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This project is only for educational purpose

and not to harm any personal, company or

whom it may concern, the video doesn't
target any brands or this is just for learning
purpose and university Project

• Group Leader Aisar Kanwal

Writer Awais Riaz
Time Keeper Mudassar Tahir
Member Sajawal Ahmed
Slogan of Company
“Connecting people”
• Nokia was founded in 1865 as a single paper mill. It has found and
• Accomplishment over the course of the years in a range of
industrial sectors including cable, paper products, rubber boots,
tires, televisions and mobile phones
• This company was established by Finnish mining engineer Fredrik
Idestam as a wood pulp mill next to the Tamer koski Rapids in the
southwest of Finland.
• In 1963, it began creating radio phones for the military and crisis
administrations – Nokia's initially introduce broadcast
Entering in Mobile Industry

• In 1981 Nokia launch the Nordic Mobile Telephone

(NMT) service, the world’s first international cellular
network and the first to allow international roaming
• The Finnish enterprise Nokia was the world´s largest
vendor of mobile phones from 1998 to 2012.
Unfortunately, the market share of Nokia is declining
notably as a result of the developing use of smart phones
from competitors like Apple or Samsung running for
example on iOS or Google´s Android operating system
Partnership with Microsoft

• In February 2011, Stephen Elop and Microsoft's

CEO formed a business partnership. Nokia adopted
windows phone as the operating system on its
HMD global founded to create new generation of Nokia-branded mobile phones and

• A new and exciting chapter in the story of Nokia branded phones

begins as HMD Global Oy – the new home of Nokia phones enters the
• HELSINKI, FINLAND – 18 May, 2016 – Nokia-branded mobile
phones and tablets are set to return to the global consumer market,
created by a new company, HMD global Oy (“HMD”). HMD has been
founded to provide a focused, independent home for a full range of
Nokia-branded mobile phones and tablets
• HMD has conditionally agreed to acquire from
Microsoft the rights to use the “Nokia” trademark
on feature phones until 2024, and design rights
relating to Microsoft’s Feature Phone Business. 

• Technical Point of View

• Price Reduction
• Availability and visibility
• Research & Development
• Sales & Marketing
Why Nokia is Fail

• The traditional phones changed to smart phones, but

Nokia did not change accordingly
• Nokia phones did not adapt to change
• Nokia company could not manage with the pace of
the changing technology
• It kept on producing the old version of the phone
• whereas the competitors started to pour in the highly
advanced smart phones

• Nokia should introduce new apps which are only

compatible for nokia
• Nokia should add insurance price i.e. to provide
free repairing services incase of damage
• Nokia should introduce their own software just like
iphone has iOS
Nokia Come Back

• Nokia dominated the cell phone space. But in 2007

when the iPhone emerged out and marked the dawn
of the smartphone age, not even Nokia realized the
major shift that was about to happen. Floundering
for years, Nokia sold off its phone division to
Microsoftp in 2013. The terms of the deal meant
Nokia couldn’t return to the phone business until
the end of 2016.
How Nokia Re-entering

• Nokia can start making or selling its own branded

phones, the Finnish company is not in a hurry to do
so. In fact, it may be a long wait.
• According to Nokia CEO Rajeev Suri, the
company is "not in a hurry". It has been looking for
suitable manufacturing while focusing on its design
expertise and building its brand up again

• Nokia directly trying to make a place in

competition with Leading Brands its prices are
comparatively high then other Chinese mobiles
mobile brands. Nokia still have space in the market
if they come with the low cost and better features
to take place in the market again
Price Comparison
Market Share of mobile
Availability & visibility

• Nokia need to be make visibility of its phone in the

market and make chain of distributors and sellers in
the market to assure its availability
• Visibility brings transparency and builds trust.
• When customer
Research & Development

• Nokia, once the world’s largest vendor of mobile phones, is a

popular Finnish information technology and communications
multinational corporation which provides telecommunication
equipment and services. The mobile phone brand, famous for the
reliability and durability its phones provide, has ruled the mobile
market for many years with its motto ‘connecting people’.
• Recently, the handset division and services of the brand were
acquired by software giant Microsoft and since then Nokia has
released a number of phones under the Windows umbrella.
Without Research and Development.
Lack of Research

• Nokia's biggest problem is not Android and iPhone

but their ability to communicate with the outside
• Another biggest problem of Nokia was to make
right decisions at right time in which they fail and
face a disastrous fall.
Nokia Biggest Mistake

• In the mobile industry, a 14-year lead is

undoubtedly impressive. But Nokia's lead has
gradually declined in the past few years for many
specific reasons. Here's what Nokia did wrong.
• Poor decision making
• Poor models
• Complex software

• Nokia’s biggest threats were Samsung (android)

and iPhone Both of them had wiped out Nokia in
2014 on the other hand China has made exact copy
of several Nokia phones and literally pushing the
phone out of market and cheap and wide range
models from various Smartphone manufacturers
also effect the Nokia’s sale into market.
Competitors of Nokia

• The Nokia target market segment consists of specific

group of customers like various age groups of people who
focuses its marketing efforts. The Nokia target is likely to
have two main reasons; the first is to gain profit and to
make them stable in market and second is to aim at
consumers that need form of communication. For
example, it is targeted mostly at consumers with the age
of 19-39 years old looking for entertainment. It is to
attract them to use this specific brand and to promote
itself in the market.

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