Monthly Financial Review 25 Apr 2019 Proposed Rev2 - Engineering

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5 Engineers
4 Drafters
1 Doc Control
1 Manager

Head Office:
4 Engineers
1 Drafter
1 Manager

No Tools Descriptions
1 STAAD Pro (Licensed) Steel structure analysis, Finite Element analysis
for Plate and solid
2 PV Elite (Licensed) Pressure vessel, Heat Exchanger stress
3 Tank (Licensed) Tank Design
4 Cadworx (Licensed) 3D modeling, pipe isometric generation
5 Autopipe Vessel (Licensed) Pressure vessel, Heat Exchanger stress
6 Autocad (Licensed) 2D and 3D Drawings
7 Rectangular Tank Calc Excel spreadsheet
8 Tank API 650 Excel spreadsheet
9 Lifting Lug Calc Excel spreadsheet
10 Vessel ASME Sec VIII Excel spreadsheet
11 Piping strength Calc based on Excel spreadsheet
ASME B31.3, B31.4, B31.8
12 Pig Launcher Design Excel spreadsheet
Manufacturing Engineering Activities - Workshop Cilegon
DATE 21 Mei 2019

Cutt. Profile, List

No. Job No. Customer Description Delivery Time Prosedur Mech Kalkulasi Drawing Packing Style NDE Map MRL Mat'l PR Mat'l Keterangan
& Plan
1 S - 18179 PT. Yusonda 8 units Pressure Vessel 2 bulan setelah mat'l On Progress By Customer By Customer Belum dikerjakan Belum dikerjakan Belum dikerjakan Belum dikerjakan Belum dikerjakan 1. Mat'l by PT. Yusonda
datang By Luhur

2 S - 19025 TPSC Engineering 2 units Tower & 1 unit Beam 31-Jul-19 Belum dikerjakan N/A On Progress On Progress Belum dikerjakan N/A On Progress On Progress 1. Rencana submit ke TPSC 22 Mei 2019
32 units Anchor Bolts By Syamsudin By Arifudin By Furqon By Syamsudin By Furqon 2. PR Anchor Bolt Release

3 S - 19041 JGC Engineering Platform & Additional 20-Jun-19 On Progress On Progress On Progress On Progress Belum dikerjakan On Progress On Progress On Progress 1. Ada masalah pengadaan UNP 380x100x13x20
Nozzle 6" & 10" By Luhur By Rafki By Absori By Absori By Furqon By Furqon By Furqon By Furqon 2. Approval RPE (ASME VIII Div. 2) baru PR

4 S - 19055 PT. Asahimas 1 unit Tank VE-2212 31-Jul-19 On Progress On Progress On Progress On Progress Belum dikerjakan On Progress On Progress On Progress 1. Kalkulasi, Drawing dan NDE Map review by ASC
By Luhur By Rafki By Absori By Absori By Furqon By Furqon By Absori By Furqon 2. Main Material sudah datang

5 S - 19067 PT. Chandra Asri 1 unit Potable Diesel Tank 30-Jun-19 On Progress On Progress On Progress On Progress On Progress On Progress On Progress On Progress
By Luhur By Rafki By Absori By Absori By Arifudin By Arifudin By Absori By Furqon

6 S - 19068 PT. Profluid 1 unit Glycol Particulate Filter 16-Sep-19 Belum dikerjakan Belum dikerjakan Belum dikerjakan Belum dikerjakan Belum dikerjakan Belum dikerjakan Belum dikerjakan Belum dikerjakan 1. Handover dari Marketing 20 Mei 2019
1 unit Glycol Charcoal Filter

7 S - 19070 PT, Hasakona Combustion Chamber 15-Jul-19 On Progress N/A N/A On Progress On Progress On Progress N/A N/A 1. Kalkulasi, Drawing dan Mat'l by Hasakona
By Luhur By Furqon By Furqon By Furqon

8 S - 19073 PT. Chandra Asri 1 unit Mixer Hopper 30-Jun-19 On Progress On Progress On Progress On Progress On Progress On Progress On Progress On Progress
By Luhur By Rafki By Absori By Absori By Arifudin By Arifudin By Absori By Furqon

9 S - 19075 PT. Catur Elang Perkasa 1 unit Degassing Boot 8-Aug-19 On Progress On Progress On Progress On Progress On Progress On Progress On Progress On Progress
1 unit Sump Tank By Luhur By Rafki By Absori By Furqon By Furqon By Furqon By Absori By Furqon

10 S - 19081 Konsorsium RBE & 1 unit Metering Package 28-Jun-19 On Progress By Customer By Customer Belum dikerjakan Belum dikerjakan Belum dikerjakan Belum dikerjakan Belum dikerjakan 1. Drawing Skid detail By Multifab
PT. Yuan Sejati By Luhur

11 S - 19082 Rekayasa Energi Bersama 2 units Filter Housing 28-Jun-19 On Progress On Progress On Progress On Progress On Progress On Progress On Progress On Progress
1 unit Daily Tank By Luhur By Rafki By Absori By Furqon By Furqon By Furqon By Absori By Furqon

