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 Internet is the world’s largest computer network, the
network of networks scattered all over the world.
 It was created nearly 25 years ago as a project for the
U.S. Department of Defense.
 Its goal was to create a method for widely separated for
computers to transfer data efficiently even in the event of
nuclear attack.
 Machines on one network can communicate with
machines on other networks and send data, files and
other information back and forth.
 The Internet offers access to data, graphics, sound,
software, text and people through a variety of services
and tools for communication and data exchange:
 File transfer protocol (ftp)
 Electronic mail (email)
 News (USENET or network news)
 Hypertext (WWW)
 The TCP/IP suite of protocols is the set of protocols used
to communicate across the internet.
 TCP and IP were developed by a Department of Defense
(DOD) research project to connect a number different
networks designed by different vendors into a network of
networks (the "Internet").
 The interconnection of networks is known as
internetworking (or an internet).
 Each part of an internet is a sub network (or subnet), and
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and Internet
Protocol (IP) are a pair of protocols that allow one subnet
to communicate with another.
 A protocol is a set of rules that allows the orderly
exchange of information.
 The main characteristics of the TCP protocol are as
 TCP makes it possible to put datagram back in order when coming
from the IP protocol
 TCP enables the data flow to be monitored so as to avoid network
 TCP makes it possible to multiplex data, i.e. so that information
coming from distinct sources (applications for example) on the same
line can be circulated simultaneously.
 Finally, TCP allows communication to be courteously started and
 OSI Protocol Stack:
7. Application -- End user services such as email.

6. Presentation -- Data problems and data

5. Session -- Authentication and authorization
4. Transport -- Guarantee end-to-end delivery of
3. Network -- Packet routing
2. Data Link -- Transmit and receive packets
1. Physical -- The cable or physical connection
 TCP/IP Protocol Stack:

5. Application-- Authentication, compression, and

end user services.
4. Transport -- Handles the flow of data between
systems and provides access to the network for
applications via the (BSD socket library).
3. Network -- Packet routing.
2. Link -- Kernel OS/device driver interface to the
1. Interface -- on the computer.
 TCP/IP is a modified version of OSI model.
 TCP/IP makes the working much more faster as
compared to the OSI.
 The application layer in TCP/IP handles the
responsibilities of layers 5,6, and 7 in the OSI model.
 The transport layer in TCP/IP does not always guarantee
reliable delivery of packets as the transport layer in the
OSI model does. TCP/IP offers an option called UDP
that does not guarantee reliable packet delivery.
 Link Layer :
 PPP - Point to Point Protocol is a form of serial line data
encapsulation that is an improvement over SLIP which provides
serial bi-directional communication. It is much like SLIP but can
support AppleTalk, IPX, TCP/IP, and NetBEUI along with TCP/IP
which is supported by SLIP.
 Ethernet - Ethernet is not really called a protocol. There are also
many types of ethernet. The most common ethernet which is used
to control the handling of data at the lowest layer of the network
model is 802.3 ethernet. 802.3 ethernet provides a means of
encapsulating data frames to be sent between computers. It
specifies how network data collisions are handled along with
hardware addressing of network cards.
 Network Layer:
 ARP - Address Resolution Protocol enables the
packaging of IP data into ethernet packages. It is the
system and messaging protocol that is used to find the
ethernet (hardware) address from a specific IP number.
Without this protocol, the ethernet package could not be
generated from the IP package, because the ethernet
address could not be determined.
 IP - Internet Protocol. Except for ARP and RARP all
protocols' data packets will be packaged into an IP data
packet. IP provides the mechanism to use software to
address and manage data packets being sent to
 Transport Layer:
 TCP - A reliable connection oriented protocol used to
control the management of application level services
between computers. It is used for transport by some
 UDP - An unreliable connection less protocol used to
control the management of application level services
between computers. It is used for transport by some
applications which must provide their own reliability.

 Application Layer:
 FTP - File Transfer Protocol allows file transfer between
two computers with login required. The FTP functions
are used to open, login and close connections, as well as
upload, download, rename, delete, and get information
on files from file servers.
 SMTP - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol is used to
transport mail. Simple Mail Transport Protocol is used on
the internet, it is not a transport layer protocol but is an
application layer protocol.
 HTTP - Hypertext Transfer Protocol is used to transport
HTML pages from web servers to web browsers. The
protocol used to communicate between web servers and
web browser software clients.
 IGP - Interior Gateway Protocol. The name used to
describe the fact that each system on the internet can
choose its own routing protocol. RIP and OSPF are
interior gateway protocols.
 Packaging and Low Level:
 IP - Internet Protocol. IP provides the mechanism to use
software to address and manage data packets being
sent to computers.
 SLIP - Serial Line Internet Protocol. This protocol places
data packets into data frames in preparation for transport
across network hardware media. There is no error
correction, addressing or packet identification. There is
no authentication or negotiation capabilities with SLIP.
SLIP will only support transport of IP packets
 Transport and Basic Functions:
 TCP - A reliable connection oriented protocol used to
control the management of application level services
between computers. It is used for transport by some
 UDP - An unreliable connection less protocol used to
control the management of application level services
between computers.
 Network Management:
 SNMP - Simple Network Management Protocol is used
to manage all types of network elements based on
various data sent and received.
 Mail Protocols:
 SMTP - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol is used to
transport mail. Simple Mail Transport Protocol is used on
the internet, it is not a transport layer protocol but is an
application layer protocol.
 Routing Protocols:
 BGP - Border Gateway Protocol. When two systems are
using BGP, they establish a TCP connection, then send
each other their BGP routing tables. It exchanges
information about reachable networks.
 EGP - Exterior Gateway Protocol is used between
routers of different systems.
 IGP - Interior Gateway Protocol. The name used to
describe the fact that each system on the internet can
choose its own routing protocol.
 The TCP/IP protocol suite has become the de facto
standard for computer communications in today's
networked world.
 The ubiquitous implementation of a specific networking
standard has led to an incredible dependence on the
applications enabled by it.
 Today, we use the TCP/IP protocols and the Internet not
only for entertainment and information, but to conduct
our business by performing transactions, buying and
selling products, and delivering services to customers.

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