1
 Shaft encoders

 Braking Systems

 Un-Weighted Code
Gray Code

Decimal Gray Binary

0 0000 0000
1 0001 0001
2 0011 0010
3 0010 0011
4 0110 0100
5 0111 0101
6 0101 0110
7 0100 0111
Gray Code Application


Binary Gray Code

Alphanumeric Code
 Numbers, Characters, Symbols
 ASCII 7-bit Code
 American Standard Code for Information
 10 Numbers (0-9)
 26 Lower Case Characters (a-z)
 26 Upper Case Characters (A-Z)
 Punctuation and Symbols
 32 Control Characters
 Numbers 0 to 9
 ASCII 0110000 (30h) to 0111001 (39h)
 Alphabets a to z
 ASCII 1100001 (61h) to 1111010 (7Ah)
 Alphabets A to Z
 ASCII 1000001 (41h) to 1011010 (5Ah)
 Control Characters
 ASCII 0000000 (0h) to 0011111 (1Fh)
Alphanumeric Code
 Extended ASCII 8-bit Code
 Additional 128 Graphic characters
 Unicode 16-bit Code
Error Detection
 Digital Systems are very Reliable
 Errors during storage or transmission
 Parity Bit
 Even Parity

 Odd Parity
Odd Parity Error Detection
 Original data 10011010
 With Odd Parity 110011010
 1-bit error 110111010
 Number of 1s even indicates 1-bit error
 2-bit error 110110010
 Number of 1s odd no error indicated
 3-bit error 100110010
 Number of 1s even indicates error
 2’s Complement
 Range and Overflow
 Floating Point representation
 Hexadecimal Number System
 Binary-Hexadecimal Conversion

 Decimal-Hexadecimal Conversion

 Octal Number System

 Binary-Octal Conversion

 Decimal-Octal Conversion
 Alternate Representations
 BCD Code

 Gray Code

 Alphanumeric Codes
 Error Detection
 Parity Bit

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