12 S - 19087 Rekayasa Energi Bersama 1 unit Instrument Air Receiver 27-Jul-19 On Progress On Progress On Progress On Progress On Progress On Progress On Progress On Progress 1. Status Drawing Minor Comment
By Luhur By Rafki By Absori By Arifudin By Arifudin By Arifudin By Absori By Furqon 2. Material Due Date 29 Mei 2019

13 S - 19090 PT. Asahimas Piping Work Building (1 Line) 31-Aug-19 On Progress N/A On Progress Belum dikerjakan Belum dikerjakan Belum dikerjakan Belum dikerjakan Belum dikerjakan
Piping Work Building (3 Lines) 30-Sep-19 By Luhur By Absori

14 S - 19098 PT. Asahimas Rain Cover FU - 5851 30-Jun-19 On Progress On Progress On Progress On Progress On Progress On Progress On Progress On Progress 1. Fabrikasi sudah dimulai
By Luhur By Rafki By Absori By Arifudin By Arifudin By Arifudin By Absori By Furqon

15 S - 19099 PT. CABOT Indonesia Shell Body CL-1 & Platform 28-Jun-19 On Progress N/A Belum dikerjakan Belum dikerjakan Belum dikerjakan Belum dikerjakan On Progress Belum dikerjakan
Shell Body CL-2 & Platform 7-Jul-19 By Luhur By Furqon

16 S - 19100 PT. CABOT Indonesia CL-1 Inline Coil 28-Jun-19 On Progress N/A On Progress On Progress On Progress On Progress N/A N/A 1. On Progress WPS baru dan Tes Welder
By Luhur By Syamsudin By Syamsudin By Syamsudin By Arifudin

17 S - 19101 PT. CABOT Indonesia Feed Stock CL-1 Inline Coil 28-Jun-19 On Progress N/A Belum dikerjakan Belum dikerjakan Belum dikerjakan Belum dikerjakan On Progress On Progress
By Luhur By Syamsudin By Furqon
Project/ Proposal Project Name/ Description Activities By Status Issue
Fabrication Proposal Pressure Vessel Indo turbin Musi Project Mechanical Calculation Yere 100%
Fabrication Proposal Sulfuric acid & Receiver Tank for Ashahimas Mechanical Calculation Yere 100%
Fabrication Project Production separator Mechanical Calculation Yere 100%
Water Treatment Package_Fabrication for Vessel &
Fabrication etc_MULTIFAB//JIRAK PROJECT Mechanical Calculation Yere 100%
Connical bottom , Finite Element Analysis
Mechanical Calculation Bayu 100% needed during project execution
Weight summary Bayu 100%
Technical specification review Bayu 100%
Fabrication Proposal Additive storage tank for PT. Federal
need to be discussed with Construction team,
Foundation Design Tosin 0% soil test data provided by PT Federal
GA drawing Dedi 100%
Technical Spec review Bayu, Didik
Waste heat boiler for REKIND Pertamina Jambaran-
Fabrication Tiung Biru Project Mechanical Calculation Yere 100%

2 units Head Exchanger with diferent design for Mechanical Calculation Bayu 100%
Fabrication Proposal
Ophir Commented by Ophir on the flow velocity,
Process Calc Olive 80% give feedback to ophir by 210519

Project/ Proposal Project Name/ Description Activities By Status Issue
Mechanical Calc for LP, IP suction scrubber,
and Instriment air reciever Yere 100%
Vessel MTO for LP, IP suction scrubber, and
Instriment air reciever Yere 100%
Pipe and fitting MTO for LP, IP suction
scrubber, and Instriment air reciever Dedi 100%
Instrument MTO for LP, IP suction scrubber,
and Instriment air reciever Olive 100%
Valve MTO for LP, IP suction scrubber, and
Instriment air reciever Bayu 100%
Mechanical Datasheet for LP, IP suction
Pembangunan Fasilitas Pendukung Compressor scrubber, and Instrument air reciever Yere 100%
Fabrication Proposal
C/W Gas Engine di NFG CMB Field Jati Barang RFQ to Instrument suppliers Olive 100%
RFQ to Valve suppliers Bayu 100%
GA drawing for LP, IP suction scrubber, and
Instriment air reciever Dedi 100%
Mechanical Calc for Fuel Gas scrubber Yere 100%
Vessel MTO for Fuel Gas scrubber Yere 100%
Pipe and fitting MTO for Fuel Gas scrubber Dedi 100%
Instrument MTO for Fuel Gas scrubber Olive 50%
Valve MTO for Fuel Gas scrubber Bayu 100%
Mechanical Datasheet for Fuel Gas scrubber Yere 100%
GA Drawing Dedi 100%
Technical Bid Evaluation form Yere 100%
Project/ Proposal Project Name/ Description Activities By Status Issue
Mechanical calculation should be done by
to design & supply Atmospheric Flash Tank for using Finite element analysis, we used STAAD
Fabrication Proposal
Muara Laboh Project for Rekind Mechanical Calculation Yere 100% Pro Software
MTO Yere 100%
RFQ and Technical Review to Piping and fitting
supplier Mujiyanto 30%
RFQ & Technical Review to Valve supplier Bayu 50%
RFQ & Technical review to Instrumentation
Fabrication Proposal Waesano Infrastructure Construction & Support
supplier Olive 0%
RFQ & Technical review to Water treatment
Tank supplier Yere 50%
Equipment Cost Summary Bayu 0%

