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Map Your

Customer’s Journey

Map Your Customer’s Journey
Answer the questions below for each phase of the customer journey using the target audience
you developed for your selected business

Awareness When is my target most receptive?

James asked his colledge about a video conference software that didn’t spend a
large amount of budget for it. She highly recommended about FocusVu and
website to discover about this software.

Interest How can I relate my product to my target’s needs?

Then, James began to visit website at the first time and was impressed by the user
friendly page and informative content. There, he received that the service are
different from the usually office candy and really wanted to the software. But this
was the first time so he hesitated to purchasing one.

Desire How can I show my target my product really fits in their life?

Afterthat, he received a 20-dollar credit for him to try out the software, through his
personal email. The next day, with that this trial, he was so satified with the
service, compared to others software he used now. This made James finally desired
for purchasing a software of FocusVu as soon as possible.

Conversion How can I get my target to take action?

He followed a few weeks later after trying to services with another softwares, then
he received a coupon for 20% for the first use, free installation and 1 year warranty.
This made James satisfied as a first time purchaser who would look for more very

Advocacy How can I make my target into an advocate?

After Jame received software, he visited the website to weite a feedback and he
continued to received a new discount for the next using. The only thing he was asked
for, is that he should follow the FocusVu on Facebook page. Because Alexandra want
him to be a loyal customers and real advocators for FocusVu. He also recommended
to all his friends using trial video conference software from FocusVu.
Visuals by Designer, Zihan Yang © 2020 Aptly. All rights reserved.

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