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SA/NH/CS'A'/2010 1


Chapter 2,
Authors: Len Bass, Paul, Rick
Page Numbers: 19-45

System description of Acoustic Simulation
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What Software Architecture Is and
What It Isn't
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 What is the nature of the elements?

 What is the significance of separation?
 Do they run on separate processors?
 Do they run at separate times?
 Do the elements consist of processes, programs or both?
 Are they objects, task, functions, processes, distributed programs, …
 What are the responsibilities of the elements?
 What is it they do?
 What is their function in the system?
 What is the significance of the connections?
 Do the connections mean that the elements communicate with each other , control each other , send
data to each other , use each other, invoke each other, share some information hiding secret with each
 What information flows across the mechanism?
 What is the significance of the layout?
 Why is CP on a separate level?
 Does it call the other three?
 Are others not allowed to call?

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Architecture: Definition
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The Software Architecture is a structure or

structures of the system, which comprise
software elements, the externally visible
properties of those elements, and the
relationships between them

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Architecture Definition
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externally visible properties -

assumptions other elements can make of an
element, such as its provided services,
performance characteristics, fault handling,
shared resources usage

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Architecture: Definition – observation
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Architecture defines software elements

 The architecture represents information about how the elements relate to
each other

 An architecture is foremost an abstraction of a system that suppresses details

of elements that do not affect how they use, are used by, relate to, or interact
with other elements.

 Architecture is concerned with the public side of this division

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Architecture: Definition – observation
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Systems can and do comprise more than one structure

 All nontrivial projects are partitioned into implementation

units; these units are given specific responsibilities and are
frequently the basis of work assignments for programming

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Architecture: Definition – observation

Every computing system with software has a software architecture

 Every system can be shown to comprise elements and the relations among

 Unfortunately, an architecture can exist independently of its description or

specification, which raises the importance of architecture documentation and
architecture reconstruction

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Architecture: Definition – observation
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the behavior of each element is part of the


 behavior can be observed from the point of view of

another element.

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Architecture: Definition – observation
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the definition is indifferent as to whether the

architecture for a system is a good one or a bad
 meaning that it will allow or prevent the system
from meeting its behavioral, performance, and life-
cycle requirements.
 We do not accept trial and error as the best way to
choose an architecture for a system

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Other Points of View
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 Architecture is high-level design

 Architecture is the overall structure of the system

 Architecture is the structure of the components of a

program or system, their interrelationships, and the
principles and guidelines governing their design and
evolution over time

 Architecture is components and connectors

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Architectural Patterns
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An architectural pattern is a description of element

and relation types together with a set of
constraints on how they may be used

Set of constraints on an architecture

Example-C/S architecture.

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Reference Models
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 A reference model is a division of functionality

together with data flow between the pieces.
 It is standard decomposition of a known problem into
parts that solves problem cooperatively
 Ex: OSI reference model..

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Reference Architectures
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 A reference architecture is a reference model

mapped onto software elements (that cooperatively
implement the functionality defined in the
reference model) and the data flows between them
 ----
 Reference model divides the functionality.
 A reference architecture is the mapping of that
functionality on to a system decomposition

SA/NH/CS'A'/2010 02/08/2010
Architecture: useful concepts
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Reference Software
architecture architecture


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Why is Software Architecture Important?
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1. Communication among stakeholders

-used as a basis for mutual understanding,
negotiation, compromise, and communication.

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Why is Software Architecture Important?
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2. Early design decisions

Architecture represents earliest set of decisions

about system, they are most difficult to get correct
and the hardest to change the earliest point at which
design decisions can be analyzed

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Why is Software Architecture Important?
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3. Transferable abstractions of a system

Architecture is a relatively small model for how a
system is structured and how its elements work
together – and this is transferable across systems.

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 Each stakeholder of a software system is concerned

with different system characteristics that are
affected by the architecture.

 Architecture provides a common language in which

different concerns can be expressed, negotiated,
and resolved at a level that is intellectually
manageable even for large, complex systems
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 Software architecture represents a system's earliest

set of design decisions.

 These early decisions are the most difficult to get

correct and the hardest to change later in the
development process, and they have the most far-
reaching effects.

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 The Architecture Defines Constraints on Implementation

 The Architecture Dictates Organizational Structure
 The Architecture Inhibits or Enables a System's Quality Attributes
 Performance, Modifiability, Security, Scalability, Reusability
 Predicting System Qualities by Studying the Architecture
 The Architecture Makes It Easier to Reason about and Manage Change
 The Architecture Helps in Evolutionary Prototyping
 The Architecture Enables More Accurate Cost and Schedule Estimates

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 The earlier in the life cycle re-use is applied, the

greater the benefit that can be achieved

 When architectural decisions can be re-used across

multiple systems, all of the early decision
consequences we just described are also

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 Software Product Lines Share a Common

 Systems Can Be Built Using Large, Externally
Developed Elements
 Less Is More: It Pays to Restrict the Vocabulary
of Design Alternatives
 An Architecture Permits Template-Based
 An Architecture Can Be the Basis for Training
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Architectural Structures and Views
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A structure is the set of elements structure-set of


view – It is a representation of logical set of

architecture elements, as written by and read by
system stakeholder.
It consist of representation of a set of elements and
the relations among them

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Architectural Structures
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- module structures
basic elements are modules, they are assigned areas of
functional responsibility, less emphasis on runtime issues

- component-and-connector structures
elements are run-time components (units of computation) and connectors (communication

- allocation structures
shows the relationship between the software elements and the elements in
one or more external environments in which software is created and

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Architectural Structures: Module
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decomposition uses class


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Architectural Structures: Component-and-
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client-server shared data

concurrency process

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Architectural Structures: Allocation
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Work assignment implementation


SA/NH/CS'A'/2010 02/08/2010
Architectural Structures: Module
Software Relations Useful For Reason About
decomposition is a submodule, shares resource allocation, project structuring
secrets with and planning, information hiding,
encapsulation, configuration control
Uses requires the correct extension or extraction of functionality
presence of
layered requires the correct incremental development,
presence of, uses the implementing systems on top of
services of, provides “virtual machines”
abstraction to
class is an instance of, shares in OO – producing rapid almost-alike
access methods of implementations from a common

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Architectural Structures: Component-Connector

Software Relations Useful For Reason About

client-server communicates with, distributed operation,
depends on separation of concerns,
performance, load
process runs concurrently with, may run scheduling, performance
concurrently with, excludes, precedes

concurrency runs on the same logical thread locations where resource

contention exists, where
threads may fork, join,
be created or killed
shared data produces data, consumes data performance, data
integrity, modifiability
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Architectural Structures: Allocation

Software structure Relations Useful For Reason About

deployment allocated to, performance, availability,

migrated to security

implementation stored in configuration control,

integration, test activities

work assignment assigned to project management,

best use of expertise,
management of

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Architectural Structures: which one to choose

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Philippe Krutchten (1995): “four plus one” approach

1. Logical : Elements are key abstractions.
This is module structure.
2. Process : Addresses concurrency and distribution of functionality
It is a component-and-connector structure.
3. Development : This shows the organization of software modules, libraries,
subsystems, and units of development.
- It is allocation structure.
4. Physical : This maps other elements onto processing and communication nodes.
It is an allocation structure.

SA/NH/CS'A'/2010 02/08/2010

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