Separator Vertical Webre Cyclone for Pertamina Mechanical calculation Bayu 100%
Fabrication Proposal
geothermal lahendong GA drawing Dedi 100%
MTO Bayu 100%
Process Calc Olive 100% Pressure drop concern from customer
Fabrication Proposal Suction scruber for Gamma Energy Persada Mechanical Calculation Yere 0%
MTO Yere 0%

Intercondenser for STAR Energy geothermal Mechanical Calculation Yere 100%

Fabrication Proposal
Gunung Salak MTO Yere 100%
GA Drawing Dedi 100%

Provision of Inlet Separator & Inlet Filter For Peciko Mechanical Calculation Yere 100%
Fabrication Proposal
8A for PT. PHM MTO Yere 100%
GA Drawing Dedi 100%
Project/ Proposal Project Name/ Description Activities By Status Issue
as requested by Construction team, this
Project project will be handed over to construction
Construction GI Maros Pangkep Project Engineering support Idil team by end of May 2019
Re-bid Upgrade CCCW System PLTU Pangkalan No Bid, Risk on Instalation, long lead item of
Fabrication Susu for PT. IP Pre bid meeting & Site visit Idil 100% tube and tubesheet, performance guarantee
No Bid, Risk on Instalation, long lead item of
Fabrication Upgrade HPH 3 PLTU Pangkalan Susu Pre bid meeting & Site visit Idil 100% tube and tubesheet, performance guarantee
Fire fighting systems Bayu 100%
Construction Project GIS Summarecon
Plumbing (Fresh water and waste water) Bayu 100%
Vendor Documentation and supporting doc for
Construction Supply fitting and Connector for TPSC Eng invoicing Idil 80%
Technical Verification for fire protection
Fabrication RAPP Fire Fighting System for Blending Station systems Bayu 100%
Fire fighting systems Bayu 100%
Construction Project GITET 500 kV MTA & Kembangan
Plumbing (Fresh water and waste water) Bayu 100%
only outline drawing provided by customer,
Project Tower and Beam Gantry for Sulsel Baru for we need to prepare erection drawings and
Fabrication Tosplant Erection drawing review Didik 100% shop drawings
Construction Project 150KV GI Ampel Review Plumbing and fire fighting systems Bayu 100%
MRL for External piping Yere 100% already sent to PM
Re issue for Construction for Instrument Yere 95%
Fabrication Project Skimmer Bolted Tank for MEPI (2 units) Re issue for Construction for Gate valve Yere 95%
Re issue for Construction for Calculation and
data sheet Yere 95%
Update Mechanical Calculation Yere 95%
Fabrication Project Heat Exchanger for Gearindo
Update data sheet Yere 95%
Manhours on April 2019 (HO)

Summary month of Apr-19

Start Date 15-Apr-19
Name of Employee (Engineering) Total
Didik Yeremias Bayu Oliv Dedi Idil Eng
Based on Cost Center
Cost Center Fab 65 80 48 80 72 3 348
Cost Center Const 20 0 32 0 8 79 139
Based on Category
Project 20 18 32 0 8 79 157
Proposal 45 33 40 34 40 0 192
Administration 10 5 0 24 24 0 63
Development 2 8 0 22 0 0 32
Absence 8 16 8 0 8 3 43
People Development
Engineering Sharing Session
No Descriptions Trainer Date Venue
1 Steel structure design by Using STAAD Pro tba TBD TBD
2 Pressure vessel design tba TBD TBD
3 Pipe stress analysis by using autopipe tba TBD TBD
4 Valve selection - TBD TBD
5 Instrumentation & Control selection - TBD TBD
6 Basic of Process Engineering - TBD TBD
7 Finite Element Analysis for Plate and solid by - TBD TBD
using STAAD Pro
8 Basic of Power Plant - TBD TBD
9 Geothermal Power PLant - TBD TBD
10 Biogas Power Plant - TBD TBD
11 Fire fighting systems - TBD TBD
12 Water Treatment Plant - TBD TBD
13 Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya Z-n TBD TBD
14 Mechanical Rotating Equipment - TBD TBD

• We need Licensed HTRI for Process Calculation, considering the following:

• Estimated 1 tender should be run per month, minimum 1 tender have 1
equipment. If 1 equipment run cost is IDR50 Millions for HTRI, means that we
should spend cost per year: 1x1x12xIDR50 Millions = IDR 600 Millions
• Versus we buy 1 software HTRI estimated IDR 500 – 600 Millions
• We need to run HTRI software from Tender Phase

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